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Everything posted by benbyf
amazing i got an email back about fracking from a local @LibDems Candidate after @Greenpeace email https://t.co/xUGHJKzzNw they said probs:(
RT @jemimakiss: Making a list of all girls/women coding course/code clubs/tech skills events in the UK - send links this way please!
RT @huhmagazine: Russell Brand is now encouraging people to vote Labour http://t.co/UU8Ppn3Ith http://t.co/vf1Jvjag8F
batteries are a step, but is the best thing about Elon’s speech the challenge to do something about the environment https://t.co/ZQ1OeS727r
I just backed Yooka-Laylee - A 3D Platformer Rare-vival! on @Kickstarter http://t.co/3kuE9PLJE0
how long is too long to be on hold with HMRC?? i’ve done two calls waiting and hanging up after 15 minutes so far, will try again tomorrow
RT @aracelicamargo_: article on how the design of building + culture can perpetuate a specific future. http://t.co/sl1ZEJ45Wd. #neuroscienc…
"Microsoft Edge web browser… It is a fork of Trident designed for improved support of web standards” doesn’t fills me with much confidence
RT @JoeScarboro: Many thanks to Adobe, who are donating £2 to @CodeClub for every #tweet4code tweeted! #AdobeSummit Please get in involved!
the @cocos2dx download page is super confusing for a neeeeb - which one to download?? http://t.co/AX2T9U2x6F
RT @eulergy: We’ll be at @emergelab A Sneak Preview tonight, come say hi http://t.co/Tw3LBNjJwW
RT @AbertayUni: Entering this year's @edgeonline Get into #Games Challenge? Here are some top tips from 3 @BAFTAGames award winners: http:/…
RT @huhmagazine: Red Bull presents "Skateboarding in Madagascar" http://t.co/qtHUymtIwU http://t.co/8mYtTsoHSW
RT @CreativeReview: Lovely RT @tomgauld 'The Further Adventures of Schrödinger's Cat' (a cartoon I did for this week's @newscientist) http:…