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Everything posted by felix

  1. RT @ChiliConCharme: Ziemlicher Bockmist @SPIEGELONLINE - Euch zu trauen ist geschäftsschädigend https://t.co/21uPSV8w0K #fail /cc @seibertm

  2. I don't think I understand your question What second request? And what gets recompiled?
  3. RT @sir_pepe: Firebug ist das Windows XP der Webentwicklung.

  4. RT @paul_irish: You Might Not Need jQuery! … assuming you'll address these bugs in your hand-written code: https://t.co/j2hrG2nCpX

  5. Normally you'd make every "entity" (instructors, (nationalitys,) courses, certificates) a template on it's own and create relations between them (ignoring the page tree setup - this is more of a personal preference). The tricky questions in this case are: - Are courses likely to be given several times by different instructors or is every course (like an event) only happening once? - Are the cards only related to the course (see question above) or also to the instructor? - Are there plans to add Countries / Languages in the future? I'd go with this setup if courses are "one time events": Instructors: - Instructor 1 - Single (Page-)Relation to Instructortype - Instructor 2 - Single (Page-)Relation to Instructortype [...] Courses - Course #1 - Multi (1:n) (Page-)Relation to Instructor - Course #2 - Multi (1:n) (Page-)Relation to Instructor [...] Cards - Certificate #1 - Single(?) (Page-)Relation to Course - Certificate #2 [...] Instructortypes - International - Italian Regarding the Cards: Just don't publish them until they're valid. After a course is finished (timestamp check) just delete all unpublished cards related to the course. Example code for this setup: // get all (valid) cards for course with ID "42" wire('pages')->find('template=card, course.id=42'); // get all instructors for italian courses wire('pages')->find('template=instructor, type.title=italian'); // get all courses from Instructor 1 wire('pages')->find('template=course, instructor.title=Instructor 1');
  6. RT @barcamphannover: SPREAD THE DATE: Das Barcamp Hannover findet am 10.+11.10.2015 in der Buhmannschule Hannover statt :-)#bch15

  7. RT @neuwaerts_de: Transformationswerk | Der neue Ort für Neues: #workshops #designthinking #innovationsprozesse | buchbar #hannover | http:…

  8. RT @DevServeCT: Still using @WordPress @drupal @joomla #CMS? Step up to #PHP ProcessWire. Build better & faster sites http://t.co/tIvo2j4TV…

  9. RT @codepo8: Email that my Klout score went up. I need a cold shower. The excitement is too much.

  10. RT @Twelectra: "Los, sag die magischen drei Worte!""Wir überbacken das."

  11. RT @benhowdle: Missing option from Sublime Text:“Never show me the binary representation of an image I accidentally click because that’s …

  12. finally a #datepicker that doesn't suck. #pickadate saved my day \o/ http://t.co/YOd63bgSgx

  13. RT @lemons_suck: *Knock Knock*- Who's there?Maya.- Maya who?MAAAYAA HEEEMAAYAA HUUMAYAA HAAMAYAAA HA HA

  14. Been playing with sketch 3 today. SO much better than version 2 (?) which I've tested some months ago. Plus: Plugins & Community = awesome

  15. RT @UnfriendlyMoose: If you are a web developer and haven't heard of @ProcessWire CMS; I highly recommend trying it. Good bye WordPress.

  16. RT @kevinmhoffman: Things that are not true, as shared by @adactio. http://t.co/KEZuh5b8sx

  17. We're using a pretty opinionated yeoman generator somewhat similar (but different... i.e. no coffescript ) to the one from fixate. It's more or less like fireshell. The generator pulls a fresh copy of processwire + evergreen modules, sets up the directory structures, downloads npm & bower modules and creates basic templates + includes that we need for most of our projects. For the database part we're currently planig to integrate wireshell as soon as it leaves the beta status.
  18. RT @bisonfute: Die Zukunft des Internets hängt von diesen Männern ab – das ist schockierend http://t.co/uBqUKVddlh

  19. RT @victorp83: Erster Arbeitstag bei @neuwaerts_de! Wad ein geiler Empfang! #NewJob @neuwaerts

  20. OnTopic: Stunning site and great designs. You're very talented. Great to have you here! On SPAs: We also did a "single page Website" with transitions recently (going to make a post on this somewhen in the near future). The transitions are based on a codrops experiment. For the URL-part we used History.js, every page is a "real" page but only renders it's content if it's loaded via ajax. This way even users without JS can view every page. I think this is the "cleanest" way to do "SPAs".
  21. RT @_marcusherrmann: .@felixwahner contributed something of a five-course dinner recipe to @pwrecipes: "Inline critical CSS" http://t.co/DW…

  22. As promised here is the recipe: https://processwire-recipes.com/recipes/inline-critical-css/
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