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PW Review


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Good Morning ProcessWIre Community,

PW Review is a website that has a lofty goal of covering ProcessWire on a regular basis.  That may seem like an impossible task, however I believe I'm up to the challenge.

First, this is a strictly non-commercial endeavor and a project I believe in.  This is not Wired Magazine or anything like that.  I'm not a serious programmer or pretending to be one.  My goal is to cover the modules (commercial and non-commercial) that may not get that much press or attention.  I will also be covering modules that maybe you haven't heard about in awhile. There will also be screenshots, information and videos regarding the Commercial modules.

I've been with this community since 2012 and have benefitted tremendously from ProcessWire. So this is my way of giving back, which is important to me.

It's my hope that over time that what I'm doing myself will get some community participation.  One person that I've had nothing but positive support from is Ryan Cramer.  That's enough to keep me going at this for some time.

That's it.  Have a nice day and I hope you find something to like with PW Review.  If not, please send me an email. I'm a great listener.

Best Regards,







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Thanks for bringing this to my attention @szabesz! My favourite:


Popularity has never driven me in anything [...]. It's a different path than other projects might take, but it's also a path that means it's here for the long term. [...] I've been developing ProcessWire since 2006 (and its predecessor since 2003) and my enthusiasm continues to grow every single day. When I've spent 16 years on this project, and it's even more interesting and engaging than when it started, I know this is a lifetime project that I will always be working on.

Best wishes to him, best wishes for ProcessWire and of course best wishes to you @cstevensjr and your project! ? 

PS: @cstevensjr is there a way how we can subscribe to new topics on your site?

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Hi Charles,

I've enjoyed reading the PW Review website over the last couple of days. The interview with Ryan is illuminating, and the technical information and videos are thorough and clear. It's obvious that you've put a lot of time and effort into the site and it will be especially helpful to new PW users. Thanks!

I have a bit of feedback about the appearance of the site. Please take or leave it as you see fit - nothing that follows had any significant impact on the readability of the site.

1. It would be nice to make the header a bit more visual - maybe use the PWR logo in the header to give the site some clearer branding?

2. A favicon would be a nice touch.

3. There seems to be a styling glitch that is pulling the main content to the left on some pages:


I'm not sure what's causing it because I'm not very familiar with Uikit but maybe someone here who is a regular Uikit user will have some advice.

4. Some of the headings are not immediately recognisable as headings. I think this is because the lower-level headings like h5 and h6 are as small or smaller than the body text and use the same weight as the body text. My suggestion would be to use a bold weight for the smaller headings so they are more recognisable as such.

One of your tutorials explains how you modified the Uikit CSS so some headings have different colours:


On this website, I wanted to have one color for the H1, H3, and H5 headers. I wanted another color for the H2, H3 and H6 headers.

IMHO this is not such a good idea because it makes it a harder for the reader to know what is a link/clickable and what is a heading because there isn't a consistent colour to identify headings. True story: the Page Clone article was one of the first pages I read on the site and I clicked the "Related Source Documentation" text because I thought it was a link.



This is all minor stuff. I'm looking forward to reading more as you add new content to the site!


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1 hour ago, Robin S said:

I have a bit of feedback about the appearance of the site. Please take or leave it as you see fit - nothing that follows had any significant impact on the readability of the site.

No problem, thanks for taking the time to comment.  I'm learning as I do this, so I would be remiss to not listen.

2 hours ago, Robin S said:

1. It would be nice to make the header a bit more visual - maybe use the PWR logo in the header to give the site some clearer branding?

2. A favicon would be a nice touch.

3. There seems to be a styling glitch that is pulling the main content to the left on some pages:


I'm not sure what's causing it because I'm not very familiar with Uikit but maybe someone here who is a regular Uikit user will have some advice.

4. Some of the headings are not immediately recognisable as headings. I think this is because the lower-level headings like h5 and h6 are as small or smaller than the body text and use the same weight as the body text. My suggestion would be to use a bold weight for the smaller headings so they are more recognisable as such.

One of your tutorials explains how you modified the Uikit CSS so some headings have different colours:

IMHO this is not such a good idea because it makes it a harder for the reader to know what is a link/clickable and what is a heading because there isn't a consistent colour to identify headings. True story: the Page Clone article was one of the first pages I read on the site and I clicked the "Related Source Documentation" text because I thought it was a link.



This is all minor stuff. I'm looking forward to reading more as you add new content to the site!


1.  I played around with having the PWR image being prominent, at the top, on the bottom and also no image at all.  The logo came about because I needed something on the podcasting host for each episode.  I just ended up reusing that image elsewhere and it became the logo. 

2.  I will make that happen.  Need to add that process to my checklist.

3.  I saw that at the end of putting the website together.  By that time, I was tired and just wanted the website online.  Even though it's a mistake, I smiled and said I would still go with it.  I eventually just looked at it as a reminder that life is not perfect and we sometimes have imperfections that we should be able to live with.  It's on my fix-it list.

4.  You made a good point.  I will put some effort towards getting something in place that works.  The intent was that only the blue colored text would be links or clickable.  I otherwise use buttons for other types of links. 

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3 hours ago, cstevensjr said:

4.  You made a good point.  I will put some effort towards getting something in place that works.  The intent was that only the blue colored text would be links or clickable.  I otherwise use buttons for other types of links. 

Related to links, I would also consider adding an underline – or some other obvious visual feature – to links. It's a little thing, but can make a notable difference in terms of accessibility: colour should never be the only thing separating text elements. Same thing goes for things like menus, i.e. active state shouldn't be communicated using colour alone ?

Keep up the great work! Looking forward to featuring PW Review in the Weekly.

3 hours ago, cstevensjr said:

Even though it's a mistake, I smiled and said I would still go with it.  I eventually just looked at it as a reminder that life is not perfect and we sometimes have imperfections that we should be able to live with.

How I wish that clients would sometimes say this too... ?

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37 minutes ago, teppo said:

Related to links, I would also consider adding an underline – or some other obvious visual feature – to links. It's a little thing, but can make a notable difference in terms of accessibility: colour should never be the only thing separating text elements. Same thing goes for things like menus, i.e. active state shouldn't be communicated using colour alone ?

I do hear everyone and I am extremely grateful for the genuine positive comments that are offered by this community.  I will make a change.

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15 hours ago, cstevensjr said:

3. There seems to be a styling glitch that is pulling the main content to the left on some pages:


Well, that's easy to spot: For some reason there's a margin-left override:

@media (min-width: 1200px) {
  .uk-grid-large {
    margin-left: -70px;

default being -40px

or... make the body background color white ?

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