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Some installation help please


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Hi there,

I cleared the cache down. I dropped the DB and restored it from my fresh local backup. When I tried an load the site, I get the same error as before: Cannot redeclare class FormBuilder ...

I'm stumped.



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So, I downloaded ProcessExportProfile as per apeisa's suggestion. I added it in the modules folder, went into my Admin panel and ran the option to load new modules. To my complete surprise, I got the same error as on the server:

2012-11-14 22:05:43 ? http://localhost:8888/?/ Compile Error Cannot redeclare class FormBuilder (line 22 of /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ProcessWire/site/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilder.module)

So, it seems something is happening locally that is being transmitted to the server. However, this is the first time it has happened and trying to install the module seems to have triggered the problem locally. What's more, I can't even run the application locally without getting the same error.


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Problem solved - hurray !!!! :D

I opened up the local Modules.* cache files in my IDE. One of them listed the following:













I can't believe it. The last time I updated FormBuilder to the latest version, I renamed the original one with an underscore, so, _FormBuilder. This is a habit of mine. Whenever I replace files, I tend to rename the original with an underscore so I can easily go back to it, if I need to.

PW was processing FormBuilder twice! It also choked with the Paginator module that I replaced ages ago with my own version containing some changes that are in the Dev branch. I don't know whether Ryan's changed something recently but I haven't seen any problem with PW inadvertently processing underscore prefixed files until now?

Any way, I'm in business! I went to the remote server and deleted the _FormBuilder folder and the site fired up instantly. It seems that the DB problem was a bit of a red-herring. I'm so pleased!

Thanks to everyone who has offered me advice, tips and support. I really appreciate you guys! Thanks!!!! :)

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I just wanted to write that i sometimes had similar issues i think when tinkering a lot with modules. I figured mostly just a refresh 'check for new modules will throw such an error but delete module cache and is fixed. If not manually delete cache. Glad u figured out what the problem was.

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Congrats! :)

Also, I went through something like the red-herring db problem few days ago, and the result is: always check your db after import, and compare it visually to original one. When there is a problem with DB, ProcessWire won't pick it up (as won't any system), but will fail with first error that happens due to corrupted DB (In my case, it was Sequel Pro export error)

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@adamkiss - thanks for being happy for me! ;)

Yeah, it can be a bit hairy when these things happen and it's nice to know that you have the support of a great team of fellow users to help or just empathise with you. It's great to know you're not alone; a position I've been in the past on many occasions.


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