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svg Images won't load

Cody Connor

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I am currently working on a website in process wire.  I created an image field and added svg as a valid file extension and could upload a png image and a jpg image but when I try to upload a svg image it is stuck loading at 100%.  I figured out that the image field does not take the extension svg even if I add it as an extension. and I was wondering if their is any way to upload a svg image to an image field in processwire?

I am working with processwire version 3.0.61


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Welcome @Cody Connor,

SVG upload into an image field should work fine, I did it several times. Could it may be your SVG, that you try to upload, that is causing a problem? Could you try this SVG out for example?


Also you could take at look at your developer tools console while uploading if it throws any script error.

Regards, Andreas

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