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Everything posted by totoff

  1. hi pete, thanks for your module. just wanted to ask if there is a way to update the sitemap as the site evolves (i.e. new pages are added)? best, christoph
  2. hi folks, thanks again for addressing my thread. i think i'll go the "magic selector route" as i don't want the pages to be indexed by search engines and than throw a 404.
  3. hi forum, i'm sure that has been asked and answered before, but can't find it in the forum jungle, not even via google ... therefore in short: i display a list of questions and answers on a faq-list-page. the data for each faq comes from child pages of the faq-list: /faq-list /faq-1 /faq-2 and so on. as i don't need the child pages for more than holding the data and don't want it to be indexed by google, i would like to hide it. however, if i set it to hidden in settings i can't retrieve their data anymore for my faq-list-page. does anybody know a topic here in the forum that addresses this or has a workaround? thanks, christoph
  4. ahhrg, i was not seeing the wood for the trees ... so simple, my thinking was much to complicated. many thanks, nik!
  5. hi soma, thanks for your reply. in fact i did search the forum before posting and i found a lot of examples on how to add a single page via the api including your own example given in this thread. however, what i'm unsure about is how one would add more than one page in a rush. i found some information in the forum that seemed to be helpful and the import() method in the api, but still unsure how to do it. i'm sure one needs to create an array holding the necessary page information and than iterate over it with foreach... but how exactly? i already have a parent page and need to create about 50 subpages. if you could set me on the right track i would greatly appreciate. thanks for pointing me to your very helpful module. but for the sake of my learning curve i would love to find out how to do it via the api before i fall back to a module.
  6. hello forum, i would like to bulk add new (sub)pages via the api. how would you do that? and - sorry if this is a silly question, i'm still learning - i wonder where functions such as delete() or save() come from? are they part of the pw api and if so, are they documented somewhere? or are they native php functions? sorry again, i'm not a php professional at all ... thanks for your answers. EDIT: Found answers to part 2 of my question: save() and delete() are methods for the $page object. however, still stuck on how you would add new pages in a rush.
  7. hi together, thanks for your replies. list.js looks pretty much right (and easy to implement ;-). so i'll give it a try. and extra thanks to diogo, definition list is of course the right markup for a faq list.
  8. hi forum, in my current project i'll have a very long faq-list (ul, li). thinking on how i could improve the usability of this list, i had the idea to provide an entry box on top of the list: as the user types into it, the list narrows itself depending on which letters are typed (example: if "a" is entered the list is filtered and only list-items starting with letter "a" are presented). does anyone of you has ever made something similar or knows a good route how to implement it? i would appreciate any hint. thanks in advance, christoph
  9. hi nikola, your admin theme is still my favorite. however, just for the records i post a problem i run into when developing a client site: in my frontend template i called my main navigation with this code: <?php include("./topnav.inc"); ?> as a result, ul#nav in the backend was replaced with my frontend navigation and set to display:none no problem: i got it back by switching the name of my template to mainnav.inc but for everybody, here is my learning: never call a frontend template topnav.inc when using ergo admin theme! best, c.
  10. good job. not only a nice design, but clearly focused on readability and usability. if only the leit (d) bild would be true ... how did you get this job? normally this kind of jobs require an eu-wide call for proposals and are not finished before the end of a decade. or am i wrong?
  11. thank you nik, very helpful indeed.
  12. hello forum, i assume i'm overlooking something very obvious, but can't get it. i try to output markup depending on whether a page has been checked as "featured" or not: <?php $featurednews = $pages->find("featured=1, template=gmk-news, limit=2, sort=-date"); ?> <?php if (!empty($featurednews)): ?> output my markup ... <?php endif; ?> this outputs my markup even if no page exists with featured=1 (checkbox checked). in other words it returns !empty = true or empty = false although the array must be empty. sorry if this is a dumb question, still newbie with php ... thanks for your help.
  13. hi ryan, this piece is by former modx fanboys, who converted to pw recently. it's made in interview style and the guy who is mainly talking had pw on his shortlist for a while. since pw was awarded by cmscritics recently, they now decided to publish the interview. their first topic is how easy it is to update pw compared to modx. they continue with their opinion, that modx is more "academic" while pw is made by people who know webdesigner's everyday business. next they praise how responsive the main developer of pw is (do you know him?). good ideas raised in the forum make their way into the core quickly, they state. next they talk about the simplictiy of pw. they raise questions on the roadmap: will pw stay as simple as it is? or will it go the "enterprise road" like modx did? the piece is not at all an introduction to pw. it's more a fireside chat of people who know modx in detail and now compare it to pw. they end with a chat about the api. that everything in pw has to bee done "manually" in pw (with some php knowledge), is a major advantage from their point of view. however, they consider pw as not "sexy" but powerful. the whole thing is a bit like pirate radio (do you say so in english?). i mean independent radio by amateurs. cheers, christoph
  14. short summary: michaels article is a profound introduction to pw, written with practical knowledge. he covers all main aspects such as pags, templates, fields, related content etc. he strongly recommends pw to everybody who likes to have total control over markup and functionality. he points out, that beginners with little php knowledge are good to go in less than one day. that pretty much is it. however, he is not the first praising pw in germany: http://www.perun.net...fs-wesentliche/ ah, just realized that the august article is also by michael ... (it says "vladimir" in the meta information)
  15. slightly off topic: but how about taking part in the cms-garden@cebit 2013?
  16. very nice and clean though i'm not so sure about the light blue background for the breadcrumb and sidebar navigation. i would rather stay with the more stronger colors and take the light blue only as an detail.
  17. yes please, i'll be happy to give it a try. not sure if you can send me a pm. if not, just refer to my website as given in my signature.
  18. hi luis, sounds and looks good. would like to help you and try it if it doesn't take toooooo much time have you ever come across freefibu? looks a bit similar. they make use of the api of billomat. christoph
  19. very nice work, excellent. and an interesting project too.
  20. i agree as i think the look & feel of the admin area is a very strong decision making point when choosing a cms (silverstripe has recently put much effort in revamping its admin for that reason). people should see what they get with the default install. and, me personally, i like the default admin
  21. many thanks for your quick reply onjegolders! i think that points me in the right direction. have to figure out how i'll make it in detail, but serving different content depending on the url segment could be the solution. maybe i'll come back with more questions once i have played around with this for a while.
  22. hi forum, as this is quite a complicated question, i'm not sure if my english will be sufficient or not. i'll do my best, but please be forgiving ... i'm about to relaunch my portfolio page with processwire. i would like to have some sort of category system to show prospects only references from a given service they are interested in. in other words: they should be able to filter the page "references" by category while every category is a service i offer. i could easily go and make a site tree like /categories/service-xyz (like ryan does in the blog profile) and use it for the purpose of filtering my references. but i don't like this idea, as i already have a page were my services are listed /leistungen/ with detailed subpages /leistungen/service-xyz. that means: my "category system" already exists and i would like to use it for the purpose of categorizing my references instead of going and make an extra section categories. well, but in this case i need to show different views under /leistungen/ (services) depending on how the visitor arrived on this site. in case the visitor clicked on a category for my references, the page must list all references filed under this category. in any other case, it must give an overview over the services i offer. this is, where i'm stuck. i have no idea how one could do that or even if my approach is efficient and a good one. maybe it's just better to set it up with an extra section /categories? appreciate your feedback or ideas for a solution. and sorry again for my english. really need to take some lessons after being out of shool for some years ... best, christoph
  23. i'm very sad that the claim "Build Bigger, Faster, Stronger, Easier" has been given up. that was a strong message (and true btw.)
  24. oh dear, between two page refreshes the look and feel of processwire.com has changed completely. while more call-to-actions are there, which i like personally, the dominating color now is a "sky-blue" ... how do you feel about that?
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