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Everything posted by alan

  1. Thanks for the suggest Soma, I tried that already and it is still not shown. I edited my post above and added "...I assumed deleting a field would delete the part of the db that had been created to represent that field..." and as well as the specific problem/clean-up I need to do, generally, is it normal/safe (I have no clue) for tables to be left behind? E.g. in MySQL I can see: field_tagged field_tagging field_tags_alan and in the Admin as I read down it goes: sidebar summary tagged title ?
  2. I have setup a simple tagging facility. Afterwards I saw Nico's BundleBlog and noted it uses /tags/. So I decided to change my setup from references to fields, templates, etc that were 'tags' to 'tagging'. I used 'Edit field: tags > Duplicate/clone this field'. That gave me 'tags_1'. I then edited 'tags_1' and went to rename it to 'tagging' and hit an error, PW said this name already existed. It seems from my trial/error/learn process I have ended up with at least two fields in my database (seen via MySQL) that aren't listed under Amin > Setup > Fields and one of those is called 'tagging'. What is the best way to clear old/unused things, or, is this an edge case and it's only my trial and error steps that have led to this odd situation and ought I do make a new PW install and manually copy settings over. I don't mind doing that at all, my only concern is that I'd like to learn from this so were this a larger site I could perhaps recover in a more subtle (and quicker) way. Thanks in advance for any pointers. PS: The error is Table 'tmp_field_tagging' already exists PPS: I've got around this by using the new name of 'tagged' instead of 'tagging', but I'd love to learn if defunct bits of my database can be safely cleared out somehow, e.g. I now have these four fields and yet only one will be used. PPPS: Thinking about this, I will need to learn how to clear out old unused db items as I will be using Nico's Blog Module and that will need 'tags' to be gone. On reflection I think I was caught out by this/surprised as I assumed deleting a field would delete part fo the db that had been created to represent that field.
  3. @jan here's a video and below it a link to more on the repeater. I've not re-read but it may be it's a module you add in (see 'Modules' top right in your admin). Re updating PW, I think there's a more generic 'docs' page than this, but this should help. I took the plunge and started using SourceTree (Mac git client) and now upgrade my PWs with that (reading Git Pro book now so I can get to understand this better, I am a total newb). Good luck and enjoy the best CMS I've seen since, literally, since I first found one called, back then, WordPress 1.2
  4. This issue has been fixed in the latest commit (fix issue #94)
  5. Additional info: 1. all pages, that's the one the editor is editing, /tags/ and /tags/the-children use the same template 'normal' 2. template 'normal' has view pages, edit pages, create pages, add children all ticked for the user role 'editor' 3. 'editor' has every right ticked from View pages down to User can update profile/password. 4. the 'editor' user who cannot see the '+ Create New' CAN navigate via the normal tree view and add a page under /tags/ and then return to the page they were editing and now select this page
  6. I don't seem to be able to get any user other than superuser to see a '+ Create New' link: I don't know if I have hit a bug (I doubt it) or a gap in my knowledge (more likely) but I am using a Page field with Input type AsmSelect to allow editors to add existing tags* or make new ones (*tags=pages beneath /tags/). This all works fine and is covered in part here. However I've found that even with a new user set to have all permissions they never see the '+ Create New' link to add another tag (page via AsmSelect). The superuser can see it fine. Has anyone come across this type of problem or suggest something for me to go and look at/read that I may have missed? Thanks in advance for any comments.
  7. Oh I am very sorry @Ryan, it is a Page field; I am using a Repeater field but in another place nothing to do with this. #embarrassed PS: In which case feel free to delete this post(s) as they are on the wrong thread and I'll post elsewhere.
  8. Edit: 2012-03-28-1416 EST The below was wrongly reported by me, I still have a problem but as stated here it's not to do with Repeatable fields. Have I hit a bug (I doubt it) or a gap in my knowledge (I bet $1,000,000) — I am using a (beta) Repeatable field to allow tags to be added to pages. The tags are working fine. I'm now adding a user to the system and setting about limiting their access to sensible stuff. However, I've found that even with that user set to have all permissions, they never see the '+ Create New' link to add another tag (page via AsmSelect + the repeatable field). The superuser can see it fine. Pretty please, can anyone help me work out if this is this a bug or me failing to set something to do with permissions?
  9. Thanks @Steve and @Soma. OK, I understand, markdown is 'hard-coded' in as a supported way to add links and that is AOK by me. I was really only looking for the ability to add links rather than other markup and although I know Textile and not markdown, learning the syntax for links in markdown is something even I can do
  10. Seems that Textile is not supported out-of-the-box for descriptions like I guessed it was. To get that support, would it require editing an Admin template?* *Not that I've done that yet — I'm pushing back the frontiers here
  11. @Soma, working for markdown, thanks I assume making it work for Textile too is just a case of installing Textile as a Module so I'll go do that — cheers!
  12. @Nico THANKS for this module, about to try it One suggestion in case it's helpful, I already had a field called tags and I just wondered if it would be good to namespace your Fields as you did your Templates? Thanks again for the Module!
  13. As a general rule of thumb, is it recommended to keep ones copy of PW up-to-date via pulls off git, or, is it better to wait for an announcement that a new version is ready to u/g to? And if the latter, where does one subscribe to ensure one is notified when official version changes occur? Please and thanks!
  14. No I don't think so but thanks for the suggestion — the place I'm looking to have HTML rendered is Admin > Setup > Fields > Edit field: whateverField and then the Description text so that when the field is saved and it's description (not its input field) is viewed in a template, the Description text can include rendered HTML such as a link.
  15. Would it be easy to allow HTML into field descriptions to be rendered? Right now a link tag for example is sanitized down to it's component characters. Why would I want to do this? I think I can see times when I might want to educate the content editor on what they should type in a field, such as a field used to populate meta description, and the ability to include a link to a help article would be cool.
  16. Good news for my little learning curve; thanks to the help I've received from this thread I hit another problem and solved it myself \o/ I realized I've been committing the cardinal sin of trying to solve a problem that was not fully fully defined. @Pete's last code taught me some stuff so I then went on and produced this code: $tags = $pages->get("/tags/")->children->find("sort=title"); $tagged_pages = $pages->find("tags.count>0, sort=title"); echo "<dl>"; foreach ($tags as $tag) { echo "<dt>{$tag->title}</dt>"; foreach ($tagged_pages as $tagged_page) { foreach ($tagged_page->tags as $tag_to_test) { if($tag_to_test->title == $tag->title) echo "<dd><a href='{$tagged_page->url}'>{$tagged_page->title}</a></dd>"; } } } echo "</dl>"; which now produces this output; which was really what I needed. One improvement I am going to add is to check the URL to see if we're on /tags/ in which case the above will be used or /tags/a-tag in which case I will only show the pages related to a-tag. So — thanks everyone who has helped me, when this is fully finished I'll write it up for any poor souls who are are PHP-weak as I am Cheers!
  17. @Pete. IT WORKS! I learnt some stuff I am sure, but I was loop-de-looping for a long time trying to work that out. Thanks SO much, I'll go read through your code now and try to learn! Cheers!
  18. Oo! Thanks @diogo and @Pete. @diogo thanks for concatenating those lines for me, I was sure they were wrong/inefficient as I had them and thanks the re HTML placement. @Pete thanks a lot for the code to try, I'll go do that know, I must admit at the back of my mind I was wondering if when it's working it might be a bit intensive and/or really need care as regards caching, and interested in your point about arrays(?) staying in memory while executing. When I get it working completely I will post the code and see if anyone thinks it's gonna be 'bad' for the server and/or need particular care re caching.
  19. @netcarver I'm slightly better with revolving doors than I am IRC clients But now I have it fixed, yes, I'll be dropping in periodically, thanks for thinking to get the channel up in the first place
  20. Tks, yes, only annoying as it was registered by me o_0 But I think I've fixed it now anyway, error found between chair and keyboard (when is a letter o not a letter o, when it's a number zero; what am I like...)
  21. Ack! Yes... I'm using a Mac client to access IRC, I've registered my nick with freenode, received their email, send my confirmation msg and all OK, but whenever I connect I get a scary warning So just Googling around to try and work out what that means/how I fix it (sigh)
  22. Joined (I think) but difficult to believe though it is, I know less about IRC (never used it) than I do about PW — watch out, learning driver...
  23. Yes, I've not tried it but I read PW is much more friendly when it comes to using it not directly below root
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