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Everything posted by benbyf

  1. amazing i got an email back about fracking from a local @LibDems Candidate after @Greenpeace email https://t.co/xUGHJKzzNw they said probs:(

  2. RT @jemimakiss: Making a list of all girls/women coding course/code clubs/tech skills events in the UK - send links this way please!

  3. RT @huhmagazine: Russell Brand is now encouraging people to vote Labour http://t.co/UU8Ppn3Ith http://t.co/vf1Jvjag8F

  4. batteries are a step, but is the best thing about Elon’s speech the challenge to do something about the environment https://t.co/ZQ1OeS727r

  5. I just backed Yooka-Laylee - A 3D Platformer Rare-vival! on @Kickstarter http://t.co/3kuE9PLJE0

  6. how long is too long to be on hold with HMRC?? i’ve done two calls waiting and hanging up after 15 minutes so far, will try again tomorrow

  7. RT @aracelicamargo_: article on how the design of building + culture can perpetuate a specific future. http://t.co/sl1ZEJ45Wd. #neuroscienc

  8. Elon Musk’s Grand Plan to Power the World With Batteries http://t.co/jRr9B727ID via @WIRED

  9. anyone else going to @DigiShoreditch #ds15 meetup tonight?

  10. anyone able to recommend a good iOS calendar app that works with google cal?

  11. "Microsoft Edge web browser… It is a fork of Trident designed for improved support of web standards” doesn’t fills me with much confidence

  12. RT @JoeScarboro: Many thanks to Adobe, who are donating £2 to @CodeClub for every #tweet4code tweeted! #AdobeSummit Please get in involved!

  13. loving the animations in these bbc radio4 shorts: http://t.co/26biW4wW7d #historyOfIdeas

  14. sorry i missed you earlier at the NESTA event @GBoddington

  15. Been working in pw for nearly 5 years and it's still receiving constant updates and getting better and better. (While some other cms' have fallen by the way side). Show them some of the other agencies using pw and refer to the security supports tickets (I am yet to have had a security issue with pw which hasn't been server not application level). Also tell them Drupal is verbose and painful to template and create modules for, and Wordpress is shit for most things... Both are the case
  16. Good luck @tigerchops for the last day of #ludumdare #LD32

  17. the @cocos2dx download page is super confusing for a neeeeb - which one to download?? http://t.co/AX2T9U2x6F

  18. RT @eulergy: We’ll be at @emergelab A Sneak Preview tonight, come say hi http://t.co/Tw3LBNjJwW

  19. RT @AbertayUni: Entering this year's @edgeonline Get into #Games Challenge? Here are some top tips from 3 @BAFTAGames award winners: http:/…

  20. RT @huhmagazine: Red Bull presents "Skateboarding in Madagascar" http://t.co/qtHUymtIwU http://t.co/8mYtTsoHSW

  21. RT @CreativeReview: Lovely RT @tomgauld 'The Further Adventures of Schrödinger's Cat' (a cartoon I did for this week's @newscientist) http:…

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