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my 2 cents on web.appstorm / tuts+


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I just posted a few lines regarding CMS systems on wep.appstorm / tut+. and I had to tell about my last cms system i my life.. processwire..

Head over, or read my post right here..


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CMS there is many out there, some really nice and fast, and some huge and evil.

A friend of mine told me about my (now) last CMS/CMF system Im going to use..

ProcessWire by Ryan Cramer is a amazing system, with huge possibilities and scaling factor..

The most powerfull thing in it, is that its you that is doing most of the markup, but with the latest release of his formBuilder, even someone with no programming skils, can du amazing webforms.. without coding anyting…

The API reminds a great deal about jQuery, and thats not a bad thing..

But head over to http://processwire.com/ and fork a copy at GitHub.. Its a MUST try.. (and love…)

my 2 cents from the grim north…

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and have a nice sunday..

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3 very good points på Rasmus...

Im thinking about doing a class at work, 10hours maybe, maybe more to teach some youngsters about processwire, atm thay are getting classes in wordpress.. :( title of the class: make your own blog..

more on that later..

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