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Everything posted by monollonom

  1. It seems you tried to upload the zip file of the github repository instead of the one within it with the translations (one can see this because of the repository’s README.md file in the error). First unzip “pw-30229-lang-fr-main.zip” and then upload ”pw_3.0.229_fr.zip” in ProcessWire.
  2. If you click on the return value "PagesNames" you can get there. As to where / how I encountered it, it was from the "Name format for children" option in the ProcessTemplate edit page:
  3. Is it possible you have this in mind? https://processwire.com/api/ref/pages-names/page-name-from-format/
  4. Many thanks @ryan for all your hard work and happy holidays and new year everyone!
  5. The parent class but actually I’m seeing in ryan’s comment that it’s only necessary for “Process” modules, my bad
  6. Last shot: could it be because you don’t call the parent’s uninstall function? See ProcessHello’s exemple https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessHello/blob/189029f494870760107d8a621dfb5a59db53959c/ProcessHello.module.php#L227C69-L227C69
  7. Or maybe it does? "get" does install and initialize the module, if available https://processwire.com/api/ref/modules/get/ Is it possible a visit occured right after you tried to uninstall?
  8. I just came accross this feature request on Kirby: https://kirby.nolt.io/20. No real observation / comment but it’s just funny to see how PW and Kirby are opposite in approaches but still look to reach each other’s end
  9. Also, have you tried using https://processwire.com/modules/tags-to-folders/ ?
  10. It’s actually on the current master version (3.0.229) though the fix for svg files mentionned in the issue as well is only on the dev one
  11. @Robin S brought up this issue not so long ago and it’s been fixed since. So yes it does pull from the database directly, see https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1812
  12. Personally I don’t really see how setting something like this would entice the community to contribute more than making a pull request to a module’s repository to share your translation in your language (https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.181-hello/). I’m mostly working on english websites (or for people who are ok with an english admin) but if one day I’m required to use french and I need to translate some modules then I’d happily share my work this way. And if you need a shortcut, you can always give a shot at @FireWire ’s excellent Fluency translation module 🙂
  13. I’ve never worked with panels (just yet) but from what I’m seeing if you have a view ready in your Process module, say “__executeSomething()”, isn’t it just a matter of having a link pointing to that view? <a href="/something/" class="pw-panel">Open in panel</a>
  14. monollonom

    ATP2L T2L

    Hi all, Here is one of the latest website we created for a french company renting construction machines and trucks with specialized drivers, based in Le Mans. It’s a rather simple showcase/informational website, but we aimed at making clear (and visually attractive) what is available, what is the skillset and various ways to quickly get in touch. We produced everything, from the design, pictures, illustrations down to the development (ofc). There wasn’t any website before except for social media presence and this task was a follow-up to the update of the visual identity we did. Behind the scene, on the front-end, everything is custom made: we don’t use any frameworks. On the back-end we used the usual suspects and some: TracyDebugger ❤️ FormBuilder ProCache ProFields (RepeaterMatrix, Table) Dynamic options / Select images Our own flavor of “components” Thanks for having a look!
  15. Shouldn’t you write <pw-region id="mainhead" instead of <div id="mainhead" in your code?
  16. Hey! PageMjmlToHtml author here 🙂 @BitPoet wouldn't it be best if instead of having to opt-out templates the js script was only added when the multiplier fields are added? Not tested but maybe you could put the Page::render hook inside of addMultipliedFieldsToProcessor?
  17. The latest: ProFields Table 0.2.5 on PW master 3.0.229 I did a minimal setup to try it out with one template containing: - a Table field (1) - a FieldsetPage field with Table (2) - a Repeater field with Table (3) On first try there is a js error when clicking on "Add new" but this can be fixed by editing the InputfieldTable.js file on line 193: if(href && href.indexOf('#') === 0) { // check if href exists (pinging @ryan so he can see this) When adding a new row on (1) and (2), the Fluency button is there but is not responding to click. When creating a repeater item (3) and then adding a row there is no Fluency button. Save the page and Fluency will now work on (1) and (2) on the saved row (still not on new ones) and (3) is not working at all. Hope this helps!
  18. I’m not sure I see the option for the button styles but I’m on version 0.9.1 so maybe that’s why? Should I try the dev version?
  19. Hi @FireWire, I need to test it further but I’m posting here first just in case. Is the module supposed to work for any multi-lang text inputs? I seem to have an issue with the Profield Table, but I don’t know if you’re using it or not...? Here are three issues I noticed: - it makes InputfieldTable’s js crash at some point because of a missing href. I added a quick fix in the module’s js but then... - the "Translate" button doesn’t do anything - and it seems to not detect / initiate the InputfieldTable when inside a Repeater. Let me know if you need more infos
  20. Okay I have to try it out but this is absolutely fantastic and something I wanted to tackle myself for a while now, working on websites with a lot of images. Thanks for sharing this!
  21. @BrendonKoz here is a screenshot and screencast showing what gorny’s setup is (at least how I understood it): And here is what I’m suggesting / what I’m doing in such situation: Here the sum of the fields’ width is 100%
  22. In this case what I do is split the remaining 70% into the three conditionally visible fields (e.g. 23/24/23). The visible one will then stretch out to occupy the remaining width.
  23. You said your page reference field “author” can hold multiple authors, so when trying to call $page->author you will get an array of authors instead of a single author and so when trying to get the “id” property you won’t get any since it’s an array, which is why your code doesn’t work. So in your initial code sample, I was suggesting to replace line 5 with $page->author->has($item), like so: // Grab other pages' content $authors = $pages->find("template=author"); <?php foreach ($authors as $item) : ?> <?php if ($page->author->has($item)) : ?> <?= $item->title ?> <?php endif ?> <?php endforeach ?>
  24. You could use this instead: if($page->author->has($item)) // you could name the field "authors" to remove ambiguity The issue is that you were trying to compare with a (non-existing) id from a PageArray instead of a single author (since you allow multiple authors to be added in your page reference field)
  25. FYI you don’t need to call this function everytime. PW is supposed to do this on its own (fill the pages_parents table as you add/move pages), but there may be a bug or what I couldn’t pin down. I’d say whenever you see an issue like, just do a quick function call through TracyDebugger’s PHP console and you’re good to go.
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