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Jonathan Lahijani

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Everything posted by Jonathan Lahijani

  1. I have a URL hook like this which acts as an API endpoint: wire()->addHook('/foo/', function(HookEvent $event) { bd($event); }); That endpoint will be hit from somewhere with some post data, outside of ProcessWire. As you can see, I have a bardump to log $event, but I won't be able to see that output because it's coming from some outside request. How do I actually log it and store it (without using ProcessWire's own $log capabilities)?
  2. I'm developing a very advanced ecommerce site with ProcessWire and an order needs to have various related pieces of data. To keep it simple for this example, an order should log payment attempts ('payment' template) and the items that were fulfilled ('fulfillment' template). Let's assume our order is here in the page tree, where 123 represents a page using the 'order' template (which contains the billing address and things like that): /orders/123/ One scenario that I often come across when developing ProcessWire sites with strong data relationships is where to put related pieces of data. In the situation I described, I could do it in one of three ways: Approach 1: as child pages of 'order' template I could make payments and fulfillments as children of the 'order' template. This is a ProcessWire-y way to do it. Approach 2: under one separate master page I could make payments and fulfillments as children of /order-updates/ and establish the relationship using an 'order' page reference field on the 'payment' and 'fulfillment' templates. This is a blend between traditional database design and a ProcessWire-y way to do it. Approach 3: under multiple master pages I could make payments as children of /payments/ and fulfillments as children of /fulfillments/ and establish the relationship using an 'order' page reference field on the 'payment' and 'fulfillment' templates. This is a traditional database design way to do it. What are your thoughts in regards to this specific example? Do any of them have pitfalls that I don't foresee? If I had to switch from one technique to another, that would be easy to do with a simple migration script.
  3. I oftentimes create a checkbox field called 'test' and assign it to certain templates. I check the box if the page is a test page. These pages may exist on the live site and I don't want to hide or unpublish them, but at the same time, I don't want them to appear in the XML Sitemap. (not part of this tutorial, but I also noindex,nofollow those pages using a meta tag in the head so search engines don't index them) In that case, you can remove them from the WireSitemapXML like this in /site/ready.php: $wire->addHookAfter('WireSitemapXML::allowPage', function(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments('page'); if($page->hasField('test') && $page->test) $event->return = false; });
  4. If accessibility and avoiding lawsuits matters, I'd avoid going that route. I spoke with a developer friend recently whose client got hit with an accessibility lawsuit. They then had a special accessibility firm audit and maintain the website. Sometime afterwards they got hit with 2 more accessibility lawsuits, although they were thrown out. This might be mainly a US phenomenon however... gotta keep those lawyers busy! UIkit pushed a big update today that (finally) addresses a lot of accessibility issues.
  5. Thanks. To get the width and height of an image, I'm doing this: // within repeater loop that has a file field called 'project_file' $imageSizer = new ImageSizer($project_file->filename); $width = $imageSizer->getWidth(); $height = $imageSizer->getHeight();
  6. I have a field that uses the Files fieldtype. Images and videos are being uploaded to it. Because it is not an Image fieldtype, I can't get an image width or height. I believe there is a way with the Pageimages class, but I'm a bit rusty on how to do this. There was a post on here that discussed how to do it but I can't find it. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. I originally developed and launched Real SF Properties in 2015 and did a complete design and programming refresh in 2022: https://realsfproperties.com/ The site was designed by BuzzCandy.Design: http://buzzcandy.design/ This was my first time using Tailwind CSS and it was a great fit for this project. I wish it existed back in 2015 because while UIkit has been my go-to CSS framework for several years now, there are some site designs (and designers) that I work with that simply need a higher level of precision to slice correctly and be maintainable. Sure, I could have used vanilla CSS and done it the classic way (separation of concerns), but Tailwind CSS and doing everything with utility classes (locality of behavior) does come with major benefits, even if the markup is not so easy on the eyes. This site does not use a matrix page builder or anything fancy. The sections are hardcoded but with the ability to add data using the various page data structures that feed in accordingly. It has also has an accessibility score that is extremely high. It's a quick loading site even though ProCache or CDN is not yet enabled. Other frontend libraries include Flickity and Headroom.js. More details on my personal website: https://jonathanlahijani.com/projects/real-sf-properties/
  8. Tracy's interface in the frontend seems to fall apart when using HTMX boosted links: https://htmx.org/docs/#boosting Has anyone had experience with this and know how to fix it?
  9. I wanted to share this tip which I'm going to implement on Transferware Collectors Club Database. That site has a form which is a set of filters. It takes many queries to build that form and all of its options and as a result, it takes over 5 seconds to load the page. ProCache is out of the question because using a full page cache on a site like that doesn't make sense, but caching various areas with WireCache $cache does. The form is developed in a way where it will automatically populate/select the various form fields based on what it reads from the URL. So going to /?color=123 will automatically check the appropriate radio button for that color. Therefore, when using $cache to cache the form (or parts of the form), we need to cache the form in a clean, unpopulated state. The problem then becomes how do we use the cached form but also populate the fields accordingly based on the URL variables? Markup regions can do this. Assuming we had a set of radio options coming from our WireCache'd form like this: ... <input type="radio" name="color" id="color-123" value="123"> Red <input type="radio" name="color" id="color-124" value="124"> Blue ... We could devise some code that also outputs this on our page: <region pw-replace="color-123" checked></region> Markup regions will then "check" that radio. Perhaps this isn't mind blowing, but I've never thought of using Markup Regions in this way.
  10. I should clarify that php 7.4.3 was fpm and php 8.1 was non-fpm. Not sure if php-fpm played a role.
  11. OK I figured it out but don't know the exact reason. Upgrading from php 7.4.3 to php 8.1 resolved the issue. I noticed in 7.4.3, the http headers of the request are in lowercase, but in php 8.1, they are in the more proper case. Also, the headers are listed a little bit differently in 7.4 vs 8.1. That's probably where the issue is.
  12. I'm getting the same 500 errors as well in my particular case. To clarify my situation: occurs on live site (Ubuntu 20.04, Apache 2.4.41, php 7.4.3), but not dev site (Ubuntu 22.04, Apache 2.4.52, php 8.1.2); i mirrored live to dev database as well enable live preview = on (not sse) While it 500 errors, the field technically does get autosaved (I can refresh the page without hitting the save button and the updated value is still there). I wonder if the Apache or PHP version matters. Will have to check. @adrian Did you ever find a solution to this?
  13. Is it possible to set $config->sessionExpireSeconds for different users? What would be the best way to go about this?
  14. If I remember correctly, there was a way to move the Users page to be somewhere else in the page tree. It involved changing some special settings. I can't seem to find it on the ProcessWire website. Does anyone remember the guide / blog post / whatever documentation was created for it?
  15. While I'm not using it in real world project yet, the Combo field works well for a "link" field. For example, you could link something to a page (page field), a external website (url field) or a modal (page field), or a page + url parameters. Also, what about absolute vs relative URLs? Here's an export of that field you can import and play around with: https://pastebin.com/N8UuiFKQ Somewhat related is this module:
  16. I've looked at it but since it uses '@apply' quite a bit, that goes against what the creator of Tailwind recommends:
  17. Very cool Ryan. I built something very similar for my own purposes in ProcessWire as well (invoices, clients, projects, proposals, expenses). It's similar to FreshBooks but with my own needs. It uses the Table field (profields) and ListerPro to make things more convenient.
  18. I have a page field that I am hooking into and providing the custom dropdown values like this: $this->addHookAfter('InputfieldPage::getSelectablePages', function(HookEvent $event) { if($event->object->hasField == 'my_page_field') { $ids = []; foreach(wire('pages')->find("...") as $p) { $ids[] = $p; } $event->return = $ids; } }); Due to the nature of my site, the amount of items that will populate in that dropdown field will be quite high (over 2000 pages). Due to this high amount of pages in that dropdown, the PW admin slows down quite a bit (extra 2 seconds) on edit pages that utilize that field. To counteract this, I have made that field have the Visibility Presentation of Closed + Load when opened (AJAX), however because I am using the hook described above, it will still load the pages even if the field has not yet been opened. So my question is, how do I improve the the hook above to execute only after the field has been opened?
  19. If anyone is thinking of using MediaTemple and their latest Grid (shared) plan, please reconsider. You will hit this issue and they will not disable mod_security. MediaTemple is owned by GoDaddy, so you should just avoid them all together because GoDaddy is garbage in my opinion anyway.
  20. Works great as an alternative to repeaters. Way fewer pages. For example I use it on my ecommerce site to hold what items are in a person's cart.
  21. Example: $finds = []; $finds[0] = $pages->find("title*=foo", ['findIDs' => 1]); $finds[1] = $pages->find("title*=bar,id!=".implode("|", $finds[0]), ['findIDs' => 1]); $finds[2] = $pages->find("title*=baz,id!=".implode("|", array_merge($finds[0],$finds[1])), ['findIDs' => 1]); // etc... // final query that gets ids from 0, then 1, then 2 $final = $pages->find("id.sort=".implode("|", array_merge($finds[0],$finds[1],$finds[2])));
  22. @formulate Refer to my post here, specifically under the search section which contains a link to a commit that should be here. In short, that minor change opens up the possibility to do multiple $pages->find and stack them one after another, while maintaining pagination. This means you can use multiple finds and effectively build search results that are ranked. I used this technique very successfully for the site I showcased and if I'm understanding your post, I think that's what you're ultimately looking to do.
  23. Slightly off-topic, but what is the correct way to manage frontend packages without a Node-based method (grunt/bower/webpack)? Does a formal way to do this even exist? Composer is not meant for frontend packages (right?), but I see that you can get Bootstrap and UIkit from there (but not HTMX or Alpine.js for example) wget into your themes folder? Make a ProcessWire module for each frontend package (that you as a module maintainer manage the versions of yourself)? This is more WordPress / non-developer like for those that consume the package as opposed to the module maintainer. I'm really trying to become Node free... not because it's causing me problems, but just because I feel I barely need it except for package management.
  24. Reviving this old thread... I've been deeply thinking about a simplified build process in addition to a more standard, non-NPM/Webpack/etc. way of loading CSS and JS. I agree with @Nuwanda in that the way WordPress does it is well thought out. It's pretty straight-forward, but I wonder if ProcessWire could standardize something like wp_enqueue_scripts/styles in the core. Right now there's no standardization, but that's probably by design (ie, ProcessWire doesn't dictate markup / not a theming CMS).
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