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[SOLVED] Multilanguage configuration field shows always default value and ignores other language values


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Hello @ all,

I have created an inputfield with a configuration field in the backend where you can set a time format for every language (see screenshot below).


As you can see both language values (default and German) have the default value(%R), but I have set different values, which were correctly stored in the DB (see screenshot below):


As you can see the values are '%R' and '%r'.

I have created the configuration inputfield like this:

/** @var InputfieldText $f */
		$languages = $this->wire('languages');
        $f = $this->wire('modules')->get('InputfieldText');
        $f->attr('name+id', 'timeformat');
        $f->label = $this->_('Timeformat on frontend');
        $f->initValue = '%R';//default value
        $f->attr('value', $this->timeformat ? $this->timeformat : '%R');
        if($languages) {
    			$f->useLanguages = true;
    			foreach($languages as $language) {
    				if($language->isDefault()) continue;
    				$f->set("value$language", (string) $this->get("timeformat$language->id"));
        $f->inputType = 'text';
        $f->description = $this->_('Please enter the time format that the times should appear on the frontend in strftime format.');
        $f->notes = sprintf($this->_('For example shows the time as 08:00, as 08:00 AM. You can find more examples at %s.'), '<a href="https://www.php.net/manual/de/function.strftime.php">https://www.php.net/manual/de/function.strftime.php</a>');
        $f->columnWidth = 100;

The important part here is:

if($languages) {
    			$f->useLanguages = true;
    			foreach($languages as $language) {
    				if($language->isDefault()) continue;
    				$f->set("value$language", (string) $this->get("timeformat$language->id"));

I have borrowed the code from the DateTimeInputfield (https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/master/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/InputfieldDatetime.module), but the field values will be always populated with the default value ('%R').

Are I am missing something? Does anyone has experience with multilanguage fields and could help me out?

Thanks in advance.

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