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Users Dropdown Menu


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Does anybody know if there is a module / fieldtype to generate a dropdown menu for a specified list of users for a given 'role'. This would be handy to assign a page specifically to a user. This would be handy when using the API on an external form (e.g. a non-CMS user) could list/edit/update their related page(s).

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Because users and roles are also pages, you just have to use a normal "page" fieltype for this.

When creating the field, go to the input tab, and choose user as the "template of selectable pages". Still on the input tab, insert roles=1013 on the "Custom selector to find selectable pages", where 1013 would be the ID of the given role.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I have to reactivate this elder topic. :)

I'm trying to add a page selector field containing the users of a specific role as descriped above.

I also want, that the (non-admin) useres (role: editor) can asign pages to other users (role: editor) [similar to a bugtracker]. If I try select users via the page select field I get the message:

"You don't have access to list page /processwire/access/users/"

Is there a secure way to enable the selection of users to non-admin users?

Thanks for your reply!!

PS: I'm using PW 2.4.0

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