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I can't remember for sure but I don't think so. I think it has always been injected automatically (as it was meant to be zero-setup from the very beginning) and I wanted to avoid having instructions in my readme that are necessary to make everything work.

Is your problem fixed now?

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2 hours ago, bernhard said:

Is your problem fixed now?

Yes thanks. I think those elements must have dated from the early days of RockFrontend and I never updated that _main.php. So I've re-done it all now as per the latest readme and it all seems fine.

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6 hours ago, gornycreative said:

I'm sure the answer is yes, but... This replaces RockLESS functionality, correct? RockLESS can be replaced/removed since the styles array and vars covers the same ground?

Yes and no. I think the answer to what you mean is yes, but to be precise:Β The LESS module (https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/Less) got some updates some time ago that make RockLESS obsolete. I'll update RockLESS readme, thx!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Happy new year ?Β 

and another rockfrontend question ?Β 

I saw this information in the Latte documentation:Β https://latte.nette.org/en/develop#toc-debugging-and-tracy

Is there an easy way to use this with the Tracy debugger and RockFrontend module?
is it possible to add it here?Β https://github.com/baumrock/RockFrontend/blob/c7ac651f198f6470710b814ec50530b71dcfafb2/RockFrontend.module.php#L1443

When the templates get a bit bigger and more nested, that's definitely interesting ?Β 

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Hi @zoeckΒ thx and same to you! It would have been nice to create a new topic for that question. It's easier for everybody to keep track of it and this thread is already 7 pages long... ?Β 

To your question: I don't know. I've also seen that screenshot and thought it would be great to have, but I don't know if or how that would work. If you find it out I'm happy to add it to the module ?Β 

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HiΒ  @bernhard,

I'm not 100% sure if it's correct to assign it to RockFrontend – today I found a strange one: I'm using a fieldΒ FieldtypeOptions v0.0.2 with value and title as entries. It's config is radios = only single value. I'm used to call it as noted in the api example:

// Ausgabe einer einzelnen Auswahl:
echo '<h2>' . $page->test_options->title . '</h2>';

// Ausgabe mehrerer Auswahlen:
foreach($page->test_options as $item) {
  echo '<li>' . $item->title . '</li>';

Actually it's output is different in context with RockFrontend and its renderLayout() function. One has to use the ->first() call to get the title, otherwise the page-title gets rendered instead. This is the case in any template file, if it's a section.latte or main.php … same thing - please see attached screenshot.

Any ideas what's going on? It's not a big thing, but it took me some time to figure it out and maybe worth fixing it with regard toΒ compatibility.

The field settings:

'test_options' => [
  'label' => 'test-options',
  'flags' => 0,
  'type' => 'FieldtypeOptions',
  'inputfieldClass' => 'InputfieldRadios',
  'optionsLang' => [
    'default' => [
      1 => 'a|ONE',
      2 => 'b|TWO',
      3 => 'c|THREE',


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Hi, that's an interesting one. Could you also check the value in different locations please. Eg in site/ready.php or in _main.php before anything else? Maybe that tells us something. Because I have no idea until now..Β 

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Hi @bernhard, thank you for replying…

echoΒ $page->test_options->title…

  • Β in ready.php works as expected
  • Β in _main.php it gets replaced by page title field, same in main render file latteRenderer.php or any section.latte template file
  • a bd($page->test_options) looks good
  • a bd($page->test_options->title) showsΒ the page title instead
  • a tracy console call echoes correctΒ $page->test_options->title


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Thank you @bernhard!

I can reproduce this behaviour in three of my instances (all are using your awesome modules) – but they all share some boilerplate code of mine… so I won't excludeΒ some mistake on my side.
One fresh install with no custom additions nor using rf or rm has no issues so far. To my excuse, I do the first steps with your modules and custom PageClasses and latte … for me a lot of new stuff to learn – so no stone is left unturned… and maybe i messed up something.

I'll keep a look at it and report back here, if I find anything causing this… hopefully not too embarrassingΒ at the end Β ?.


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17 minutes ago, sz-ligatur said:

I can reproduce this behaviour in three of my instances (all are using your awesome modules)

First of all thx for that and I'm happy to hear thatΒ ?Β 

20 minutes ago, sz-ligatur said:

One fresh install with no custom additions nor using rf or rm has no issues so far.

It would be interesting to add things step by step and see when things start going wrong! Maybe you can share a test project so I can have a look. But I'd appreciate if you can find it yourself of course ??

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aaaah! I have a fixed navbar in my project which acts as an overlay. So your topbar was hidden underneath it.


My only advise would be to increase the z-index of the topbar to a really high value to make sure it will be visible in most of the cases.

I love the mobile toggle option. It would be nice to be able to chose between tablet and phone size.


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13 minutes ago, Stefanowitsch said:

My only advise would be to increase the z-index of the topbar to a really high value to make sure it will be visible in most of the cases.

Or configurable as in the Tracy Bar ?Β 

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Thx to feedback and a good find from @StefanowitschΒ v2.18.0 also copies .css.map files over to the assets folder, which is helpful if you are using one of the postCSS features like rfGrow() or rfShrink()

You are not using them yet? You are missing something! They are so greatΒ ?Β 

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v2.19.0 comes with a new handy javascript snippet that can help, for example, to create to-top-links that slide in after a certain scroll position:



Add/remove class on scroll position

<a href='#' rf-scrollclass='show@300'>Add class "show" at 300px scrollposition</a>

If you have ideas for improvement let me know!

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  • bernhard changed the title to RockFrontend πŸ”₯πŸš€ The Powerful Toolbox for ProcessWire Frontend Development

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