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Everything posted by Alpine418

  1. Foud the solution: ini_set("xdebug.var_display_max_children", '-1'); ini_set("xdebug.var_display_max_data", '-1'); ini_set("xdebug.var_display_max_depth", '-1'); Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/34342948/2338829
  2. My debuglog is shortified (see last line). What can I do to get the complete log? array (size=1) 'DEBUGLOG' => string ' Resolving SMTP server domain "smtp.mailtrap.io"...<br /> Connecting to SMTP server "" port 587...<br /> Connected to SMTP server "smtp.mailtrap.io".<br /> S 220 mailtrap.io ESMTP ready<br /> C EHLO pw-basic.local<br /> S 250-mailtrap.io<br /> S 250-SIZE 5242880<br /> S 250-PIPELINING<br /> S 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES<br /> S 250-8BITMIME<br /> S 250-DSN<br /> S 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5<br /> S 250 STARTTLS<br /> C MAIL FROM:<noreply@foo.bar><br /> C '... (length=625)
  3. Love ya! Thank you so much!
  4. Any hint how to combine AutoTemplateStubs with custom page classes? So I get autocomplete for the methods of my custom page class and the properties of the stubs of the same class together?
  5. I'm not 100% sure at the moment. But I didn't delete the old tables when I installed a backup made by Duplicator (tought it would drop all tables first). I will keep you up to date.
  6. Why is the corresponding table not automatically deleted by ProcessWire after a field is deleted in the admin panel? Now I have numerous "dead" tables of no longer existing fields in the database of my ProcessWire installation. Or is there a configuration that I have missed? Thanks for your support.
  7. @Robin S @ryan maybe you can answer my question?
  8. Hi, I'm using Fieldset (Page) a lot for my sites. But unlikey the field only support fieldset as fieldset type. Is there any support to choose the fieldset type for Fieldset (Page), like it is supported for Fieldset (Group)? Example of the fieldset type selection for Fieldset (Group): Thanks.
  9. @Robin S Can you please provide use the TemplateStub fixes? Issue: https://github.com/mindplay-dk/TemplateStubs/issues/1 Or is there another solution now, to get the template fields auto completed? Thanks.
  10. Wow, thank you mate for your fast response to my feature request!
  11. Hi guys, I recently visited GitHub, researched the source code of ProcessWire and created a pull request for a small typo fix. But what I saw did not make me really happy. ProcessWire has a huge list of mostly small but usefull pull requests which are all open. https://github.com/processwire/processwire/pulls?page=1&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen Why is this? If they are not usefull, why are the pull requests not getting closed? Best regards, rjgamer
  12. Found the problem: The autodetection does not detect the current page. Instead it detects and uses the Repeater Matrix page as current page, which does not have a template with allowPageNum enabled. Fix: Add the real page as option to the pager if you need pagination in Repeater Matrix. Check 3rd line: ... echo $items->renderPager([ 'page' => wire('page'), 'listMarkup' => '<nav aria-label="navigation"><ul class="pagination">{out}</ul></nav>', 'itemMarkup' => '<li class="page-item {class}">{out}</li>', 'linkMarkup' => '<a class="page-link" href="{url}">{out}</a>', 'currentLinkMarkup' => '<a class="page-link" href="{url}">{out}</a>', 'currentItemClass' => "active" ]); ... File: partials/feed/items/list.php
  13. Yeah, I dont know why. There is also no error or any redirect. ?
  14. Hi folks, my current pagination implementation does not work. The research via Google and this forum did not result in a success. Some details: The template of the pages has pagination enabled in the admin. URL Segments are not enabled. The buttons are correctly rendered. Clicking on the "Next" or numbered links merely reloads the current page. The link href values are properly being output with the current page url with ?page=1, ?page=2, etc. Manually entering the paginated urls has the same effect of reloading the current page with no new content. Pages are being returned from the ->find function properly and with the proper limit. A few other details: ProcessWire v3.0.140 Multi-language is enabled, 2 languages implemented, only one is use. Implemented as partial of a partial of a "Repeater Matrix"-field. ... echo $items->renderPager([ 'listMarkup' => '<nav aria-label="navigation"><ul class="pagination">{out}</ul></nav>', 'itemMarkup' => '<li class="page-item {class}">{out}</li>', 'linkMarkup' => '<a class="page-link" href="{url}">{out}</a>', 'currentLinkMarkup' => '<a class="page-link" href="{url}">{out}</a>', 'currentItemClass' => "active" ]); ... File: partials/feed/items/list.php <div id="feedItems"> <div class="container"> <?= wireRenderFile('partials/feed/items/list', [ 'items' => $items, ]); ?> </div> </div> File: File: partials/feed/items.php echo wireRenderFile('partials/content-section', [ 'title' => $page->section_title, 'body' => wireRenderFile('partials/feed/items', [ 'items' => $pages->find('limit=2, template=feed-item, feed_item_published<=' . time() . ', sort=-feed_item_published'), ]) ]); File: fields/section/section_feed.php Thanks for help...
  15. You are right. I've tested a lot of solutions in last few hours. It seems to be the fastest, most user-friendly and most flexible way to get it done without any third-party module or core manipulation.
  16. Hi, yeah, I saw it. But I don't like it, that you have to create a "settings" page under home to store the data. This is very iritiating for a dummy user. Is there no solution to create a hidden "settings" page and then map it to the admin page?
  17. Cool. Thanks. I think it is the only way for me and my customers to create a own module.
  18. Learning by doing. Could find it out by myself ? But... What does ATO mean? Any plans for the next final release?
  19. Thanks for your links. I already know these solutions. But they are not "user friendly" for non-technical users. General site settings module is buggy in latest PW dev version and settings factory does not offer a solution based on uikit formatted input forms. The solution written in this post is perfect for my use case, but I want to prevent to create mulitple settings page under home and admin, only to get it accessible trough "setup > settings". Offtopic: Cool zgseh dass oh Schwiizer hie mit mache ?
  20. Does the duplicator also duplicate the database? If yes, how does it work?
  21. Hi folks, is there any "better" solution for global settings today as written in this thread? I've a few input fields like website_title and website_image which I want to be editable trough a admin page (e.g. setup > settings) and accessible in my template (e.g. $settings->website_title) Best regards, rjgamer
  22. Sorry, I think you misunderstood my question. I asked for a solution to find field values of a page, based on a specific field tag and not pages.
  23. Thanks! I already found $page->fields in the docs, but didn't reconise that I could use ->find('tags=custom').
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