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GraphQL for ProcessWire


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello !

Thank you for this very nice module @dadish

I'm trying to get the ProField RepeaterMatrix to work based on this fork here by Tulios link.

But I'm having a hard time, struggling for some days deciphering the complex GraphQL architecture and logging everything in the console haha

I really would like to use it like this screenshot below, with fragments for every repeater matrix types.




The main issue I have is I can't find a way to build the list of every possible templates types.

The way RepeaterMatrix works is it is differentiating the types based on the repeater_matrix_type. It doesn't seem to work with templates. I tried to use the constructor `new Template()` to create some based on this property but I don't know where to add this line.

Also should I create a new RepeaterMatrixPageArrayType based on your PageArrayType?

Any chance you would take a look? I know it's a ProField, but if you got some time I would be very grateful

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Hello @Matoseb,

I haven't used any of the pro fields, myself. So I don't know much about them. But conceptually they should be very similar to list of pages.

4 hours ago, Matoseb said:

The way RepeaterMatrix works is it is differentiating the types based on the repeater_matrix_type. It doesn't seem to work with templates. I tried to use the constructor `new Template()` to create some based on this property but I don't know where to add this line.

You should take a closer look what I do in PageType. I create the fields of the page by inspecting it's template. I don't know what kind of API the repeater_matrix_type has, but I suspect similar. But even then, I have a separate type generator for each supported field. If RepeaterMatrix does not use those as underlying FieldType classes, then you'll have to recreate for each of them on your own.

5 hours ago, Matoseb said:

Also should I create a new RepeaterMatrixPageArrayType based on your PageArrayType?

Yes, but the bulk of the work would be implementing the equivalent of PageType that would be responsible for creating types for each repeater_matrix_type. The PageArrayType simply wraps the PageType into an array and adds things like pagination, first item, last item, total count, etc.

5 hours ago, Matoseb said:

Any chance you would take a look? I know it's a ProField, but if you got some time I would be very grateful

Sorry bud. The ProFields are out of the scope of this plugin.

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On 1/2/2022 at 12:55 AM, ngrmm said:

UPDATE: seems it has something to do with my site-settings
I tried it in JS and it works

Glad to see you progressed on this.

On 1/2/2022 at 12:55 AM, ngrmm said:

However when I use /graphql/ as URL i see an object in the console. When I use /processwire/setup/graphql/ I see a json in the console

The /processwire/setup/graphql/ is for internal/admin use only. You should focus on the /graphql/ endpoint.

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Thank you dadish for you infos, that was fast

I'll try again soon!

1 hour ago, dadish said:

I haven't used any of the pro fields, myself. So I don't know much about them. But conceptually they should be very similar to list of pages.

Yes, they are based on the Repeaters. It contains a list of pages of the same template, but with repeater_matrix_type  differentiating the different possible entries.

1 hour ago, dadish said:

I don't know what kind of API the repeater_matrix_type has, but I suspect similar.

The repeater_matrix_type field is a FieldtypeInteger

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Good news !

I managed to add some good support for ProField RepeaterMatrix.

Github link (experimental, use at your own risk!)


  • Only allow possible fields per matrix types in the schema.
  • Add matrix type as names and not as integers. Easier to read.
  • Support for mutations / inputfields.
  • Repeater Depth/Indents -> Need to add feature to FieldTypeRepeater.

However I can't share it as a third party module. You have to insert the php file manually.

This is due to the static method field() {} not being called from a third party module. Feature request? ?

BTW @dadish I couldn't find a way to add invisible types to the Schema during construction. I tried to use the modifySchema hook, but no luck. Could be useful

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  • 1 year later...

What is the best way to avoid naming conflicts when querying Option-Select Field with values starting with numbers, which breaks the Schema. This occures when adding the (options) field in the module config screen for fields to serve.

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  • 4 weeks later...


On 4/18/2023 at 2:28 PM, martind said:

What is the best way to avoid naming conflicts when querying Option-Select Field with values starting with numbers, which breaks the Schema. This occures when adding the (options) field in the module config screen for fields to serve.

Hey @martind,

So I looked into this and it looks like it's not possible. The values for the FieldtypeOptions are described in Enums. The values for the Enums in GraphQL spec should conform to the GraphQL Name. Which must start with a letter and followed by zero or more letters and/or numbers. So an option in the FieldtypeOptions that starts with or only have digits will not compile properly.

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On 5/14/2023 at 8:36 PM, dadish said:


Hey @martind,

So I looked into this and it looks like it's not possible. The values for the FieldtypeOptions are described in Enums. The values for the Enums in GraphQL spec should conform to the GraphQL Name. Which must start with a letter and followed by zero or more letters and/or numbers. So an option in the FieldtypeOptions that starts with or only have digits will not compile properly.

hi dadish,
first of all thank you for this great module, very imposing. I saw the specs, the problem here is, that i have this values and have to provide it over the api for an upcoming expansion step. Isn't it possible to add such fields with a getQueryFields hook instead the modules field configuration? How do you handle such cases for existing sites and data?
thank you and best wishes!

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1 hour ago, martind said:

i have this values and have to provide it over the api for an upcoming expansion step. Isn't it possible to add such fields with a getQueryFields hook instead the modules field configuration? How do you handle such cases for existing sites and data?

Not sure tbh. I would create an alias field. Create the a similar field. If your field is called `options` call the alias field `options_graphql`. Set the same set of options to your alias field, but make sure to have their title be prefixed with some word. So if your options are `1, 2, 3` then have your alias options `gql_1, gql_2, gql_3` or similar. Add the `options_graphql` field into graphql. Then use hooks to synchronize the two fields when page is saved and loaded with `Pages:saveReady` and `Page:loaded` hooks.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi @dadish,

I've been using your module since 2018, and it's been really solid, thanks for all your work.

I wonder if you can help with a recent issue I've had since updating Processwire core from 3.0.200 to 3.0.227+?

I have a single mutation which creates a new page, and its fields are a mix of text fields, number fields, and page reference fields. Since updating PW core, the mutation hangs, and the only error I see is a 504 Timeout. The site seems to completely lock up as well when there's a pending query.

Is there anything you can suggest to help debug this?  I'm running v2.0.0.


PS -

I've done a little more digging. I get the same problem with 1.4.1 and 2.0.0. There's no problem in PW 3.0.222, it only happens with 3.0.223 and higher.

Here are a couple of screenshots showing the error in the GraphiQL tool - one with the error on 3.0.229, and one where it works on 3.0.200.

Interestingly, although I get an error on 3.0.229, the page is created successfully, it just isn't reported as a success.

successful request on PW 3-0-200.png

unsuccessful request on PW 3-0-229.png

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Hey @sodesign

On 10/4/2023 at 4:46 PM, sodesign said:

I wonder if you can help with a recent issue I've had since updating Processwire core from 3.0.200 to 3.0.227+?

I tested the module against the latest ProcessWire(3.0.229) and it works. It performs mutations. See the screenshot below.

My best guess is that there is something doesn't work with your custom mutation. But it's hard to find out what it is, because I don't know what it does.

The error message points to the graphiql client script. But I am not sure why it's failing for you and not for me.

One thing I can suggest is to debug this without the graphiql. Make the request from your script and log the response/error and see if that gives some more insight.

Meanwhile I'll try to upgrade the graphiql to the latest version. Maybe that will solve your problem.

Screenshot 2023-10-08 at 11.19.19.png

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Thank you for the pointers. I checked a new simple mutation on a different template and it was all ok.

I checked the hooks we have running on the ConfiguratorQuote template I used in the original mutation and managed to find the problem. Surprisingly it was to do with a page saved hook ending up in an infinite loop. I'm not sure why it wasn't happening on the earlier core version but that's not a discussion for this board!

Thanks for your help and looking into it so quickly ?  

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Is there a way to query any page based on their url?

This, without even knowing their template name.

Like this

# generic page selector?
page(s: "url=/mypage/") {
    first {
      ...on basicPage {
      ...on projectPage {


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On 10/14/2023 at 5:09 PM, Matoseb said:

Is there a way to query any page based on their url?

This, without even knowing their template name.

No, we don't have that ability. We had it as an experimental feature in initial version of the module. But we dropped it because of the security concerns.

Could you describe a hypothetical, real world example where you would need it? If I am convinced that it is a popular use case I might consider adding it back.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/7/2021 at 5:18 AM, dadish said:

Login should work as regular processwire login flow. Just do a first request as

	login(name: "username", pass: "password") {

Then all subsequent requests from the browser will automatically include the processwire cookies.

hi dadish.
i have some content queries that get executed as guest, later comes a login query.
after that, the previous content queries further get executed as guest (with the old session id), where eg. the me query gives me the correct user data.
so the guest session remains in place for all queries executed before login.
What is the beste way to prevent this?
thanks martin

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13 minutes ago, martind said:

i have some content queries that get executed as guest, later comes a login query.
after that, the previous content queries further get executed as guest (with the old session id), where eg. the me query gives me the correct user data.
so the guest session remains in place for all queries executed before login.
What is the beste way to prevent this?

Not entirely sure if I understood you correctly. Once you login, subsequent requests will include the session cookies that were set by ProcessWire.

If you want to omit cookies for certain requests, then you probably can explicitly exclude cookies in your ajax calls? For example if you're using fetch api, you can omit the credentials when executing a request.

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thanks for the fast reply.
i don't really have acces to the client apps code, just see my logs from graphql template. So the app makes a few queries as guest, then a login, then further queries. All queries  done before the login, are further logged as guest with the old session id. All queries that havent been executed before login, are logged for the logged-in user with another session_id. So the app now has 2 clients. When quering access restricted contents it comes to problems.

So, do i have a possibility on the serverside to prevent this?

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1 hour ago, martind said:

So, do i have a possibility on the serverside to prevent this?

Prevent what exactly? I'm still trying to understand what you're trying to achieve. You want all those requests to log under a single session id? Because it's the same person?

1 hour ago, martind said:

When quering access restricted contents it comes to problems.

What kind of problems? The logged out user gets access to restricted content which you want to prevent? Or the logged in user can't get the content that it should have access to?

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first: yes, it's the same person
second: logged in user can't get the content that it should have access to.

i don't think it's a problem with the module, in postman everything works finde. the session consists. But the react app seems to do here something diffrent.

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3 minutes ago, martind said:

i don't think it's a problem with the module, in postman everything works finde. the session consists. But the react app seems to do here something diffrent.

Most likely the react app is not including the cookie headers in it's requests. Like I mentioned before, sometimes you need to explicitly include them. Like for the fetch api you need to set credentials option to "include".

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  • 4 months later...

I was just curious if anyone has tried installing this lately and ran into any problems regarding "Module requirements are not fulfilled so installing may cause problems."..  The module page lists that the required versions is >= 3.0.62 but when I go to install the module it is saying >= 3.0.210 is required. I am currently running 3.0.98 and if I go through with the install I get a warning regarding that I am not meeting the processwire requirements. It seems to install just fine, but I was just worried of creating other issues if I proceeded.

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