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Found 11 results

  1. Inputfield Dependency Helper Adds "Insert field name" and "Insert value" dropdown menus to help with constructing show-if/required-if conditions, aka inputfield dependencies. The "Insert field name" menu helps you remember the field names that exist in your site (or exist in the current template) and avoids typos. The "Insert value" menu lets you select values for Page Reference or Select Options fields via the human-friendly label whereas the show-if/required-if conditions require those values to be inserted as numerical IDs. Insert field name When you click the button a dropdown menu appears listing field names, with the field labels in parentheses. When editing a field in template context only the fields that exist in the template are listed, and the field labels are in template context. When editing a field outside of template context all the non-system fields are listed. When you click an item in the list the field name is inserted into the settings field. Insert value When using a Page Reference or Select Options field value in a show-if/required-if condition you have to enter the numerical ID of the page/option, and this is not so user-friendly – often you have to switch to another tab and go and look up the relevant ID. The "Insert value" button is intended to make this process easier. When you click the button a dropdown menu appears listing any Page Reference and Select Options fields that exist in the current template (when editing in template context) or in the site. When you click one of the fields the selectable options for the field are AJAX-loaded into a flyout menu. Clicking one of the selectable options will insert the numerical ID of the option into the settings field. Configuration In the module config you can set a limit to the number of selectable options shown in the menu, so the menu doesn't get excessively long. https://github.com/Toutouwai/InputfieldDependencyHelper https://processwire.com/modules/inputfield-dependency-helper/
  2. Hello I've just hit a scenario where I have a particular field (within a repeater) that I'd like to set up a field dependency for, so that it shows only if an option from a page reference field (that sits outside of the repeater) is selected. Simply using the fieldname=value approach doesn't seem to work. I'm assuming that this is because the field in question is inside a repeater and can't access information from the fields that sit outside of it? I tried using the following without luck. To be honest I was just guessing at this point. page.fieldname=value forpage.fieldname=value There's other ways that I can set up my template, but I was just curious if there was missing a trick somewhere?
  3. So, I've tried looking through here and Can't seem to find it. I'm trying to create a situation in the admin where: I have a page reference InputField. When the user chooses one of those pages, from the dropdown, a new Page reference drop down pops up with that pages children in it. I know how to do the "show only if..." thing, but How did I make it dynamically pull in a pages children? Thanks
  4. Hello, I've been trying to create a selection for a dynamic selection field for days now. This ist the working statement in the Admin-Backend of the field (Page/select - not Multiselect or AM) and I also tried/played around with a hook in ready.php,but the result remains the same: parent=page.helper, refSeries=page.selectManufacturer, pages_subcat=page.selectSubcat However, the current status requires pressing Save to reload the changes. It would be good if this could be done like the other dependency fields. I've also tried some sort of pre-select field to get the desired results from its result. Unfortunately, does anyone have an idea or a tip on how I can solve this, maybe with a Hook in "selectablePages", add(pages->find...)? I appreciate any support that leads me in the right direction, thank you in advance
  5. I have a field called "number of columns" its an integer (the max is 5, just a note in the description) If it is set to >0 then it shows a repeater (this is working) The repeater then has 5 textfields, and each one needs to only show up if the number of columns requires it so for example, if somone puts in "2" then the repeater shows up (this works as I mentioned) and the repeater should only show 2 of the textfields (this is the part that isnt working). I've went in and set col1_text to be visible if num_of_columns>0 col2_text to be visible if num_of_columns>1 however, processwire isn't saving that setting and so it ignores it. I'm on PW 2.4.0 and I'm trying to build some kind of dynamic table creator (it will be limited to 5 columns max) with a decent UI, so people can easily track the columns, having the columns in tabs or making it to where someone could accidently make 3 colums in one row and 4 in the other isn't good and so this is the solution I've come up with, but its not working for some reason
  6. Hi! Just reading "Inputfield dependencies enable you to specify the conditions under which a particular field in the page editor is shown or required." at https://processwire.com/api/selectors/inputfield-dependencies/ but the text talks like an ongoing work. So: we now have more on inputfield dependencies or the text is up to date? Thanks js
  7. So is there anyway to get Inputfield Dependencies to work with front-end editing? the field is there, but it isn't showing the results I need based on the field selection it's dependent on.
  8. Hello, I want to know, is there any chance to render only visible fields based on their Dependencies? For example, I have many fields in template with conditional logic. But all their values stored in DB, and render in loop with $page->$fields. I could duplicate logic in PHP, but It's seems very inefficient. I couldn't find any API command for such task. Something like flag "isShown". More over, there isn't such flags when I printed array. I just can't find it, or this data keeps somewhere outside? Or is there some other ability to achieve this? Thanks for any advise in advance.
  9. Hi there processwire people, this may sound obvious to most of you but not for me : ) I'm dealing with a booking form for a trip site. I want the user to choose destination first (a select: let's say Venice, Rome and Hamburg); Based on her choice, there will be days available (23 of august, 27 of september) Based on the day, another select will show available times (e.g. 9.30, 15.30 and so on) What should I do? Custom php or Form Builder? (I would prefer the latter...), and most of all: how to build a system like that? Thanks!
  10. Hi folks, As the topic suggests... is there a way to add a parent_id to the dependency field? I managed to find this in the forums https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4323-field-dependencies/?p=56858 which seems to state that @ryan didn't understand why this didn't work. I need to show a field only if the parent_id=1032. Any thoughts?
  11. Hi folks, Firstly... what an incredible CMS. Just been a breath of fresh air and really finding it so powerful. So thanks! Just a quick question. I read on the Inputfield Dependencies docs that OR selectors | aren't supported here yet. This is fine... but is there an alternative or another way to do the example below? I have a Pagefield set up for a 'Members' section, to choose whether the member is a Chair or Vice Chair when adding each children page to this section. If they select 'Chair' OR 'Vice Chair' from the dropdown, I would like a specific field (email address) to be shown. I have done some input dependencies on other fields/templates (show a closing_date field if the news type is 'Job') etc. but have only ever had one dependency to declare. Now I have two, which I know you can separate with a comma, but essentially, it needs to be if either 'Chair' or 'Vice Chair' is selected from the Pagefield dropdown. chair_vice=1062|chair_vice=1063 chair_vice=1062|1063 You see what I mean? Any clues/tips? Or would I need to create two fields here? An email field for Chair and an email field for Vice? Thanks in advance, R
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