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Rest-API site profile


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Thank you for the profile. 

I'm trying to move client vue part to another domain. In order to do that, i had to make a few modifications:


to Auth.php:

public static function preflight() 
	return "OK";

to Router.php:

header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type');
  $r->addGroup('/auth', function (\FastRoute\RouteCollector $r)
    $r->addRoute('OPTIONS', '', Auth::class . '@preflight');
  $r->addGroup('/test', function (\FastRoute\RouteCollector $r)
    $r->addRoute('OPTIONS', '', Auth::class . '@preflight');

and change  axios.defaults.baseURL

but after login it stays as "guest" (User logged in: guest)

It seems that it's impossible to use session (wire('session')->login) in that situation.


Could you advice how to pass and re-use, for example, user ID, bypassing processwire session (may be through encoding it with JWT)?






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  On 9/6/2018 at 7:30 AM, nicolant said:

 It seems that it's impossible to use session (wire('session')->login) in that situation. 


while the wire('session')->login() should work for this request, it is likely the session is already destroyed on the next one. For this case it might be feasible to store the user id in the jwt payload (like you suggested). Since I'm going to have this case in an upcoming project, I gave it a try this morning. Please check the following commit for the changes I did: https://github.com/thomasaull/RestApiProfile-Src/commit/2dbdc79aa952bece6926dbee896de0a4f434bb6a

I didn't test it with different domains though, so I'd be thankful if you could report back if it works for you! ?

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Hallo, I wanted to test this site profile and cloned PW 3.0.98 from git. Then cloned the site profile repo and installed PW without any issues. I issued the 2 composer commands to install dependencies.

Environment: Apache with PHP 7.0.29 FPM/FastCGI.

When I try to access api/test, I get the following error


Looks like a namespace issue. I didn't change namespaces on any of the files included in the profile. My config.php is not namespaced.

Does anyone have an idea how I can overcome this?

EDIT: apache_request headers became available under FastCGI since 5.4.0 according to http://php.net/manual/en/function.apache-request-headers.php 
EDIT2: After some more investigation I found https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=70025. So it seems apache_request_headers is still not supported in PHP 7.0 FPM/CGI environment.
I added templates/inc/functions.php with contents of https://gist.github.com/rmpel/11583cfddfcc9705578428e3a2ee3dc1 and added require "{$config->paths->templates}inc/functions.php"; to api.php
This solved the problem :)-

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  On 9/7/2018 at 9:42 AM, thomasaull said:

while the wire('session')->login() should work for this request, it is likely the session is already destroyed on the next one. For this case it might be feasible to store the user id in the jwt payload (like you suggested). Since I'm going to have this case in an upcoming project, I gave it a try this morning. Please check the following commit for the changes I did: https://github.com/thomasaull/RestApiProfile-Src/commit/2dbdc79aa952bece6926dbee896de0a4f434bb6a

I didn't test it with different domains though, so I'd be thankful if you could report back if it works for you! ?


It remembers userId after login, but not on next reload of content, when   if(wire('user')->isGuest())  in Auth.php returns true.

Instead in auth() it should again read userId from token, but since $decoded variable is available only in Router...



It seems that retrieved JWT should be kept in sessionStorage entirely client-side. In order to do that I'd have to use VuexPersist plugin.

I'd have to move setting of authorization header (in my case, axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + this.$store.state.jwt) from mutations.js to Content.vue. Not sure though that it's an elegant way.

I forked your repo with modifications here:



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The auth() and login() functions are usually just used once to login a user and obtain an JWT token. The token is currently stored in vuex and will be lost on reload. The /client folder is also just intended to get you started and give you a general idea how the jwt login process could work. Anyway I think you figured it out by now ?

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  On 9/8/2018 at 10:11 AM, gebeer said:

Hallo, I wanted to test this site profile and cloned PW 3.0.98 from git. Then cloned the site profile repo and installed PW without any issues. I issued the 2 composer commands to install dependencies.

Environment: Apache with PHP 7.0.29 FPM/FastCGI.

When I try to access api/test, I get the following error


Looks like a namespace issue. I didn't change namespaces on any of the files included in the profile. My config.php is not namespaced.

Does anyone have an idea how I can overcome this?

EDIT: apache_request headers became available under FastCGI since 5.4.0 according to http://php.net/manual/en/function.apache-request-headers.php 
EDIT2: After some more investigation I found https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=70025. So it seems apache_request_headers is still not supported in PHP 7.0 FPM/CGI environment.
I added templates/inc/functions.php with contents of https://gist.github.com/rmpel/11583cfddfcc9705578428e3a2ee3dc1 and added require "{$config->paths->templates}inc/functions.php"; to api.php
This solved the problem :)-


@gebeer you can also try to replace apache_request_headers() with $_SERVER which should also work. This way you don't need the any additional functions

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