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Everything posted by Joss

  1. You may want to see if you have arcade candy installed on your computer - it may have got installed with something else. There are various guides to manually removing uavou if you search on google - looks like a tedious job but a necessary one.
  2. heh! Depends on the part of the world In India it was "Well, hello there! Lets do business! Any of you chaps like Gin?" Unfortunately, it went a bit down hill from that point.
  3. And then you should do this one: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Basic_Website_Tutorial (Which is the one I thought I had sent you to - sorry, if I didn't) And then you should just play!
  4. Oh, Andrew Sachs is a good egg, except he did get upset when John Cleese hit him with a spoon.
  5. Er ... depends which pub you went in. Try Earls Court - the Aussies down there couldn't tell a Slovakian from a Welshman after about nine in the evening ... *Joss ducks before someone throws a tinny at him* (Sorry, that is a ton too many London references - I have probably lost about 90% of my audience)
  6. Or faster .... My Stonywebsites.co.uk site is on cloudflare and PW and seems to be fine. But I haven't got all the caching switched on - they point out that some of that is experimental.
  7. Hi I use Cloud Flare all the time for my own sites - the free version. It is very customisable and has a very good and intuitive UI. At its basic level it just hosts your zone files and uses their name server. But if you go via their full system, it filters out a lot of potential problems as jacmaes points out above. In addition it can cache various elements of your site - for instance your JavaScript files - so that they are not being served from your server. On a quiet site that does not make a huge difference, but on a busy site can be quite substantial.
  8. Well not to Cumbria because from you North West will take you into the Irish Sea. Eventually you will hit the Isle of Mann of course and then you will be in all sorts of trouble. I suppose we could hold the meet up at the new place on the top of Man Tor in Derbyshire. No idea what the internet connection is like up there but at least it is pretty much in the middle. Good beer in Castleton as well, I vaguely remember.
  9. Joss

    New MySpace

    I suspect that is possibly rather optimistic, In the end, it does makes sense to have just one "facebook" type system in the same way as it makes sense to have just one internet, especially to help support the idealistic view that the internet is the very definition of the Global Village It doesn't work so well if the "village" is made up of hundreds of competing communities... On the downside, Facebook is a commercial business and should a commercial business be allowed to be the social centre of the global society? Then again, I doubt that 99% of people really care!
  10. "But now its, National Brotherhood Week....." For all those Tom Lehrer fans out there.
  11. If I can just squeeze in here!! Ta much!! That worked. I mean, putting a dot in worked. Joss
  12. Evening! I have a "pages" field in some news articles that is for selecting a year. I can retrieve this field from the article like this: <?php echo $pages->get("/news-articles/proper-photography/")->News_Year->title; ?> "title" is the field I used in the pages that make up my selects. So far, so good. Now the problem. I need to get an array of pages matching this value to a variable. For instance, I need all pages where this field = 2012. So: $newsitems = $pages->find("template=TB_News, =$currentyear"); $currentyear is my variable is me not knowing what to put! if "News_Year" was a text field I could just put that field in there. But because it is a pages field, I need to get the "title" bit. Obviously, if I put News_Year->title in there, PHP thinks I have gone nuts and bursts into tears. So, how to I get that value and put it in my hole? Joss
  13. You mean people live in the Midlands? I thought you had all disappeared down the Watford Gap!
  14. Joss

    New MySpace

    AH, that is interesting - my few thousand friends seem to have vanished. At least my music is still there. All the other info has gone though. Design is interesting, but I have yet to work out what can be done with it
  15. Damn, I am sure this calls for a joke from me, but I cant think of one. :={~
  16. Martijn, that is a good point - but I was sort of thinking of this as optional modules where you have a bit of control what browser your end user is using! (Even if it means stealing their laptop and installing it yourself...)
  17. In ProcessWire, before you try to do anything tricksy with it, your Tree Structure will be reflected in your menu and consequently in your URLs Which is nice and simple. So for instance, you might have a page under home called Sports and under that you would have all your sports pages. Of course, in your case, with so many pages, that would make your menu unusable! However, the system allows you to list pages by their parent, so, you could create an index listing page called Sport that sits in the top menu. Then, somewhere else on your page tree, you could create a Hidden Page (published, but it wont show up on search or the menu), called Sport-Articles. Then, all your articles would be children of that page. Back on your index listing page you can use a very short piece of code that basically says: Return all pages that are children of Sports-Articles and Display the Title of the page. (I am leaving out the code at this point just so that you understand the workflow for the moment). Now, suddenly, you have a very simple listings page, that you can add pagination to, that will work its way through those articles. From that point, you can get the URL of the article which, when clicked, will display that page using the bespoke template for the Sports Articles that you have designed. You will probably have a more complex system than that with the pages sorted in a more complicated way, but the principle will remain the same. Note: The difference between $page and $pages is that $page is used to get fields from the current page and $pages is for getting fields from another page or a group of pages (using a foreach loop, normally). It can get a little confusing - the difference between a template and a template file, for instance - but it is less to understand than you think. Once you have done the planets, have a go at http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Basic_Website_Tutorial It is a much more detailed tutorial which takes you through a few more of the techniques that you commonly use. It is longer, but not too bad, and has a little bit of scripting for you to copy and paste. The tutorial is very new and though it has been tested by a couple of people, it may still have some pitfalls for very new users, so I apologise in advance if it gets complicated. On the upside, it is written by me, and I am not technical - so it is aimed at other non-tech people! What is going to be essential for your project, is going to be to decide how you want your site to break down. What sections will you have, how will the articles be listed, how will they be displayed and so on. For instance, you may want a different feel to the sports page than the politics page, each with their own submenu of sections and search - but have a common navigation at the top, or similar. With the amount of articles and folders, it sounds like you may need something like that!
  18. Evening Pete The reason I asked is that with a profile you are setting up a site from scratch. But what if, for instance, I have a basic brochure site and want to add a simple blog to it? With a module I can install a nice neat, ready to go system with very basic templates - I would have to do some extra work to get the template files as I need them for the site, but at least half the work will have been done. As I mentioned, this is possibly a bit impractical for someone to use as a "download and install a blog" since it would have bits missing, but very useful for my own work, if you see what I mean. Having said that, I suppose it could be useful for a third party as long as they appreciate it wont be completely plug and play and they are good with including stuff.
  19. Joss

    other CMSs

    Mathias, you must have far too much time on your hands to track this post here!!! But welcome anyway (I will now run off and look at Webpop...)
  20. Just a quick question about modules (an area that I really haven't explored properly yet and I suspect might be a little beyond me): Can you use a module to create a system? For instance, a news system with its own categories and fields and index pages (and an example article, I suppose). So, you would install it and voila, you have all the correct fields and templates ready to go (more or less). I know this might not work as a particularly useful download as it may cause conflicts, but I would find it useful for myself to replicate functionality in a new site.
  21. I have never set up a paywall, so cannot help you there, but at the end of the day, the theory with what will work with 20 files will work with 20,000. Pete's point about hiring one of the experienced coders here to sort out an import system is probably a very good idea - it could save you a lot of pain in the future. With the size of the archive, whenever you import all those files, you wont want to be online at the time. But if you are just running as "beta" that is not a problem. I am not sure how long it will take to import, but with no images, and with the files already uploaded ready to import, it wont take long. The physical size of the archive is not the issue here (my audio archive for my clients is nearly a Terabyte), it is the number of files. But each of those is tiny. Once the backlog is imported, then it wont be an issue because I assume you will then just import hourly or something, or will users then be entering articles directly? Your biggest problem, to be honest, is designing a nice site!
  22. Hi Soma Oh, I quite agree with that, and I think most developers will look at a profile and say "oh, good, it can do that," and then take their own direction. And that is the best way to use PW. What I am picking up on here is using profiles as a way of promoting ProcessWire and what it can do, and perhaps giving some less developer orientated users a starting point. But it is the marketing advantage from these that I see as most important. As a side issue, if they are created cleverly enough, (like Ryan's Blog Profile) then they become a useful source of snippets! And of course, documentation - well, you know what I think about good docs already, so I won't bore the world again with that!
  23. hehe - yeah, I kind of went blank after writing the first one. It was one of those things where I thought "I can think of loads of these," then wrote ecommerce and ..... and.... and ..... Brain freeze!
  24. The numbers are not hugely important, really, as long as you have enough server space and power! What is the folder structure/names - I mean, how is this all organised?
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