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Everything posted by Alpine418

  1. Hi, how do I get the values of a page tagged by specific field tag? Something like $page->getByTag('custom'), if I had tagged multiple fields by a tag called "custom". Thanks, rjgamer
  2. Hi guys, the template files has by default to be stored in this base path: /site/templates/ How can I change the base path in the config to /site/templates/pages/ ? Thanks, rjgamer
  3. Hi folks, I'm new to PW and have to say: I really like it! After 15 years of using WebsiteBaker or similar forks of it, I'm ready to switch to ProcessWire. I'm handling the site-wide settings in a Fieldset-tab in home-page: Can I use the Fieldset name as API key? Because currently on my installation, the name of the fieldset is not accessible as WireData/array and returns null: $home = $pages->get('/'); echo $home->site_settings->site_title; // does not work, throws error because site_settings is null echo $home->site_title; // does work If configurable, I want the similiar API-behaviour of fieldset to access the child fields like with the repeater. Thanks for your support.
  4. Is this still the best approach to handle site-wide custom settings without any modules? Edit: Oh, I see this thread is older than my two daughters ? Sorry for that.
  5. Hi, I'm a web developer only in my free time and don't have a huge budget. Is there any solution to evaluate the ProFields first, before I have to buy them? Like an evaluation license for 30 days or something. Thanks, rjgamer
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