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Specific PHP Selector for pagefield dont work


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I'm trying to achieve a specific selection for a pagefield for specific users.

My pagefield should detect: If the current user is a superuser return all address-pages and when it's not a superuser, return all address-pages which the current user has created. It works fine for the superuser but i have no selection in all the other users.

      return $pages->find("template=address");
     return $pages->find("template=address, created_users_id=wire('user')->id");
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You probably want to differ by roles, which is just this:


Edit: Should've read more closely.

Does the selector work if you try it in the backed under Pages>Find? Are the pages hidden, unpublished or otherwise view access controlled?

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You should be able to change the last line to look like this:

return $pages->find("template=address, created_users_id={$user->id}");

$user is another one of the ProcessWire variables that is available wherever $pages is, and references the current logged in user. It acts like the wire('user') function, but is a variable, which you can use directly in double-quoted strings.

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Ah now I see it. You cannot use functions inside of strings (wire() is a function, even though it's used as a variable).

  On 10/5/2015 at 8:24 AM, Craig A Rodway said:

$user is another one of the ProcessWire variables that is available wherever $pages is, and references the current logged in user.

That's not correct. The PHP selector computation is (maybe the only) place, where only the $pages variable is available at local scope (see here). To use the other api variables it's best to use wire(…), but accessing via the class scope does work too.

So both of these would work:

return $pages->find("template=address, created_users_id={$this->user->id}");
return $pages->find("template=address, created_users_id=" . wire('user')->id);
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