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Everything posted by Joss

  1. *hides treasured copy of FrontPage 2000* Well, there is method in my madness: Saw: Cut Brush: Paste Hammer: Delete Pot: File server
  2. A nuisance with me though - I always have to wade through the list of errors I create myself; I don't need chrome adding to my woes.
  3. Once upon a time, yes - or with me, in some hotel bar in Soho (I used to live there). These days - well, suffice to say, my liver loves me again!
  4. Oh, that was the draft, you will be glad to know
  5. See what I mean? When I used to do those programmes for Finnish Broadcasting, some of the words used to be the full length of the line. Even Erkki Toivanen (who was Finnish) used to fall over them. "Stupid language!" he used to say. "Who's idiotic idea was it to base the written version on Hungarian!!!!" (or whatever it was based on - long time ago this!) And he was the script writer too.... PS: I should add a little apocryphal story I was told at a party held by Finnish Broadcasting at the Finnish Consulate - one of the most drunken affairs I have ever attended! (This was over 20 years ago, so I hope I do it justice) "Once upon a time, the Finnish people were the happiest people in the world. They loved the cold, they loved the snow and ice, and they were very fond of Reindeer and Vodka (though not necessarily in that order). "Then one day, a very clever Fin said 'We have all this knowledge about Reindeer but we have no way of writing it down - and after all the Vodka, are in severe risk of forgetting it all! Lets invent a written language. "And so they looked for someone who could help, and they found this lovely old chap who had been a teacher in a far away land. They asked him, did he know any written languages and could he invent one for them? Of course he could, he told them, and went away to do it. "The Fins could hardly wait. Perhaps it would be like their Anglo Saxon friends - very clipped and to the point - or like the odd Frenchman they had met with his soft tones and latin. "So, they asked the old man when he arrived with his new dictionary. What language is this based on? "Hungarian. "That was many years ago and now the Fins are sad and fed up with their written language and the amount of vodka they drink has gone through the roof. "They still know a lot about cooking reindeer, however."
  6. Er, is it safe to? I just need to change one little thing in it - I realised that I still have a list of demo images in the Starter version! (oops)
  7. foreach ($accepted as $corrected) But, to be fair, when the Finnish use compound words, they do not put any nice clues in - for instance, where to take a breath!
  8. Well, if English were made to work like Finnish it would be foreach($blocks as $thewordthatmeansthosethingsthathurtlikehellwhenyouhithem)
  9. There is one? Oh, I will go look Interesting set of errors in chrome, by the way, which seems to object to the iframe: Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL I gather this is a common Chrome problem, however. Oh yeah!!! Okay, scrub my previous post.
  10. And there I was thinking I was making a joke! foreach($blokes as $bollocks)
  11. haha - Very sadly I tend to be surrounded by assorted espresso machines, Cafetière, kettles, tins of Illy Oddly, I don't actually drink much coffee, but I like nice coffee when I do.
  12. School? Okay, I think I can remember something about a school somewhere ... North London, I believe. I had to do an O-something in Woodwork, I think.
  13. Oh, its just a flyer - something silly to get started. I will follow up with a more serious one in a few weeks. It is very ... British!
  14. Yeah, but how many times do you check them for English Grammar, like wot I did?
  15. Okay, getting it working properly now, with all kinds of variables. This is what the fuss is about (not finished yet) Basically, everything on the page (apart from the long text bit) is a block from a central library. The blocks can have different themes, videos, text, icons and so on. THings like titles can be swithed on and off. For desktops, the blocks on each row are equalised in size (but that turns off for tablet and phones because it messes up)
  16. I would just settle for some work!
  17. Just a note if you are wanting YouTube to be responsive (which it is not out of the can) Then I stole this from http://avexdesigns.com/responsive-youtube-embed/ Add this css somewhere: .video-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; padding-top: 30px; height: 0; overflow: hidden; } .video-container iframe, .video-container object, .video-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } The do this to your poor body block: <div class="video-container"><?php echo $page->body; ?></div> Obviously this probably only works neatly with just ONE video! Hmmm ... perhaps an alternative module-field type that is just a text box might be a good idea for this.
  18. I have a leaflet run going out to all local businesses tomorrow .... so we shall see!
  19. hehe Yeah, I get that with music. I listen to something I wrote and produced and cannot for the life of me remember how I got "that" sound. Trouble is, it was probably with some long dead keyboard or effects pedal. Mind you, when it comes to commenting, sometimes I cant read the code for all my comments!
  20. hmm - I must have a head scratch over this. I do like being economical, however, because of my lack of knowledge, I have to make sure that when I look at it again in six months time I still understand it! Thanks!
  21. When you are trying to mix disciplines, it is amazingly easy to find they overlap in odd places. I have just been doing a template where I have a foreach statement retrieving values from some blocks. My variable would be, quite understandably $thisblock. In the style that is common with such things, I dutifully wrote: foreach($thisblocks as $thisblock) Then, as I looked at it, and before I could stop myself, the writer side of me kicked in and I corrected it to: foreach($theseblocks as $thisblock) There is no hope for me....
  22. How would that work? I mean, roughly
  23. It works though! I am not sure I would want to write out the Squirrel - not so much left joins as double jointed... To be fair, there is a good reason for this. The idea is that you can select multiple blocks from a library of blocks and set their spans individually - the added span factor is why it had to be repeater. I suppose the really clever thing to do in the form would be to have all the text fields that take the span value linked so you had to make them all add up to 12 before you could save them. But I have no idea how to do that, and don't have time!
  24. Okay, I will try later! I am creating a sort of "metro" demo, so lots of flat colours and no gradients! Actually, that would be an interesting addon - create a limited pallet of colours to pick from.
  25. I have now changed the way I am working. I have decided to create a series of "themes" rather than allow any colour to be picked. This does mean that I now have - A Template to create pages for the theme selector A page field in a Blocks template to select the theme A page field in a Repeater field to select the block And the repeater field in my Footer settings template. At the moment (and leaving out the foreach loop) to get the data I have $pages->get("/settings/footer-settings/")->block_footer_boxes_repeater->block_select->block_theme_select->block_class Is there an easier way to get there?
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