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find() and custom WireArray with subfields / sub-properties


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I build a new module and try to convert data into WireArray to get the PW API benefits (find('selector'), get('selector'), ...).

Some code to my tests...

Define a custom WireArray class

class CustomWireArray extends WireArray
    public $toStringString  = '';

    public function __toString() {
        return $this->toStringString;
    public function __get($key) {
        return $this->$key;

    public function __set($key, $value) {
        $this->$key = $value;

Create a new CustomWireArray

$customWireArray = new customWireArray();

Create a new array item

$item = new customWireArray();

// set properties to $item...

$customWireArray->add($item); // add to the customWireArray

So far it works fine. No problem to find() / get() properties from the $customWireArray, but I need sub-items  :rolleyes:

Tested it with a sub-customWireArray and also a simple stdClass, but it won't work with PW find() / get().

Is there a way to get sub-properties work with something like that?

$result = $customWireArray->find('property.subfield=MyValue');
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