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Jonathan Lahijani

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Everything posted by Jonathan Lahijani

  1. Hello fellow ProcessWire devs. I recently developed and launched the following site: http://whiteconst.com/ Specs: PW 2.4 Zurb Foundation 5 Full width layout + responsive design; font-scaling in certain situations Ajax page loading; window history pushstate CSS3 based loading animations (page to page, project modal) Heavily animated home page slideshow (built with sequencejs) Developed so that every page is properly indexed by search engines despite used of Ajax (each page has it's own unique URL; canonical meta tags also indicate to search engines what the official URL of a page is to prevent duplicate content cases) Form Builder module Hanna Code module XML Sitemap module Video Embed for YouTube/Vimeo module (don't know about this one? you should!) Custom module to that allows administrators to view all projects in the admin section using a table layout with more metadata screenshot: http://goo.gl/3HfJTW Custom modal to view projects Custom developed news blog (with categories, year archives, recent posts filters) Content is easily manageable by site admins All kinds of frontend coding to make the layouts look great, especially the project pages (image gallery, videos, etc.) This was a challenging project for several reasons. Several requirements and layouts were changed along the way. Also, whenever dealing with Ajax based page loading, that seems to complicate things by a factor of 3 (must take many other things into consideration for it to work properly and lots of edge cases). This was also the first PW site I did that needed a blog / news section. I didn't start with the Blog profile, but this was easy to roll. In fact, I like being able to build out the blog myself because of the greater control it provides. I wanted URLs to be formatted in a particular way. It needed to be Ajax based. I like naming things my own way (Blog or News? Post or Article?... WordPress's defaults are extremely confusing to the end user). At the end of the day, ProcessWire was a perfect fit for this project. - Jonathan
  2. Thanks for that resource Adrian. However, I don't think that approach will work for what I have in mind. For example, let's say I'm on a page that is of the template "car" that lists all the details of the car. Naturally, this gets stored in $page. Then let's say while still on that page I want to output the content of a separate page of a totally different template... let's call it "computer". $mycomputer = $pages->get("/computers/macbook-pro/"); At this point, both $page (which has a template of "car") and $mycomputer (which has a template of "computer") are of the Page class, but of different templates. Naturally, some methods would apply to "car" and some would apply to "computer". So, for example, would it be possible to add a property called "hello" to just a Page of template "computer", even without being on the "computer" template?
  3. Hello, The Hook API documentation is great in explaining how hooks work. I wanted to know if it's possible to add a method or property to a Page, but pages only of a specific template type. The reasoning behind this would be certain methods or properties would only apply to specific template types. Possible? Thank you.
  4. Another suggestion for just local testing / not sending out the actual email is a program called 'Test Mail Server Tool': http://www.toolheap.com/test-mail-server-tool/ However, make sure to not run it with a program like hMailServer simultaneously since there will be port conflicts.
  5. Check out hMailServer: http://www.hmailserver.com/ Works well for me with my Gmail account.
  6. Hey all, Here's a demo of what I've built. It's become my primary bookmarking system: I didn't demonstrate it in the video, but this system works amazingly on a mobile device too. It's so easy and quick to pull up stuff I want to read when at a coffee shop or have a few minutes to kill when on the go. I found Diigo's Android App very limiting in comparison, especially since it doesn't allow you to view all of your bookmarks on the mobile app (last time I checked). I have no plans as of yet to release this, but I may in the near future if you are all really interested. There are features I still want to build out as well as a lot of code cleanup and security measures that need to be implemented. Enjoy! Jonathan
  7. Is anyone here a heavy bookmarker like I am? Typically I'll get most of my news from Hacker News and Slashdot, followed by some great blogs on a daily basis. I usually never have time to read an article in depth when I first come across it, so I'll bookmark it for later. Or, if I quickly need to get up to date on some topic, I'll do a search (usually by tags) and familiarize myself with important stuff I've bookmarked in the past. After having used browser native based bookmarking (Firefox and Chrome), then Delicious, then Diigo, then Pinboard and becoming frustrated by all of them for various reasons and limitations, I've decided to roll my own little single user (and non social) bookmarking system with ProcessWire (with Bootstrap 3 as the frontend framework). It's still a work in progress, but it takes the best of all those systems with my own power features. It also utilizes ajax for certain actions. I'll need to create a Chrome extension to tie it all together. I have to say however, after working non-stop on it for hours on end and not being able to think of anything else, it's looking slick. Damn you ProcessWire for making this so enjoyable. Jonathan
  8. Isn't the idea you described just to remember a user's username in a cookie, even after they've logged out, so that it'd prepopulate a login form with their name? What would be the best approach for truly keeping them signed in (unless they specifically log out), even after they've closed their browser? Basically a "Remember Me" feature much like WordPress or other web apps (Google, etc.) where it expires after a couple weeks. I'm having difficulty with this.
  9. In my situation, Users in Role A will require a set of fields that Users in Role B will not need and vice versa.
  10. I understand how to add a field to users (regardless of role), however I would like to add a field that only is assigned to a specific user role. Is this possible? Couldn't find any information about this in the forums or documentation, so I'm resorting here to the forums. Sorry if this is a repeat question.
  11. Thank you. This was very helpful in building a user messaging feature! Loving ProcessWire.
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