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Everything posted by alan

  1. @12345j and @Ryan and the superDuper @Soma! Thanks SO much. I just searched "obfuscation" in the forum and < 5 mins later here I am with auto-obfuscation happening. Brilliant!
  2. Hi gottberg, I'm sorry I won't be much help. In the end I went about making a blog from scratch rather than using this module, I'm part-way through that but had to pause while I worked on some other stuff. Sorry this is not helping you and I've not documented what I did. I hope to do that once I've got it all working in case it helps others. Good luck and you will not need it I don't think, I solved all my "how do I"'s by searching/asking on this forum where lots of people are a lot more knowledgeable than me
  3. my view: nicer font, perfect kerning.
  4. The mere fact you're doing this Steve is commendable and excellent, so suggesting any extra effort seems churlish. So ignore this churlish-sounding suggestion! The one thing I'd say is, with CSS turned off (just plain browser and HTML), I assume the kerning is AOK, across browsers. If so then perhaps consider using an alternate font (assuming there's no other CSS or JS that is the cause). Some of the free fonts from Google are great (sorry, you likely know this and/or use them now), this site is a nice showcase http://hellohappy.or...tiful-web-type/. Or use an image
  5. Excellent Steve! I've not seen those .js's from diogo, I'll check them out. This http://fittextjs.com/ also may be an option, I've seen it mentioned a few times but not used it. You could indeed use an image of course, it would cool to find a font that is well rendered across main browsers and ideally not need .js to do it, or do it with a .js helping hand if needed, rather than an image, just because real text is lovely when you're not forced to do image replacement.
  6. @Soma; THANK you for your nav module, just used it again — brilliant.
  7. They say there are no dumb questions, only dumb answers, I hope I'm not about to break that rule... @Steve, thanks for this, I love Textile. I arrived here as I wanted to add some content with a definition list and it looks like native/not-too-hacked-about TinyMCE can't do this. Here comes a possibly dumb question: can I use Textile formatting inside a normal TinyMCE textarea and hence get DLs? Ah. Found the answer:
  8. Thanks Soma and Steve, I feel so bad for wasting your collective times — it works and as you suspected Steve and spotted Soma it was a bad YT URL I think. The original regex and the URL: http://www [dot] youtube [dot] com/watch?v=pbDn_Np3Pfw works. Brilliant, thank you both so much. And I'll experiment with the options Soma, thanks. I would be dead in the water (well struggling under the upper surface grabbing gasps of air) if it weren't for help from PW-friends like you guys. And on a Sunday... Thanks again
  9. Steve thanks for the _help!_ Ok, good re the 2nd example, at least I am understanding it on a Janet and John level. Sadly that new regex failed too. I wonder if it's something else :/ (somehow, dunno how tho). Just tried http://pastie.org/3905012 (/ not \) and Ryan's original and your version and all stubbornly refused to play o_O Must be me...
  10. Sorry Steve, I'm being a right "end user", you said Pastie and I missed it. I'll do that for sure, in case it's relevant, I am simply typing into my TinyMCE powered body field these two lines, each is getting a P wrapped around it (by TinyMCE). This is what PW is rendering http://pastie.org/3904883.
  11. Steve, I tried the second one first, then realized it was likely not matching due to being a different format so I tried the 1st one next, both do 'nothing magic' https://www.youtube.com/watch\?v=pbDn_Np3Pfw https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pbDn_Np3Pfw I assume it's OK, I have the if(strpos... code at the top mytemplate.inc, the whole rest of the page is in mytemplate.inc and mytemplate.php is the template file listed in PW and in mytemplate.php there is just one include, for mytemplate.inc. Cheers and take a Sunday off and don't reply today eh (unless you're as keen as a sharpened fox covered in mustard).
  12. @Ryan that example looks wonderfully simple. I've used it, the IF is working (detecting the YT vid URL in a P tag) but it seems the preg_replace is not triggering/working — the P tag and it's URL remain unchanged in the rendered page. Any pointers? I've looked to see if I can see the other thread you mentioned where you worked on this with Soma but I couldn't see it. Thanks in advance @Rayan (or anyone) who's used this and might have an idea what else I should try.
  13. Wow! Installing now... Thanks nikola!
  14. Hehe I wish I had that excuse, mine was lack of synaptic activity.
  15. In case the mistake I just made helps anyone else... I wanted to display a file on a page with a default install of PW. So I added a field of type 'file' and rather unimaginatively called it "Files". Via the admin I then edited a page and added a file and description to a page and added: foreach($page->files as $file) { echo "<p>Test output: {$file->description}</p>"; } to the template. The result was nothing new displayed :/ Confused I tried lots of things, then wondered if by using the name "Files" for my field I had stumbled on a reserved word that didn't work. Of course everyone will have seen my error, the field I added was "Files" and the field I am querying is "files". Lesson well and truly learned (I hope )
  16. @biotech I'm not a super-experienced person myself either, but I've learnt how to do one thing with permissions, in case that helps. I found out how to allow a non-superuser to use a module. Also this post may be of help. Beyond that, others who are cleverer here then me will be able to help much more I am sure. Oh and the Admin system is built with PW, note when viewing Admin > Setup > Templates (and for Files too) there is a faded collapsed section at the top you can click to reveal System Templates (and Fields). Good luck, I've found PW amazingly powerful, it's just a case of working out how to drive it, but so worth it as you get up to speed.
  17. Welcome, and thanks to Nikola also. Just found panels don't stack horizontally, e.g. set two Fields to input with 50% and they no longer sit side by side in the editor. Tried as low as 40% and 40% but still not happening. I'll see if I can see why when I get a chance.
  18. Steve, just also noticed a horizontal scroll. I don't think I've hurt anything in doing the following... It looks as if the fix for the nav is the following two rule removals, the second addresses the horizontal scroll: #nav { position: absolute; top: 26px; left: 220px; /* width: 340px; */ font-size: 12px; } .nav { font-size: 12px; /* width: 100%; */ z-index: 100; } Cheers, -Alan
  19. Steve, not the fix, but I edited the outer UL that comes after #nav to: <ul style="width: 110%;"> and all works correctly. Still poking about. Update: forget the above, this fixes it and is less hack-y, and of course one could look deeper to see what's making this necessary in case there's a neater fix: <div id="nav" class="nav" style="width: auto;"> Update II: looks like editing /site/templates-admin/styles/main.css and removing the width rule fixes this. #nav { position: absolute; top: 26px; left: 220px; /* width: 340px; */ font-size: 12px; } I am using the ManageFiles module which add a new item to the #nav, so perhaps that's why I am seeing this. That is probably a full fix, I hope it's been helpful, it's certainly been nice to add something here on the forums instead of just being a whiney-question-asker all the time (but I'll return to that v.soon I am sure ) Cheers, -Alan
  20. Steve, nice theme, thank you for sharing. I'm seeing the Access nav wrapped under Pages. I tried a few things to fix it but failed and gave up — what a hero I am eh? If I do happen to fix it before you post I'll say so (ever the optimist me).
  21. @buothz I think my related pages approach is different from yours, in case it's helpful I am going to write it up (eventually) when my site is tidied and up. Meantime, enjoy PW and good luck
  22. I read that and did a "DOH!", to quote Homer Simpson. Sorry Ryan, I didn't spot that silliness on my part
  23. Tested, works a treat with one typo: foreach($page->comments as $comment) { comments needs to be comment foreach($page->comment as $comment) { Happy coder
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