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  1. If you want to use video directly on your site — as opposed to embeding from YouTube, etc — is just .mp4 generally okay now? I know you used to provide several formats but I just worked with a company that are just using <video><source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4"></source></video>. Is that good enough? I tested on my various browsers and it all worked — even on my Linux machines.
  2. Hey all, My projects involves more and more video. For a couple of years I've been self hosting mp4's. It works okay but it's always a hassle with determining the bitrate and getting the clients to understand that kind of thing. I don't want to go back to the bad old days of embedding. Mux.com looks good, but then all video material is locked up in their servers and it's hard to move. I don't love the idea to be tied to them forever. My dream would be to have something similar to image->width(500), such as video->bitrate(3000) for 3mb per second, for example. So that the editors can upload whatever video file. I think this would be not that hard to achieve with ffmpeg? I've been toying with the idea to do something like this myself. Anyone else? J
  3. There’s not a huge amount to tell (currently), we’re using it in a very simple way. So if a client needs a lot of video on their site we’ll provision a library for their site in our Bunny account rather than using Yotube embeds (or similar). We then embed videos to the site using a ‘video block’ in repeater matrix with the video loaded by its Bunny ID. Specifically we use Bunny’s stream platform which provides encoding to multiple formats/resolutions/sizes for different devices, analytics, geolocation options, customisable player etc and then optimised delivery to the site visitor. At the moment video upload is manual via their dashboard, however they have a full upload API hence the plan to explore doing this via a module soon. They do provide things like edge caching, DNS and a standard CDN too (I believe Stream is built on top of their CDN) which I why I think it could be used with ProCache. I’m just not sure if you go down this route how you simultaneously achieve the benefits of the stream player etc - I still need to test this to determine if a separate module is needed or not.
  4. Hello ProcessWire Community! I'm thrilled to announce that RockCommerce has finally arrived! Some years ago, after building a custom shop solution, I swore I would never create another ecommerce system again. 😅 Yet here we are! After months of hard work and completely rethinking my approach, I'm confident RockCommerce will be a game-changer for ProcessWire ecommerce. I can't wait to see what you'll create with it! 🚀 This video guides you through the Quickstart Tutorial, which was written by @Sanyaissues (THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!) He rose his hand when I asked for beta-testers 💪😎 He had never done E-Commerce before and wanted to understand how it works - so I sent him a copy of RockCommerce and let him play and this is what he came up with!!! Absolutely remarkable! Hat off to him! Docs & Download: https://www.baumrock.com/rockcommerce P.S.: To celebrate the RockCommerce release, I've applied discounts to all module licenses in my shop! If you've had a successful year, this is a great opportunity to invest in yourself and potentially reduce your taxes 😉
  5. Looking for some advice. I need to create a page, insert some basic info, create a repeater and save either a video or image. This is where I'm at so far. I'm finding that the repeater doesn't save. So when I access the main page after the process, there is no repeater inside. The logging gets stuck on video uploading to repeater This is an example url - https://video-lhr6-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t42.1790-2/359544611_1299622917599542_1081641833156909957_n.mp4?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=c53f8f&_nc_ohc=v3DnXymDRrMQ7kNvgGY2g0m&_nc_ht=video-lhr6-2.xx&_nc_gid=Avf0ALrpn8YGUKRdqZmpwGi&oh=00_AYCqXW4qteSLwgQKol8SbVAgvR-O3-9R1QVqmDjjZwiUjw&oe=66ECD5B4 Any advise would be welcomed. // Continue handling the data if everything is present $mediaUrl = $data['media_url']; $mediaType = $data['media_type']; $description = isset($data['description']) ? $data['description'] : ''; $title = 'Test Ad Title'; try { // 1. Create the main page $page = new Page(); $page->template = 'asset'; // Use the correct template $page->parent_id = 1029; // Adjust this ID for the correct parent page $page->title = $title; $page->content_type = $mediaType; // Assuming 'content_type' is a valid field $page->save(); // Log the creation of the page $log->save('save-ad', 'Created new page with title: ' . $title); // 2. Create a repeater item for the "content" repeater field $log->save('save-ad', 'Creating a new repeater item.'); $contentRepeater = $page->content->getNew(); // Create a new repeater item if (!$contentRepeater) { $log->save('save-ad', 'Error: Failed to create new repeater item.'); echo json_encode(['status' => 'error', 'message' => 'Failed to create repeater item.']); exit; } // 3. Handle media file and add it to the correct field in the repeater $filename = basename($mediaUrl); // Extract the filename from the URL // Prepare the file to be added if ($mediaType == 'video') { $log->save('save-ad', 'Adding video file to repeater.'); // Add the file directly to the file field 'video_1' $contentRepeater->video_1->add($mediaUrl); // Assuming 'video_1' is the field $log->save('save-ad', 'Video file added successfully.'); } elseif ($mediaType == 'image') { $log->save('save-ad', 'Adding image file to repeater.'); // Add the image directly to the image field 'image_1' $contentRepeater->image_1->add($mediaUrl); // Assuming 'image_1' is the field $log->save('save-ad', 'Image file added successfully.'); } else { $log->save('save-ad', 'Error: Unsupported media type: ' . $mediaType); echo json_encode(['status' => 'error', 'message' => 'Unsupported media type: ' . $mediaType]); exit; } // 4. Save the repeater item $log->save('save-ad', 'Saving repeater item.'); $contentRepeater->save(); // 5. Add the repeater item to the main page $page->content->add($contentRepeater); // Add the repeater item to the page // 6. Save the main page with the repeater $page->save(); $log->save('save-ad', 'Repeater item added to page and page saved successfully.'); // Log success $log->save('save-ad', 'Media saved successfully to page.'); echo json_encode(['status' => 'success', 'message' => 'Ad saved successfully!']);
  6. Hey ProcessWire community! I'm excited to introduce RockCalendar, a new calendar module that brings powerful event management capabilities to your ProcessWire sites. Key features include: Full calendar view in the ProcessWire admin Easy event creation and management Drag-and-drop event scheduling Recurring events (SSE powered, needs RockGrid) Seamless integration with ProcessWire pages and fields I've created a detailed video walkthrough showcasing RockCalendar's features and installation process: Check it out and let me know what you think! I'm here to answer any questions you might have about RockCalendar. Download & Docs: https://www.baumrock.com/en/processwire/modules/rockcalendar/ Happy coding!
  7. I know I'm bumping an ancient thread, but I just recently ran into this exact issue, and it wasn't limited to just videos, but pretty much all file types, so I thought I'd share my solution. I was building a personal portfolio for a client and their website is hosted on DreamHost. Each time I uploaded a background video (8MB MP4 file) it would hang at 100% for a while, finish the upload and then show its size reduced to 2.5MB. Weirdly enough the video did play, but only a portion of it. This issue caught me off guard because I'm also running ProcessWire on a different hosting, and I've never encountered this problem before. I skimmed through phpinfo thinking that the upload limit was set too low, but it far exceeded the file size. I decided to upload a big image file (5MB JPG) somewhere in the gallery to see if it'll work, and the same issue happened. It got cut precisely at 2.5MB, thus getting corrupted, yet still displaying. So I decided to finally contact the support. Turns out it was ModSecurity acting aggressively, throwing the "Request body no files data length is larger than the configured limit" error. Support increased the limit and the issue was gone. So yeah, if anybody else ever encounters this problem, try increasing the ModSecurity file size upload limit.
  8. Season's Greetings ProcessWirers! I hope you enjoy the gift of this module, but use with care... TLDR: This module captures changes made in the development environment so that they can be easily migrated to the live environment without needing to specify the changes or write any code. The demo below gives a brief overview. Want to read? Read on. One of the (few) problems with ProcessWire, in my opinion, is the lack of any native way of handling migrations. Given that PW is such a powerful tool capable of sophisticated and complex web-based applications, this is less than ideal. There is a solution, however, in RockMigrations which accomplishes a lot in a controllable way, provided you are happy to specify your database set-up in code rather than via the UI (albeit that the latest versions allow you to grab much of the required code from the UI). If that suits your need, great. Around the same time as the first versions of RockMigrations, I started developing my own UI-based migrations module, which I have been using with reasonable success for some time. I halted development of the module for a while as RockMigrations developed and I considered switching to that route. However, I decided that my module suited me better and that a real improvement could be made if it was effectively automated so that I no longer needed to specify a migration. So that is exactly what it does: after configuring the module, you add a new migration page with ‘log changes’ enabled (which includes determining what types of objects are relevant for the migration) and work on your development system. Once you have made the desired changes (and tested them!) in the development environment, you go back to the migration page where it has magically captured the objects which have changed and listed them in dependency order. You then ‘export’ the changes, which creates json files to be uploaded to the live environment (via Git or FTP etc.), where they are then ‘installed’ to re-create the changes in the live system. The demo below illustrates this briefly. This first demo shows the creation of a migration. The installation demo will be in the next post, because of size constraints. See post 4 for HD video. Video-source small.mp4 There is a very extensive manual which covers all the features of the module, not just this ‘automatic’ method. Available on github at https://github.com/MetaTunes/ProcessDbMigrate and in the modules library here. PLEASE NOTE that this is still in 'alpha'. Do not use in production without fully testing and backing up at every stage. It is quite complex so, although I have tried hard to eliminate bugs, there will inevitably be some left!
  9. Hi all, I've been doing some work to extend this great module created by @nbcommunication to meet a specific need we have. This is very much as-yet untested in production, but I wanted to share it here now anyway in case anyone wants to point out any flaws in the logic, try out the changes or suggest improvements before we push it to any live sites or make a PR to NB. The challenge: We manage a number of sites where we would like to get forms behind Turnstile. But in many cases these forms are connected to or hosted by third-party CRMs/Email marketing platforms etc which makes integrating Turnstile tricky and time consuming. The proposed solution: Rather than modifying a plethora of different third-party form integrations 1-by-1 and verifying submissions with Cloudflare on submit, we'll remove the forms from the DOM and only render them once Turnstile verifies the site visitor. As mentioned this is as-yet untested so I've no idea how robust this will be against bots and scrapers, but it seems worth trying IMO! In case people are wondering why we wouldn't use Cloudflare's other bot mitigation tools - we don't control all site's DNS and not all sites run behind Cloudflare. Turnstile works regardless of whether the site uses Cloudflare nameservers. The approach: I've modified the Turnstile module with a few new methods to do the following: Utilises @ryan's awesome URL hooks to create some endpoints to handle Turnstile token verification and: Dynamic loading of HTML render files into a page only once the token is verified. Use of data-attributes in page elements to specify the target location and file for rendering. Forked branch available here: https://github.com/warp-design/MarkupCloudflareTurnstile/tree/feature-protect-content-turnstile All probably best illustrated visually: Example page structure using a mix of the existing module methods and the new ones: <body> <?php //Load module in page $captcha = $modules->get('MarkupCloudflareTurnstile'); ?> <!-- Existing module widget render call. Set inside #turnstile-container to auto hide turnstile after verification --> <div id="turnstile-container"> <?= $captcha->render(); ?> </div> <!-- Elements you wish to protect with Turnstile. Set data attribute with render file path, relative to templates folder. There divs will populate with the specified render files when Turnstile verifies. --> <div class="turnstile_content" data-render-path="inc/exampleForm"></div> <div class="turnstile_content" data-render-path="inc/exampleContent"></div> <!-- New method to load the scripts if you want to protect dom elements behind Turnstile --> <?= $captcha->renderProtectedContent(); ?> <!--Existing module script call--> <?= $captcha->getScript(); ?> </body> And how this page looks live. Note: .turnstile_content elements only populate when Turnstile is verified: Test - 11 December 2024 - Watch Video Let me know what you think - is this a workable approach, or am I overlooking pitfalls? Likely issues/TODOs you may encounter: Things may need more sanitization and better error handling to come out during testing. Not sure how this will behave when loading in external JS. I've tried to ensure it will initialise any scripts in the render files when they are loaded. In theory things shouldn't be too different to loading content with frameworks or something like HTMX. Would be nice to eventually add support for passings $vars and $options params to the render files like any other PW template call. Someone may have already implemented the above in another module and I hadn't noticed! 😅
  10. Video embed for YouTube and Vimeo ProcessWire Textformatter module that enables translation of YouTube or Vimeo URLs to full embed codes, resulting in a viewable video in textarea fields you apply it to. How to install Download or clone from GitHub: https://github.com/r...atterVideoEmbed Copy the TextformatterVideoEmbed.module file to your /site/modules/ directory (or place it in /site/modules/TextformatterVideoEmbed/). Click check for new modules in ProcessWire Admin Modules screen. Click install for the module labeled: "Video embed for YouTube/Vimeo". How to use Edit your body field in Setup > Fields (or whatever field(s) you will be placing videos in). On the details tab, find the Text Formatters field and select "Video embed for YouTube/Vimeo". Save. Edit a page using the field you edited and paste in YouTube and/or Vimeo video URLs each on their own paragraph. Example How it might look in your editor (like TinyMCE): Here are two videos about ProcessWire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wl4XiYadV_k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKnG7sikE-U And here is a great video I watched earlier this week: http://vimeo.com/18280328 How it works This module uses YouTube and Vimeo oEmbed services to generate the embed codes populated in your content. After these services are queried the first time, the embed code is cached so that it doesn't need to be pulled again. The advantage of using the oEmbed services is that you get a video formatted at the proper width, height and proportion. You can also set a max width and max height (in the module config) and expect a proportional video. Configuration/Customization You may want to update the max width and max height settings on the module's configuration screen. You should make these consistent with what is supported by your site design. If you change these max width / max height settings you may also want to check the box to clear cache, so that YouTube/Vimeo oembed services will generate new embed codes for you. Using with Markdown, Textile or other LML I mostly assume you are using this with TinyMCE. But there's no reason why you can't also use this with something like Markdown or Textile. This text formatter is looking for a YouTube or Vimeo video URL surrounded by paragraph tags. As a result, if you are using Markdown or Textile (or something else like it) you want that text formatter to run before this one. That ensures that the expected paragraph tags will be present when TextformatterVideoEmbed runs. You can control the order that text formatters are run in by drag/drop sorting in the field editor. Thanks to Pete for tuning me into these oEmbed services provided by YouTube and Vimeo a long time ago in another thread.
  11. Hey all! I've been creating new block/widget buttons for the current project I'm working on and wanted to share them in case they may be useful to others. They're SVGs intended to complement the style of buttons that come with RockPageBuilder. This post has been updated with a link to a Github repository containing all of the buttons currently available. New buttons have been added. Existing buttons have have been tweaked for quality and consistency. Download from or fork the Builder Buttons Github repository Rather than keep this post up to date with every button that is added, visit the Github repo to see the most current example and download/clone buttons for use in your projects. Buttons include: Accordion Announcement Articles Audio Bios Call To Action Card Over Image Code/Embed Events Image Image Carousel Image Mosaic Image Roll List Lists Products Reviews Video Weather Preview (not in order of list) If you find them useful, let me know what you think!
  12. I guess this article could be helpful: https://screencasting.com/cheap-video-hosting More details about the Cloudflare R2 pricing: https://developers.cloudflare.com/r2/pricing/
  13. This module is improved and extended successor to Version Control For Text Fields. It handles everything it's predecessor did -- providing basic version control features for page content -- and quite a bit more. Download or clone from GitHub: https://github.com/teppokoivula/VersionControl. This module requires ProcessWire 2.4.1 or later, mostly because of the file features, which require certain Pagefile and Pageimage methods to be hookable. There's no sensible way around this limitation; for those stuck with < 2.4.1, Version Control For Text Fields will remain a viable option. What does it do? While editing pages, fields with old revisions available show up with a new icon in their header bars. By hovering that icon you get a list of available revisions and by clicking any one of those the value of that particular field is reverted to that revision. No changes are made to page until you choose a revision and save the page, which means that you can keep switching between revisions to get an idea what's really changed without inadvertently causing any content to change. The module also adds a History tab to page edit. This tab opens a view to the history of current page in the form of "revisions" -- each of which is a group of changes to page fields processed during one page save (similar to revisions in various source control applications). There are three actions you can perform on these revisions: adding comments, live previewing what the page might've looked in that revision and restoring the page to specific revision. One specific feature that has been a big thing for me personally is support for file (and image) fields, as the original version control module felt rather incomplete without it. I'm hoping to take this a lot further performance, stability and feature wise, but as it stands right now, it's already included here and should be fully functional. Watch the video preview here I prepared a little screencast outlining most of this: http://youtu.be/AkEt3W7meic. Considering that it was my first screencast ever, I'd like to think that it wasn't that bad.. but I might give it another shot at some point, this time planning a bit before hitting "record" Upgrading from Version Control For Text Fields For those already using Version Control For Text Fields, I've added something extra. If you upgrade that module to it's latest version, you should see a new checkbox in it's settings screen saying "Don't drop tables during uninstall". If you check this, uninstall the module and then remove it's files (this is required in order to install Version Control), your old data should be automagically imported to Version Control. Import has only been tested with limited amounts of demo data. Proper tests are yet to come, so please be careful with this feature! Update, 21.6.2015: as of today, this module is no longer in beta. While all the regular warnings still apply (making changes, including installing any new modules, on a production site should always be considered risky) Version Control has gone through pretty extensive testing, and should be as stable as any other module out there.
  14. One strategy would be to store all the original video files on the website as file uploads, and then use mux for conversion and delivery. At least then there a pinch less of a lock-in. Then, maybe at some point there might be a self-hosted mux alternative (or I make one based on ffmpeg). That could be a way to do things?
  15. Is my 100th post I wanted to do something special. I edited a video, hope you like it Just for fun Edited: Now with subtitles
  16. I'll share my youtube videos in this thread and if you have questions this is the place to ask. You can also subscribe to this thread to get notified when I post new videos ? Here is the link to my channel: baumrock.com/youtube --- Hey! I've just published my very first ProcessWire video. It's about RockFrontend: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/27417-rockfrontend-??-take-your-processwire-frontend-development-to-the-next-level/#comment-225666 Here is the video: What do you think? Do you understand what I'm trying to explain (despite the many ääähms und öööhms...)? ? What about the length?? I really didn't plan do get to 40mins... Did anybody even watch it till the end? ? Would it be easier to follow when having a small thumbnail in the bottom corner when working on the code? Or better without? Is it worth the effort of creating a video or would a readme be just as good? ? Any tips for better sound/lighting? I'm not really knowing what I do, so any ideas for improvements are very welcome ? Better with or without background music? So many questions... So much to learn... ? But it's fun and I'm a bit proud ?
  17. I've recently hit 10.000 views on my youtube channel (over all videos since the beginning 2+ years ago) 🥳 I'm counting 218 subscribers and all have watched 800 hours of (almost only) ProcessWire content. The best performing videos so far are: Recent videos have been by far less popular. I don't know why. Maybe it's the thumbnail. Maybe the video length (the RockFrontend video is over 40min long!). Maybe it's the algorithm. Who knows. But Ive learnt a lot and recently I found a way to be more efficient with creating those videos - unfortunately I didn't get any feedback in that regard, but feedback is rare on my channel in general. Maybe that's part of the youtube game 🙂 So I'm asking here: What is your opinion about these videos? Are the videos helpful? Could anything be improved (easily 😅 )? What would you like to see as a next video? RockMigrations Deployment RockMigrations in general More about RockFrontend More about the commercial modules Less about the commercial modules Anything else? Thanks for "watching" and have a great weekend 🙂
  18. Hey @herr rilke thx for your interest. Unfortunately nobody else showed interest so it looks like a video would not be interesting to a lot. I did that as well, but what I don't like with that approach is that if you move a block you have to adjust all classes of all blocks which is tedious. My approach works similar but different 😛 I use a dedicated block type solely for the color. This block sets a custom runtime flag (like $site->bgColor) and all blocks then add a custom class based on that bgColor flag's value. So once I have a color block with setting "muted" all following blocks might get the class "bg-muted", for example. Then when the next color block comes up it might set the bgColor flag to "primary" which would tell all following blocks to add the class "bg-primary". Now the challenge is to make that work with spacings and with frontend editing. On frontend editing the problem to solve is with sorting blocks, because classes come from php and sorting is done on the client with JS. So you need to add a little js to adjust classes once sorting happens. In my project this is done like this: // section color updates on sort document.addEventListener("rocksortable-added", (event) => { let sortable = event.detail; sortable.option("onMove", (e) => { setTimeout(() => { let el = e.dragged; let container = el.closest("[sortable]"); let children = container.children; let colorClass = null; // loop all items and update color classes for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { let child = children[i]; // don't change class of dragged item if (child.classList.contains("sortable-drag")) continue; // update colorClass on every rpb-color block if (child.classList.contains("rpb-color")) { colorClass = child.getAttribute("data-col"); continue; } // update colorclass of element if (!colorClass) colorClass = "white"; child.classList.remove("has-bg-white"); child.classList.remove("has-bg-muted"); child.classList.remove("has-bg-primary"); child.classList.remove("has-bg-secondary"); child.classList.add(`has-bg-${colorClass}`); } }, 0); }); }); For block spacings I've switched my approach from PHP based calculations to CSS based calculations. The trick is to only use margin-top for blocks, because then you can define different margins for blocks based on the previous block like this: .bg-white + .bg-muted { margin-top: 20px; } This way you can achieve a lot of flexibility in your design with very little complexity in code. Hope that helps!
  19. Hi there, In almost every project I find myself wanting to use the images field for being able to drag many images at once to one field. It's super convenient. However then I loose the ability to be able to mix other filetypes in the same collection. Usually, after a while clients come back and want to have a video in there somewhere or perhaps even an embed. Then I have to rethink how that works and by using repeater matrix the interface becomes clunkier (new 'image' -> upload -> new 'video' -> upload, etc). I'm dreaming now but it would be amazing with drag and drop support for repeater matrix, repeater items are automatically created from the file-type (jpg and mp4 mostly). Not sure where I'm going with this, mostly I wanted if I missed something or if this idea could work. I know there are some media library extensions around but I could never befriend them 100%. best J
  20. Hey @wbmnfktr thank you very much for your honest feedback! I had to think about what you said, because I had good reasons (at least I thought they where good) for using my advanced techniques. I didn't think that showing a very basic, old-school installation via unzipping the module files would be interesting at all, so I wanted to pack more into the video. Not that old-school installations are bad in any way, I just didn't think that this is interesting or helpful for anybody. Also I thought I made it clear that this is nothing anyone has to use, but I think that got lost during editing. So I think you have a very good point and I'll try to not mix different topics in one single video. These alias commands would have been more helpful in a dedicated RockShell video, I guess, where I also show how these can be setup. Thank you!
  21. @joe_g actually, the page souldn't be linked from anywhere on the website as, using pw native link module, language by language it should not appear in the page select, this active thing is useful for the menus as well as the language sitch, too bad my video is in French i explain and demonstrate all this (being french most the websites i make use at least two languages when not, like yours, more and i've had to dig a lot in this languages things 🙂) have a nice day
  22. Hi, as i assume the 404 issue is only for the front side of your web site, i think the problem is only when on a page you change the language.... what you can easyly solve when building your lang switcher foreach($languages as $language) { if( ! $page->viewable($language) ) continue; // here is the trick $url = $page->localUrl($language); $iso = $language->name == 'default' ? 'fr' : $language->name; // fr here but of course chang it for your default language iso $local_title = $language->getLanguageValue($language->name, 'title'); // here comes your output with flags/iso code or whatever you want :) } with this a page that doesn't exist in a language will not have the language button in the switcher and shouldn't appear in the menu for this language when you are on another page i've made a video and have a github repo with language menu tricks and exmples but, too bad, in french as there are very few reesources for the french guys using or discovering pw 🙂 sorry if i've understood your question in a wrong way have a nice day
  23. Hi everyone, This new video fieldtype extends FieldtypeFile. Video is available via: $page->video_field->url Module automatically creates a poster image of the video on upload and makes this available via: $page->video_field->poster Shows the duration of the video on the title bar, next to the filesize Stores VTT files for subtitles accessed via: $page->video_field->subtitles Formats a transcript from the subtitles, accessed via: $page->video_field->transcript Users can easily upload videos and enter VTT files. The following code is used in the template file. <video src='{$page->video_field->eq(1)->url}' poster='{$page->video_field->eq(1)->poster}' width='720' height='408' ><track kind='subtitles' src='{$page->video_field->eq(1)->subtitles}' srclang='en' /></video> Additional Settings You can additionally set a few different options in the field's Input tab: Number of poster images to generate - if you change from the default of 1, the editing user will be able to select which image they want to use for the poster image Copy poster image to dedicated image field - not necessary but gives you more options of interacting with the poster image(s) Field that you want poster images copied into - only relevant if the option above is checked Try it out (NB: the code is rough - it works, but needs cleaning up. Github: https://github.com/adrianbj/FieldtypeVideo NB: Requirements The module requires ffmpeg and ffmpeg-php, although I can make the latter optional fairly easily. I don't have any requirement checking implemented yet, so if you don't have these, you'll get php errors. Possible future enhancements Ability to specify what frame is used for the poster - either by number, and/or by offering several options to choose from Done! Push poster image to a dedicated image field Done, although could be improved Field for pasting in or uploading closed captions Done, but need to look into multi-language options etc Support for uploading multiple formats of the same video (mp4, webm, etc) and/or automated video format conversion My biggest concern, is how useful this will be to people - how many hosts actually have ffmpeg setup? Do any have ffmpeg-php? Anyone have any ideas for features they'd like to see?
  24. Hey, I have the usual CKeditor set up with the insert image(s) button. I have done some googling but struggling to find a way to add video support in that bar. Does anyone have any advice they could offer. Thanks
  25. I have a question about a workflow I'd like to find. A client has asked me if they could populate a ProcessWire site with 1080p video files in several page fields; one video per page. I'd like to be able to retroactively create and serve smaller versions of those video files on the front-end. I'm not sure how to achieve this in batch. The PW assets structure can be confusing, as not all the uploaded videos will appear in one directory. I know how to batch convert in ffmpeg. I'm trying to learn if there is a way to do this with some combination of PW and TracyDebugger. I appreciate any ideas on this matter.
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