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How to add a button after determined field on a page edit form?


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I'm coding my first module now. I've just managed to add a button to the page edit form but am not content with its placing. Is there any way to place it just next to the input field? I've marked the desired place with the arrow on the attached screenshot.

My current code:

$this->addHookAfter('ProcessPageEdit::buildFormContent' , $this, 'addButton');

public function addButton($event){

$form = $event->return;

$f =$this->modules->InputfieldSubmit;


$form->insertAfter($f, $form->get("bgg_id"));


"bgg_id" is the name of the targeted field.



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Hook it in your in the inputfield's render's method:

 $this->addHookAfter('InputfieldText::render', $this, 'addButton');

In the addButton method, check for the field's name, so it doesn't render everywhere.

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