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Everything posted by NooseLadder

  1. Hi, I wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction. I have a process for booking a course as follows using html form and method='post'. I would like to have a pop-up message e.g. jQuery Dialog after step 3 below. if no errors, to say 'Please wait whilst your application is processed' as there is a delay here and an impatient user might give up if he perceives that nothing is happening. The problem I have is that the dialog is called before the page has loaded and the redirect initiated in step 5. I've looked around at the usual coding sites, there are similar scenarios but I can't find a solution for my application. 1. Select required course. 2. Submit application form. 3. Form Validation, if errors post to same page i.e. action=',/' display error mssgs. If no errors [jQuery Dialog here] 4. Create page in admin with applicant's and course selected details. 5. Redirect using to payment page on the site. $destination_url = $pages->get(1544)->url; //Contact form success page header("Location:$destination_url"); exit(); Pay via Paypal. If payment successful 6. Set field in page created in step 4. as deposit paid. 7. Send emails to admin and applicant. 8. Redirect back to Success page. If payment is cancelled or browser closed redirect to cancellation page.
  2. Ok thanks Ryan, I'll look at the jQuery option.
  3. I hope the attached image helps. Either that or just have a way to select the fields and the number of columns are created automatically depending on number of fields selected.
  4. @slkwrm Thanks for this module. I have just used this module and it works. My application is to add a field to the top of some admin pages that will contain instructions/information for the client when they edit the page. So I created a field called 'admin_info' as a textarea, added the required text instructions then changed the Inputfieldtype to 'textareaLookup'. If I need to amend the instructions I will change the inputfieldtype back to 'textarea', apply the changes then change back to 'textareaLookup to make it read-only. @Ryan This module does not appear in the modules page (or I couldn't find it!), is there a reason for this? Additionally: If you want to style the read-only text, set inputfieldtype to TinyMCE, edit the field on the page in html mode and add a class to the <p>. Add the css to the main.css file in wire > templates-admin > styles. Remember to set the inputfieldtype back to textareaLookup afterwards. I tested this and the <p> class is held after the inputfieldtype change.
  5. Please say if my request is not clear and I will try to clarify.
  6. Hi, I am looking to create a report generator for my client's admin. I currently have this table from: $bookings = $pages->find("template=the_form_submission, sort=-booking_date"); I would like to have one report template where you can select the fields to appear on the report (like a filter) in select (dropdown) for each column, or just select the fields and auto-generate the appropriate number of columns with headings. This will be for the client to use in the admin. Any help appreciated as always.
  7. Thanks Adrian, that was the answer. Just to clarify for anyone else reading this, the admin.php file in the templates folder should have been modified to add this code when the module was installed, but for some reason it did not happen, so I manually added it and it now works. What I mean is the child page is now rendered in the parent in the admin. // line added for the Custom Admin Pages Module if($page->template->id !== 2) $page->process = "ProcessAdminCustomPages"; I wonder if someone could clarify if this is the right 'tool' for my needs: I would like to have an admin only page that produces a report (table), effectively a report generator where you select the fields (all existing fields) you want in the report from dropdowns in each column or just select the fields and the table is created based on the selected fields, one field per column. I haven't thought this through 100% but any ideas are welcome.
  8. Hi, I have just added the 'Admin Custom Page' module to a dev site. What I am not sure about is how to use it. This is what I have done so far. I am using PW 2.3.0. 1. Installed 'Admin Custom Page' module v1.05 via the admin. 2. Created template called 'test-custom-page' without a .php file. 3. Added 'admin' as the Alternate Template Filename. 4. Added the field 'ACP_scripts_and_styles' to 'test-custom-page' template. 5. Created new page under Admin called' test-custom-page' with template 'test-custom-page'. 6. Added the following scripts and styles url's to the 'ACP_scripts_and_styles' textarea: site/templates/scripts/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom/css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css site/templates/skeleton/stylesheets/skeleton.css site/templates/skeleton/stylesheets/base.css site/templates/styles/main.css site/templates/styles/theme.css site/templates/skeleton/stylesheets/layout.css site/templates/scripts/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom/js/jquery-1.9.1.js site/templates/scripts/main.js site/templates/scripts/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.js 7. Created template called 'test-child' with fields: title; headline; body; images. This is based on my basic-page template and has a .php file called 'test-child.php'. 8. Created a child page of 'test-custom-page' called 'test-child' with template 'test-child'. Tree = Admin > Test Custom Page > Test Child. When I view Test Custom Page the page is loaded in the admin with mssg: 'This page has no Process assigned.' I'm not quite sure what should happen here? If I view the child page ('Test Child') it is rendered as normal with header, body, footer etc. Any help appreciated as always.
  9. I have only just started looking at this, but to answer your question: The form will put all the variables into the db. The form takes details of a course booking.So each form submit needs to be entered into the db. If the form has the following fields: Firstname, Lastname, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Postcode, Gender, Date of birth, Hidden field to calculate age from dob, email, telephone, Course start date, end date, the course, comments. Each submission needs to store these fields in the db. I would like to create reports based on a selection of these fields. There will also be admin only pages to create the courses/dates etc that are displayed on the course html pages. And to capture who has paid, who hasn't, parental consent given. So the reports will be using fields from the form input as well as admin pages and possibly calculated variables as well. I hope that clarifies my needs a bit better? Examples of required reports might be but not limited to: 1. List of all clients with contact details. 2. Who is booked onto what course. 3. Outstanding payments. You mentioned above Is it best to create a new page for every form submission or just enter the data into the db? I will take a look at the links and advice you gave above. Thanks.
  10. Thanks for your reply. #2 Probably best as db fields in PW database. #4 I would like to create the report as a page in the admin with the option to view as html or export as Excel or PDF. @kongondo: Thanks for the other links I will digest accordingly.
  11. Ok. Thanks. Started new thread here.
  12. Hi, Started this topic on this thread but moved to here as it is quite different. I am looking for some help to code my own templates to achieve the following using the API and database: 1. Email from form submission. 2. Enter form data into database. 3. Validate users input in each form field. 34. Use db data to create reports. I currently use my own html forms in the templates and to date have only directly emailed from the submission. I am working on a project to convert a pdf application form into an online <form>. Input types include: text; textarea (TinyMCE); radio; jQuery UI datepicker (value = "datepicker id"); email; select (options from pages); hidden & submit. There's probably more questions but that wil do to start.
  13. Yes I understand that thanks, but I would like to attempt raw coding in my own templates at this stage if possible.
  14. Hi, This is a great thread, very helpful thanks. So far all of the forms I have used in PW are emailed. I am not using FormBuilder (yet). I would like to email the form submission and enter the fields data into the database. I would like to use the database data to create reports (pages) for the client. What is the best way to accomplish this?
  15. Hi, Over the last few days when I have been trying to access processwire.com I am getting the mssg 'waiting for use.typekit.net' and pages are taking ages to load. Is it just me?
  16. Hi, I have just installed Fredi and am getting the following error when the edit window is displayed: Notice: Undefined variable: out in \site\modules\Fredi\FrediProcess.module on line 116 $submit = $this->modules->get('InputfieldSubmit'); $form->add($submit); // If form was submitted, process it if (count($_POST)) return $this->processInput($form); $out .= $form->render(); // Line 112 return $out;
  17. Nice site but the Headline: Hopefully, their target audience understands it? Would you say this in a face-to-face? Maybe
  18. Not really. Honesty is what I am looking for, anything else is a waste of time! Thank you Soma for your comments.
  19. Hi, I would like your opinions on the background and colour combinations of the content area please of the attached screenshot. Not the final layout of course, just the concept.
  20. It's got some interesting history as well
  21. Hi all, I just found this site offering web design amongst other thingz. Comments please!!! You will see why I do not want to create a link to the site. www [dot] sandau [dot] biz
  22. I've been using Freemind for a while now. I highly recommend it and couldn't work without it now. I think you mean Themes and Profiles rather than Modules/Plugins
  23. Thanks, I have just submitted my vote.
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