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Chrome Php Logger


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Hello Soma,

forgive my (maybe idiotic) question, but i'm still new at PW and so i would like to report why the module isn't working for me.

i had a 500 server error, cheching the logs i saw a notice explaining that the constant PHP_TUSAGE was already defined, then i remembered...

i use $page to implement widgets and to render a widget in a widget group i foreach-loop it and call $widget->render() on each widget page, so that they use their own simple no-header/no-footer templates files  => this of course makes more than 1 call to ChromePhpLogger::startDebug().

Could it be possible to move start/stop debug elsewhere?

I have recently used debugbar in pw, but in my case i added (inder the $config->debug+superuser condition) manually in my common header footer what was needed to make it work.


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This is just a notice and not an error. It still works.

I just pushed a commit and upped version to 0.0.5


- to remove that notice when rendering pages inside a page.

- fix template object not showing settings and name


- a property "skipChromePhpLogger" you can set to a page object, at runtime before rendering, to skip logging.


$somepage->skipChromePhpLogger = 1
echo $somepage->render(); // will not trigger the logging for $somepage
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Any of you also get "upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream," error and site went down with 502 while trying ChromePhpLogger?

I found out it's a problem with nginx. https://github.com/ccampbell/chromephp/issues/10

I couldn't find a solution but in case anyone else has this, nginx is to blame :/

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