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MultiValue textformatter


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MultiValue Textformatter for ProcessWire

Set flexible data structures in "key = value1, value2, ..." format to use as variable groups in templates.

Great for general site settings, social links, menus, etc.

Converts contents of textarea field "social_links" from this:
@ url ::: title ::: target
Facebook = https://facebook.com/mycompany ::: Follow us on Facebook ::: _blank
Linkedin = https://www.linkedin.com/mycompany ::: NULL ::: _blank
Email = #contact ::: Contact

to an object to be used like this:

echo $page->social_links->facebook->title
// result: "Follow us on Facebook"

echo $page->social_links->email->title
// result: "Contact"

Putting it together:

    <?php foreach($page->social_links as $item) { ?>
            <a href="<?php echo $item->url; ?>" target="<?php echo $item->target; ?>" title="<?php echo $item->title; ?>">
                    // name is the original key
                    echo $item->name;
    <?php } ?>


@ header1 ::: header2 ::: header3
Key = value ::: value ::: value [ ::: ...]
Another key = value ::: value

More info:

Modules directory


Feedbacks and suggestions are welcome.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 years later...

Okay, I'm a noob to PW, as well as this module, and cannot figure out how to simply loop through a few videos that I have in a textarea field. Here's the code I'm using (that's probably wrong):

	foreach($page->videos as $video) {
		echo '<div class="lazyload">' . $video . '"></div>';

I get this error on my page and can't figure out how to fix it:

: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in 

I'm a noob with PHP too and haven't quite figured out the foreach loop yet. I've looked at the PW documentation but haven't (quickly) found anything that explains it in detail. Any help would be much appreciated. FYI, I'm using the module TextformatterVideoEmbed as well to parse the videos from Youtube. I basically just have them listed in my page's textarea like this:


Obviously they'll be unique links once the page goes live. The TextformatterVideoEmbed module requires them to be in <p> tags before exporting them to the page or I would just use the <p> or some other tag in the template file.

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2 hours ago, spercy16 said:

I get this error on my page and can't figure out how to fix it:

: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in 

I'm a noob with PHP too and haven't quite figured out the foreach loop yet. I've looked at the PW documentation but haven't (quickly) found anything that explains it in detail. [...] FYI, I'm using the module TextformatterVideoEmbed as well to parse the videos from Youtube. I basically just have them listed in my page's textarea like this:


Obviously they'll be unique links once the page goes live. The TextformatterVideoEmbed module requires them to be in <p> tags before exporting them to the page or I would just use the <p> or some other tag in the template file.

If you look at the first post in this thread, you can see that this module requires a specific format in the texarea ("Converts contents of textarea field..." etc.)

If what you've pasted above is literally the contents of your textarea field, then it won't work with this textformatter. Note, though, that this module and Textformatter Video Embed are probably not compatible out of the box due to different format requirements.

Depending on your use case you could perhaps use PHP's explode() or preg_split() to split the value of your textarea field into an array (which could then be used in foreach), but it also kind of sounds like a Repeater field would make more sense in this case.

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