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Everything posted by felix

  1. RT @aerotwist: Web vs Native? Apparently we decided to go for something contentious for HTTP 203's return: https://t.co/pnD6MOQfIL

  2. RT @paulrobertlloyd: Facebook say the web is too slow. How about we improve performance by removing their bloated share buttons and embeds?

  3. RT @codepo8: Why "mobile first" may already be outdated https://t.co/fGPuseBDZ6

  4. RT @ag_dubs: this is awesome. "unfitbits: spoof healthtracker data to reduce insurance premiums" => http://t.co/7x01joCS3b via @tinysubvers

  5. Jetzt mit noch mehr #Spielplatz im #Office <3 neuwaerts https://t.co/i25PA4AKPQ

  6. RT @codepo8: Slides of my #btconf keynote earlier today: http://t.co/Kb9IPIsYkf

  7. Plans for next year: visit #btconf. So many awesome people, talks and appearantly lot of fun there. Have fun y'all!

  8. RT @processwire: New post: ProcessWire 2.6 is here! – https://t.co/h1yZJMhvlq

  9. RT @TorstenBeeck: Snowfall, Baby! Das ist das Lustigste, was ich seit langen (immer) zum Thema multimediales Storytelling gelesen habe. htt…

  10. RT @janboehm: Glaubt wirklich eine Zeitung, die mit Pop-Up-Werbung ihre Seite vollmüllt, dass ich zum Dank ihre konzeptschwachen Digitalpro…

  11. Currently: https://soundcloud.com/dummejungs/bringdatnoize-mixtape-1
  12. RT @codepo8: Getting Great Performance Out of Cordova Apps http://t.co/P06qP9oofd

  13. Yay! Great job Nico. For all those who don't know DOJO: It's (imo) one of Germanys best and most creative Ad-Agencies. They're doing REALLY awesome and funny stuff. Nice to see them (or you) choosing the right system (and guy) to work with.
  14. My agency neuwaerts moved to a new location in january. The location, an old transformer station from the local electricity provider, is not only our workingplace but also a place at which events, meetups, talks and workshop are held. As often as possible we invite heads that inspire us and others to "transform" our thinking. Furthermore some rooms of the building are available for rent (i.e. for customers or other people that are interested in holding a workshop or just getting out of their every day office hell). To promote the location we've done some branding and gave it it's own website (built in 2 days, thanks to processwire)!: http://transformationswerk.de/ Plugins used: FieldtypeCroppableImage Social Share Buttons Database Backups Upgrades Template Data Providers Template Twig Replace SEO
  15. RT @neuwaerts_de: Proud to see our newest project schloss-marienburg.de featured as site of the week in the latest #processwire weekly: htt…

  16. marcus I really like where this is heading. keep up the great work!
  17. Today we've relaunched the website of one of the most beautiful castles in Germany: "Castle Marienburg". The Castle was built as a birthday present of King George V of Hanover (1819-1878) to his wife Queen Marie (1818-1907). Located right next to neuwaerts hometown Hanover and being one of the greatest Tourist attractions in our region it was a real pleasure to be allowed to bring the feeling of this venerable building to the digital age. // Some parts of the website are not yet translated. We know about this I'll add some details and technical notes next week (if anyone is interested).
  18. RT @benbrignell: How to solve all smart watch problems http://t.co/1EZSNvanyH

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