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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Soma and Robin S are missing their avatars - I am sure there are many more also.
  2. Color for "ipsMessage ipsMessage_info" class is old:
  3. Thanks Pete! Avatars are also stretched in the Notifications panel. Another thing I noticed is that all out locations have "Location" prepended - eg: "LocationBuckley, Wales"
  4. bd() will work in site/init.php and site/ready.php - your OP code works for me in both of those files. You mentioned you had tested there already, so I didn't think about it, but I think @Robin S might be correct about what the problem is.
  5. This is all @tpr's hard work - he has just added a search/filter implementation using his awesome filterbox.js - be sure to check it out and Star it! Note that in addition to filtering, if you hit "Enter" it will load the first matched file. Thanks again Roland - this is very cool!
  6. Sorry, I wasn't suggesting setting everything up again - just a clean PW install with no modules, pages, templates etc just to see if it works. I imagine it will, but thought it might be a good sanity check in case there is some weird server setting somehow interfering - although I can't imagine what and you mentioned that you tried on your local dev as well and it still doesn't work.
  7. I think you need to try disabling all autoload modules - Tracy's Module Disabler panel make this easy. If that still doesn't work, then try a fresh PW install just to rule out anything else.
  8. What page are you viewing to test this? I don't think it should matter, but just curious. Other than that, I wonder if you can try updating to the latest PW version, just in case.
  9. Those numbers are line numbers in the Page.php file. It suggests you are running an older version of PW. Page::render is a unique hook in that it actually comes from the PageRender.module file. Perhaps you could try hooking into PageRender::renderPage and see if that works.
  10. You could make use of http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-admin-actions/ and build a custom action that lets you choose a Page Table field and then a page to add to that field. Or you could use http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-runtime-markup/ and build a page selector field just above or below the Page Table field and on pag save, process the selected page and add it to the PT field. You could also hook into InputfieldPageTable::render and add the page selector interface there. Lots of options really ?
  11. The code in that link I posted hooks into the rendering of the page table field in the backend and automatically adds existing child pages. Is that not what you are looking to do?
  12. You could try Page::path or maybe one of the other page hooks. Don't forget Tracy's Captain Hook panel for easily finding hooks for a particular PW variable / object / class.
  13. No problem here with your code. I'm actually not sure what to suggest at the moment. Do other hooks behave any better?
  14. See at the bottom? I just realized that you need to have $config->advanced = true; set in your config.php file to see this. Perhaps that also affects Tracy's ability to delete it?
  15. You can remove the permanent flag on the advanced tab of the field's settings. The other option is Tracy Admin Tools panel - open the field settings page for the problem field, and click the delete field button - this handles removing it from the fieldgroup/template and deleting it, all in one action.
  16. Apex looks nice - thanks! As for C3js - I knew there was a time when development was slow, but it looks like it's ramped up again (https://github.com/c3js/c3/commits/master). Do you know something else we should be aware of?
  17. Note that end of life for ubuntu 14.04 is either passed, or in next month, depending on the variant you have. If you're installing a custom version of PHP, at least go for 7.1+ - I don't see any reason for not going with 7.3. So you know, 7.0 has already reached end of life: http://php.net/supported-versions.php If you decide to stay with Ubuntu 14.04, check out this guide for installing PHP 7.3: https://www.rosehosting.com/blog/how-to-install-php-7-3-on-ubuntu-16-04/ - it refers to ubuntu 16.04 but it should be the same. Also, check your phpinfo (via Tracy is easy) to make sure apache is using the new version, because sometimes the CLI can be using a different version.
  18. Here's some code that automatically adds new pages to the page table field: The key part for your needs (I think) is: $pp->{$ptf->name}->add($child);
  19. I haven't looked recently for new options, but last time I researched, this is what I ended up using: https://c3js.org/ It might not look sexy by default, but, it is built on D3js and outputs SVG and it's super simple to tweak to your needs with D3 and CSS.
  20. Thanks to ideas and feedback from @tpr, the File Editor panel now has a recently opened files selector which shows the last 10 files you opened - much quicker if you need to navigate back and forwards between several different files. There is also a new config setting which lets you exclude folders. Previously for performance it was best to limit the Base Directory setting to "Templates", rather than "Site" or "Root", but now you can select an higher level and exclude what you don't need. Most users will probably want to select "Site" and exclude "site/assets" and "site/modules" - this lets you access site/templates, as well as config.php, init.php. ready.php, & finished.php - you get the idea. I also made some other speed improvements by excluding completely any directories with files that are not editable, so the payload for this panel is now much smaller. Hope this helps you out when an online editor is the only option you have. Don't forget the fullscreen toggle at the top left of the editor, or the normal "Maximize" toggle at the top right of the panel - makes life much nicer!
  21. Yeah, that'll do it ? I am curious though - with the caching now in effect, doesn't it load quickly now? If not, then I expect there is an error that is being logged on every page load (meaning that the cache needs to be updated on each page load). What errors are being logged?
  22. Sorry, updated the github issue link. The PW core fix that is needed is to remove that trycatch if Tracy is installed.
  23. Hi everyone, I'd really appreciate some comments of support on this Github issue: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/829 It really messes with Tracy's bluescreen stack trace. Thanks! PS - Thanks to @bernhard and David Grudl over at Nette for figuring out what was going on.
  24. Sorry, I didn't notice that it was mostly uppercase variants that were new - I just saw a lot more options ?
  25. Just committed some improvements to the log panel caching and also added caching for the ToDo panel which is a HUGE improvement - this has gone from 1.5 seconds to 60ms in my tests.
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