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change of folder, now cant login :(


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Hi Guys,

have a site in a sub-domain /blog/ and moved it out to / and the site works but the admin section wont allow me to login, wondering if this is usual and if there would be any reason for this? I've moved the .htaccess file with the site and checked the password is correct in the database.

Any help would be awesome, thanks

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ok, so can login now but.... the admin section is empty, not displaying anything. mentals.

What admin theme is that? Since that looks like incomplete output, if I saw that screenshot you are seeing, the first thing I would do is CTRL+A (select all) to see if any error messages were present. If there weren't any, then I'd either look at the error log (/site/assets/logs/errors.txt) or enable $config->debug=true; in /site/config.php. Then I'd try again. 

When you say you moved it from /blog/ to /, what specifically did you move (files/directories) and how did you move it? If I were to do that here, this is what I would move:

cd htdocs
mv ./blog/wire ./
mv ./blog/site ./
mv ./blog/index.php ./
mv ./blog/.htaccess ./
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