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Everything posted by Rudy

  1. Hi all, I have a couple of custom modules that are not made public (for in-house usage only). Is there a way to have these modules updated through the Module Upgrades even if they are housed in a private repo? How do other private/commercial modules get updated aside from uploading them manually? Thanks Rudy
  2. @LostKobrakai This is great! I just tested it and it works nicely. I love PW community. Keep it up folks!
  3. @maxlab Thanks for posting the tutorial! I am not familiar with Snipcart's offering. Can it be used for memberships with recurring charges? Thanks Rudy
  4. Hi @kongondo Great job with the module! I am using Reno theme with Lightwire CK Editor theme. The MMImage and MMLink icons did not appear (see screenshot) It works fine on the standard CK Editor theme. Thx Rudy
  5. I can safely confirm that PW on Valet is faster than PW on MAMP/MAMP Pro.
  6. If for some reason, @LostKobrakai driver doesn't work for you, try this version https://github.com/lesaff/ProcessWireValetDriver
  7. @LostKobrakai, thanks for your example. It works!
  8. Are there any examples on how to use `fieldset` in the new module format? (https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessHello/blob/master/ProcessHello.config.php) Thx
  9. Thanks @adrian, that was quick. I am fairly new to PW modules. I love the community!
  10. Hi, I am writing a custom module that grabs external data via API calls. I would like to store this data as a temporary cache that gets refreshed every X minutes (API calls run in interval) What would be my options in terms of managing this cached data and where to store them? Thanks Rudy
  11. Thanks @Robin S for your comments/suggestions. I will try to incorporate them in the next version. I think adding a checkbox for cache bust is very useful. Rudy
  12. Hi all, I am new to ProcessWire module development. Just recently getting back to using PW again after a couple of years away from it. I was looking for a SASS/SCSS/Compass pre-processor module for PW and couldn't find any. The closest I could find was AllInOneMinify but it doesn't do SASS/SCSS. I decided to make this module (with heavy inspiration from AOIM). This is a pretty basic module that takes one or more sass/scss/compass file(s) and compile them automatically in your template. Github link https://github.com/lesaff/ProcessWire-Sassify I really appreciate any comments, suggestions, bug fixes, etc. Hopefully this is the first of many modules. Thanks Rudy Note: Added to Modules directory, under http://modules.processwire.com/modules/sassify/
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