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Looking for responsive menu to use with PocketGrid


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Hi all,

happy to have found ProcessWire a while ago - yet another MODX refugee - and glad to have discovered PocketGrid recently I now am looking for a simple responsive menu (pure CSS or CSS+jQuery) which nicely integrates with PocketGrid.
(Something like the menu in Pure - but this depends on their own grid.)

Any hints?

To not forget: Kudos to Ryan and to the great community!

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I was just wondering the same after seeing "pwired" mentioning it again.

I had already wondered about this.

So I've just researched on Google (pocketgrid and what responsive menu), and it's incredible (again), you are (already) number one...

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Hi just reading this. Glad to help you with this. With pocketgrid you can easily setup columns in a row

(class blocks in a block group) that will hold your menu. All you have to do is to set up percentages

for your class blocks (columns). This will define how many columns you will have and the width of them.

A good workflow is to setup boxes as class blocks. Then with media queries you can re-arrange

your columns to have different layouts to make it responsive for different screen sizes. On top of that

with media queries you can what is inside your columns (e.g. text and pics in your menu) make responsive

by changing fonts, size, auto resize pics, colors, percentages, whatever, etc. etc.

You can css target any class, id, tag, etc. through it's block-group id so you will never have css collisions

with other css in your css style. Plus it gives you a logical way of setting it up, easy for maintenance.

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