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  1. Yes, "Custom form placement" was a great addition to combo-fields.
  2. I love this module. Have you been able to make it work in a combo-field?
  3. Thank you for the reply! I use Firefox as browser. Sometimes it works as you describe, but most often they keyboard arrows do not work. This is a problem I have only when using chat gpt website. I will give Brave browser a go.
  4. When I use chat.openai.com, I need to use the mouse to scroll up and down to read a reply from chat-gpt, because pageup/down and arrows on keyboard seem do be disabled. Is this the same for you?
  5. Would it be possible to use WireHttp as standalone? https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-http/post/
  6. I just tried HumanDates for the first time. Wow, this is a package I have been missing for many years, thanks!
  7. Then again, I am not so sure... This is the supposed solution: https://github.com/umami-software/umami/pull/2090
  8. Thanks for the help. I do not use VSCode, but I try to get it to work in phpstorm.
  9. Do you recommend using this page for creating a new (your first) module? http://modules.pw/ Or is it not up-to-date with current specifications? Or is there some other module-boilerplate available, that you would recommend?
  10. Thanks, hope this module gets included in the PW-core.
  11. Thanks, that fixed it. Hope you find time to continue maintaining this excellent module ?
  12. Thank you for building this module. I get this error on PHP 8.1
  13. Hi Daun, Thank you - the template file method is working.
  14. Hey @d'Hinnisdaël, I'm using RockGrid, a commercial module from @bernhard, which makes it possible to provide all kinds of great data listings in the PW backend that are highly customizable via simple JavaScript and great for the client to work with (sorting, filtering, colorization and aggregation of data etc.). RockGrids can be displayed as separate pages in the PW backend or in the PW page editor, because RockGrid ships with a Fieldtype/Inputfield that can be placed anywhere. I'd love to have such a grid (or more of them) in my dashboard that is built with your module. Is that possible somehow?
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