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Localized User Groups? Or: Some kind of customer assurance?


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I am preparing a quote for a customer for a big website (actually 4 websites of a similar kind). After several years of using MODX, I want to build that site in ProcessWire (of course). The client has no problem with switching the system because he trusts in my judgement. The only thing he fears is what if I am not available anymore (accident, sudden fabulous wealth etc.). While there is a good visibility of MODX folks around even in Germany, ProcessWire is new, is young and the common customer doesn't know it. So how can we convince doubtful people about the reliability of PW, how can we - especially in the local market - form as a network of people using PW which are are able to step in if someone can't handle his project anymore?

I think perhaps we could start forming local user groups, starting with countries, later perhaps even cities / regions. The goal could be a listing of people using PW with a small profile (specialized in Backend, Frontend, contact data, hourly rates etc.) so we can show our customers: "Look, these people are using PW every day. These people can step in if I am not able to manage your project." Some kind of assurance and argument against the opinion that we are using a system no one else does.


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We are building local "marketing site" for PW in Finland. It will introduce all the companies / freelancers who use PW and also show some of the best parts of the system. It will be for people who buy websites, not so much for the people who build websites. Hope we can find time with Teppo to finish that site soon. It would be great to have bunch of local sites.

Btw, symphony has this kind of stuff coming: http://getsymphony.com/discuss/thread/91734/

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I'm interested in this idea as we have a few UK users too. In terms of a list of developers for each country/region with what they can do then as long as people are honest about their abilities then that's fine.

I was thinking what you don't want is a current client to look somewhere else, but then I thought "why shouldn't they be able to shop around?" and then that was okay again in my mind. To be honest, it's only usually an issue with new clients seeking reassurance anyway as current clients are usually happy to trust your judgement.

I like the idea of local "marketing sites" - do you have more details about what you're putting on there Antti? Will you be listing Finnish devs on their too as an additional "these are the companies that work with ProcessWire in Finland" sort of list?

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@Pete - I'd be interested in something like this in UK. I'd love to use PW full-time so, a developer list might be a great way to pick up some business as well as reassure potential PW end-user/customers. Do you work for yourself with PW?


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Something like this might be good? http://director-ee.com/

I also think that the client's concern is more one of proprietary vs. open source. The client is wise to have a real concern if they are dealing with a proprietary software. If they are dealing with an open source PHP software, they are already ahead of the game in terms of insurance. But a network or directory like you guys are talking about can only make things better, so seems like a great idea.

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Something like this might be good? http://director-ee.com/


I also think that the client's concern is more one of proprietary vs. open source. The client is wise to have a real concern if they are dealing with a proprietary software. If they are dealing with an open source PHP software, they are already ahead of the game in terms of insurance.

In my case they are already using open source software (MODX). Their main concern is more the fact that this is a pretty big project with a lot of custom work and they fear that no one else can handle it if I am not able to anymore. I think a directory like the above could reduce this fear, because it shows that there are others who know PW and understand what I have done in this project.

So, okay. Let's build a directory :)

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ryan, a thousand times +1 for something like that Director-ee :D

I know you're not talking about specifics, but I'm not sure about paying 30 to list a job as per that site. I kind of see what they're trying to do there, but it seems a bit steep just to put off "time-wasters" (which is pretty subjective - some people's needs can be very small).

Also their skills matrix doesn't really work when there are apparently over 500 people in the directory who can do EVERYTHING on the skills matrix and are available to work immediately - even just being that talented to be able to do all those things is unlikely. I like the idea of it though, but maybe have a trimmed down version and have people pick a set number of specialisms? Not sure how you could do it and have it so people don't just tick all the boxes to get an enquiry.

I love the idea of that directory though - can anyone think of a similarly amusing name?

@Gazley - I'm doing all new websites in ProcessWire and have converted a large one and some smaller ones to it. I've used MODx before I got into PW last year, and various others including some home-grown before then but this is really a dream come true. Development times are so much shorter, but I tend to shoot myself in the foot a bit by making improvements elsewhere with the spare time, not that that's bad as occasionally I'll release a module or two when something pops into my head :) The only time I wouldn't is for certain e-commerce sites, but for literally EVERYTHING else web-facing I've always been able to confidently say that ProcessWire fits my needs - so far at least.

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I love the idea of that directory though - can anyone think of a similarly amusing name?


? :)

edit: I also think this EE-thing goes beyond what we need here. The number of entries is important, not what everyone thinks he/she is capable at. As Pete said, if there is a search engine for that tags, everyone will try to be listed in the results. At first a simple list, divided into regions is enough and can grow functionally over time.

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I thought of "wired", but I suspect that that may be taken. Slightly. Just a bit :D I'll put my thinking-cap on ;)

Sadly someone's got on Processwired.com... it's like they knew we'd reach that conclusion :(

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I don't know whether it should be something.processwire.com. I can see the benefit of it either way, but I like the idea of it being a separate little island like it is at the one ryan linked to.

Maybe that's just me though.

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@Ryan: No, this is not the right format. Not with knowing what's behind the "professionality" and how to achieve it. Erm.

I think a section on the main site would be great. And for the beginning just a function where developers can register (I would not automatically connect it to the forum) and list them by country (at first). And I would recommend a possibility to describe oneself in two languages if necessary. Plus the usual fields (website, address etc.).

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I like the idea of local "marketing sites" - do you have more details about what you're putting on there Antti? Will you be listing Finnish devs on their too as an additional "these are the companies that work with ProcessWire in Finland" sort of list?

Not totally sure yet, but I think we will list all the companies and freelancers who prove to have released PW sites/apps and are willing to take more work with PW in Finland. We don't want to duplicate on what will be on this site, so if official directory that allows for country filter is available then we probably just link there.

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I think a section on the main site would be great. And for the beginning just a function where developers can register (I would not automatically connect it to the forum) and list them by country (at first). And I would recommend a possibility to describe oneself in two languages if necessary. Plus the usual fields (website, address etc.).

This sounds like a good job for FormBuilder. :) Now I just need to finish the Publish to Pages capability, and it should make an easy job of setting up this directory.

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Please tell us how we can help. Design, markup, whatever!

Thank you for the offer! I figured I could code the back-end of this thing pretty easily once Form Builder has page publishing ability. But I'm still about 2 weeks away from that. If you or anyone else wants to handle the design and/or markup, that would be great, and help to get this moving forward more quickly. Also might be good to look at processwire.net as the wrapper template since it'll be coming into play very soon.

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Also might be good to look at processwire.net as the wrapper template since it'll be coming into play very soon.

Looks very nice! :)

"Active and fiendly community" --> There's a little r missing.. my eyes seem strong today :o

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