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Everything posted by eydun

  1. I have experienced this happening, when there is some issue creating new session-files on the server. It could for example be caused by low disk-space or some permission-issues.
  2. Hello, I get "internal server error" when clicking on edit pages for all pages in the back-end. Tracy gives me this error: "Missing format specifier". We use PW 3.0.217 on PHP 8.0. Any idea what might be causing this?
  3. Thank you for building this module. What is the minimum required php version?
  4. Thanks for the reply. Yes, I agree. I find it a bit hard to find use-cases for unpublished pages, and also most often end with creating an additional boolean status-field.
  5. When building various templates such as webpages (or something else), do you usually add an additional boolean-field to be able to toggle the page to be "active" or not? Or do you just use the built-in "Publish/Unpublish" status-field to control if the page should be active/visible? I know it depends on the use-case, so this question is meant in general-terms best-practices how to use the status-field.
  6. Thanks. Is paying you to develop this feature an option?
  7. It would be awesome, if you could see it the stats, when a log is created because of a 404.
  8. I would love to use this module on one of my website, which is unfortunately still running PHP 7.4. I can see that minimum requirement is PHP ver. 8. I guess this is because of Latte 3. Will I be able to tweak the module to use Latte 2 and PHP 7.4, or will I be hit by an avalanche of challenges?
  9. Thank you for the reply. If the "wire"-folder did not have to be accessible from public, then it would perhaps make sense to split the installation-process of "wire" and "site" into two steps. The first step could be handle by composer, while I am not so sure how to best handle the latter...
  10. I guess it could be a solution if composer require processwire/processwire only installed the wire-folder it the vendor-directory. While the installation/setup of the site-folder was a separate package. It is my impression that @teppo uses composer a lot. Teppo, what do you think?
  11. Thanks for the tip about composer scripts, that might come handy when setting up new processwire-installations. The docs mention: composer require processwire/processwire as a possible installation method: https://processwire.com/docs/start/install/new/#installation-with-composer-and-packagist But I guess that is not feasible...
  12. @wbmnfktr thanks, I am aware of that. My question meant to be, if it is possible to also include processwire with composer in the site-structure that @MoritzLost is recommending.
  13. Thank you for this write-up. It is possible to also include processwire with composer? E.g. composer require processwire/processwire
  14. FYI. I can see it the docs, that there is constant for FM_ROOT_PATH. ?
  15. Thanks for the reply. I am aware of that. But I think it would be a good option to be able to set the root-path, so the user starts at a chosen folder.
  16. Thank you both for the advise ? The "page-render-iprestriction"-module looks like a perfect solution for my needs.
  17. Thanks for the tip. But I was hoping not to modify the .htaccess-file.
  18. Thanks for the making this module. Is it perhaps possible to set the root-directory, so the user does not get access to the complete installation?
  19. There are some hosts that are continuously scraping my website. They are using static IP-addresses, so they are easy to identify. What is the easiest method to ban some IP-addresses from access your website? Is there perhaps a PW-module for this?
  20. > File-Cache you mean then? Yes, absolutely File-Cache. >After switching to Solaris mode the numbers look much better Glad to hear ?
  21. My experience is that MySQL-connections is the first bottle-neck. Try to cache as much as possible.
  22. Thanks, it is working now! Thank you for building this module. Postmark er also my preferred mail-gateway.
  23. Thank you for the prompt reply. Now it gives an error on line 628:
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