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Everything posted by nik

  1. @renobird, @diogo: ...or just use "has_parent=/shoes/".
  2. Thanks for the report guys! Redirect url on page save has changed a couple of months ago a bit and my regex was too picky. This is fixed now. I also fixed the action when field is being edited in some other context than default one. Module version is now 0.0.7 both in GitHub and modules directory.
  3. Thanks @arjen & @adrian for the report. And thanks @soma for giving the right solution . It definitely was a bug in this very module. I've updated the module to check id has been given as a GET parameter before using it to get the page being edited. This seems to solve the problem you guys were facing, just like soma said. New version is in GitHub and version number has been updated in the modules directory as well. @arjen: Soma was right also regarding that bitwise-and (naturally ). That line, and two similar ones elsewhere, checks if the template has the system flag set. Property 'flags' of a template is a bit field where there's possibly more than one flag (bit) set at a time. So it wouldn't be correct for example just to see if the flags value equals to the value of system flag, but it has to be done using a bitwise operator. Sidenote: actually in this very case there's only the system override flag that could co-exist with the system flag, but still that's the correct way of checking if a flag has been set .
  4. ...but here it actually is an array, thus the name . When PHP sees we're dealing with strings the string representation of a variable is used. In this case the trigger is an unescaped dollar sign between double quotation marks, but it could be the concatenation operator '.' as well. To get such a representation, the __toString() method of the class (PageArray in this case) is automagically called. See http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.magic.php#object.tostring. The __toString() method has been implemented to return a single page id (Page or PageArray with one item) or a list of page id's with a '|' (pipe) as a separator. I was trying to clarify the situation but I'm not sure if that's what happened after all .
  5. @diogo: Faster yes, but I ignored that get/find-issue and gave a solution that didn't work for benjaminE . @benjaminE: That's weird as that very same thing does seem to work for me. Support for parent subfields in selectors was added somewhere between version 2.2.10 and 2.2.12 - are you using something newer? Though I don't really think that's the reason as that syntax would have given a straight error before the implementation was in place, I guess. Diogo already gave you a perfectly working solution with no performance issues so I'm asking just to understand what could have caused those results you described. One reason could have been hidden/unpublished child pages, but diogo's solution handles those the same way (leaving them out). It must be something else then.
  6. What you've got as a result is a PageArray so you'd need to check the count like this (edit: ..and change find to get as diogo says below): if(count($info) >= 1) { // do stuff } If there are potentially lots of children, it would be better to do it for example like this:$childCount = $pages->count("parent.title=previous caption winners"); if($childCount >= 1) { // do stuff } This way you wont end up fetching all the children just to count them.
  7. Looks like there's a little something going on at Github, see https://status.github.com There isn't too much I can do, I'm afraid .
  8. Soma, I did a quick test with PHP 5.3.10 + latest PW dev and my test site seems to be working ok, login works and so on. But there's no MarkupCache in use there, if that has anything to do with your problem (the error message doesn't necessarily have anything to do with MarkupCache being in use or not, I think). Maybe some cache issue once again? site/assets/cache/Modules.* or APC?
  9. Thanks for the report diogo! Your good explanation made it really easy to spot the problem. There clearly was a bug with single page Page fields: they were not handled correctly at all. The bug is now fixed and version 1.1.2 of the module has been released.
  10. "Recommended by Mr. Log Himself", it seems. We're not getting off-topic, are we?
  11. ..and now I can let go of trying to come up with a less questionable name for a planned module listing active hooks! Working title was Hook*r.
  12. The post isellsoap linked to above has Ryan's explanation on why it's not straightforward to compare two fields - and yes, there's a solution also. But I'd like to propose another solution as well in case you'd need better performance or native pagination (lots of pages for example). You could add a helper field "f1_f2_difference" and populate it on page save with the difference of field1 and field2 (field2-field1). Then you'd be able to do this: echo $pages->find("has_parent=/features/, f1_f2_difference>0"); There's an example of pretty much the same thing in the final post of this thread and for some more information read also this thread. But you've got a working solution already so there's probably no need to take this route . -- @adrian: your suggestion would be fine when the fields are in the same database table (like created and modified are). Here field1 and field2 are presumably custom fields and thus in their own tables. An SQL JOIN would still do it, but using selectors gives the advantage of grants and visibility being taken care of.
  13. I'm afraid there's no selector you could use to filter based on nth record in a repeater. But there are other ways to get there. I'm assuming you've got a template "trip" with a repeater field "cities_repeater", correct? I'm asking because you're talking about a repeater but the structure (and get()->children()) looks like you've got pages inside each other. So, one option is to find all trips via Berlin, loop through the results and pick only those that have Berlin as a starting location. If the amount of trips starting from a city isn't going to grow too much (so that you don't need to paginate the results) and the amount of trips via a city doesn't get too high either, this would probably work out just fine. On the other hand, you can make the trips searchable with a selector based on their starting city with a little autoload module and a hook. Create a new field "starting_city", add it to the trip template and make it hidden. Then create a module hooking after Pages::save. In the hook check for the trip template and then populate starting_city with the first element of cities_repeater. And remember to save only the starting_city field to avoid an infinite loop . See Pete's example and Soma's comments in this thread for a code example. Now that you've got starting_city in a separate field it's a walk in the park to write the selector you're after: $trips = $pages->find("parent=/trips/, starting_city=berlin"); Do remember that in order to get that hidden field populated for all the trips, the hooking module must be installed before any trips are actually created. If you've already got the data in place, then you need to get the module working and either save each trip (no changes needed, just edit+save and the hook will kick in) or create a little script that populates the field for the first time.
  14. Hi Ovi, and welcome to the forums! That sure sounds weird, but looks like I'm not able to reproduce what you've described here. I've tried both 2.3 master and dev branches with a few different combinations of image fields. Which version of PW are you running? Do you have debug-mode on (in site/config.php: $config->debug = true;)? Have you checked the error log (site/assets/logs/errors.txt) and Javascript warnings/errors in the browser before/during save? Any traces of warnings let alone errors there? Any modules installed, apart from those coming with the standard package - selfmade custom ones maybe? Default admin theme in use? Does it make a difference if you reorder the image fields? I mean is it always the same field that is working, regardless of it being the first one in the edit form? You could also try and leave only a minimal set of fields to the template: title and both image fields, but nothing more. Still behaving badly? Sorry, quite a many questions - but those are the things I'd try at this point .
  15. Yes, something like that. I'd put it this way: When using tables in another database, PW selectors can't help you so just use plain SQL. If you like, you can use PW's Database class for connecting, some escaping and debug timers, but other means of getting there are ok too. When using data from pages in PW, use PW selectors and you'll get most likely the best performance with all the tricky things like grants taken care of.If the selector engine can't offer what you need, you're still able to use plain SQL. But go down that road only if you really need to and preferably know what you're doing .
  16. @kongondo: It looks like you're trying to implement something that's in core already. Take a look at http://processwire.com/api/selectors/, especially "Limiting the number of results returned by a selector". There's a description of limit, start and even end, should you ever need it. In short: enable page numbers for your template and use only limit without start in your selector. You can get the total number or rows matched from $values->getTotal() and even render a pager using $values->renderPager() if you like.
  17. . @diogo: I'll try to restrain myself a bit and nag about typos only when I feel it's useful to others in some way from now on.
  18. @petsagouris: A tiny typo in your preg_replace(), change $input to $str.
  19. In addition to what @DaveP said you need to change $entry->title to $drink->title, as there's no variable called $entry there. That's a little typo in diogo's example left from the first version.
  20. Hmm, you're not hooking redirect() in *Session* but ProcessPageView (where no such method even exists): $this->addHookBefore('ProcessPageView::redirect', $this, 'rebuild'); Is it a typo explaining why it didn't work or am I just missing something?
  21. I registered selector.pw a while back. I've got an idea of some kind, but we'll see if I'm ever able to get anything up and running there...
  22. You could hook before Session::redirect() and run the same code you do at ProcessPageView::finished(), right? It's not too clean, but should work. Maybe.
  23. There's no way as far as I know, built-in one that is. I thought I'd seen a conversation on this subject but couldn't find one right away. This one may be helpful if you're creating pages programmatically though.
  24. @3fingers: The default .htaccess in PW blocks access to PHP files in certain locations: # Block access to any PHP-based files in /templates-admin/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)(wire|site|site-[^/]+)/templates-admin($|/|/.*\.(php|html?|tpl|inc))$ [OR] # Block access to any PHP or markup files in /site/templates/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)(site|site-[^/]+)/templates($|/|/.*\.(php|html?|tpl|inc))$ [OR] # Block access to any PHP files in /site/assets/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)(site|site-[^/]+)/assets($|/|/.*\.php)$ [OR] # Block access to any PHP files in core or core module directories RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)wire/(core|modules)/.*\.(php|inc|tpl|module)$ [OR] # Block access to any PHP files in /site/modules/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)(site|site-[^/]+)/modules/.*\.(php|inc|tpl|module)$ [OR] I'm not sure what the situation was back in 2011, but at least currently you can access php files directly under site/ or in any custom directory (like site/process/). The rules in .htaccess are just to block direct access to files that are supposed to be run/accessed via PW. So if you want to put some standalone code (or a script bootstrapping PW of course) in site/ directory you can, as long as it's not inside directories used internally by PW itself.
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