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Blog Profile - set a different page as front page


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I'm just setting up a new site using the blog profile.  I've used it before for a site that was purely a blog so I'm familiar with all the basic stuff to do with setting it up and all that.

The issue I'm having is that with this site the blog is just a section of the site. So i need the front page to be just a plain basic page (with latest posts/comments in the sidebar, but no posts on the page), and the site will have a few other pages, and then the blog will be accessible via the navigation.  I have already installed the blog profile and have created all the pages I need, including the page I want to use as a the homepage, how do I go about setting this up?


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No problem with that. The issue for me is how to set a particular page as the homepage, regardless of what template it's using. I'm sure the solution is quite simple, but I can't for the life of me figure it out today :(

What about creating template files for the basic website that are separate from the blog ?

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Hi einsteinsboi,

You can move the blog stuff under its own parent, let's say 'blog' and build a the normal website structure around.

Like in this example:


In your homepage template, you can include /site/templates/blog.inc. In this file, you find the functions to render the posts, latest comments etc. For example, render the latest 4 comments:

$comments = findRecentComments(4);
echo renderComments($comments);
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Hi einsteinsboi,

You can move the blog stuff under its own parent, let's say 'blog' and build a the normal website structure around.

Like in this example:

attachicon.gifBildschirmfoto 2013-06-13 um 10.42.59.png

In your homepage template, you can include /site/templates/blog.inc. In this file, you find the functions to render the posts, latest comments etc. For example, render the latest 4 comments:

$comments = findRecentComments(4);
echo renderComments($comments);

Ha! Brilliant! I knew I was missing something simple :)  Works like a charm. Now to go in and throw those latest posts back in my page template. Thank you muchly :)

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