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Everything posted by alan

  1. A solution that removes all doubt over licencing sounds ideal. If it was a chargeable PW Module priced to be very attractive to all-commers then I think this approach sounds ideal.
  2. Tom, if this is as good as it looks and it won't let horrid HTML (font tags etc) in (which I'm sure it won't if you're up for it) then I'm good for two more. So if I understand this that means 16 left to find and once found someone cleverer than me to make it a module. So if I continue to understand this then that means PW forever-more has this new editor and no payments needed by me or others to use PW with the editor. Does that sound right? Anyone? Anyone? [channeling Ferris Bueller]
  3. @diogo Happy if I accidentally helped And I used to be less efficient @apeisa than you, I hadn't realized the field name was in the page and visible in Chrome Inspector and used to go back to the field list all the time, oUCH, so Soma's Module is luxury!
  4. Now I look at this I see it makes sense, as we're allowed to simply type the name of a field to use it rather than some "Field = my_field" syntax (lovely PW ) I can see that whitespace could be weird to deal with so it makes sense that it must not be used; to explain this produced an error: $slideshow = $pages->find( "parent=/work/, slideshow_part_of=1, image_special.count>0, slideshow_copy != ''" ); but this was perfect $slideshow = $pages->find( "parent=/work/, slideshow_part_of=1, image_special.count>0, slideshow_copy!=''" ); the difference being the spaces either side of the != in the final test. I am guessing this is stated in the documentation or obvious or something a PHP person would know and that's how I missed it (not great at RTFM, not great at seeing obvious things and not a PHP hero ) Anyway, I just thought I post this in case it helps anyone else out fitting the above description. Totally loving the speed and power of working with PW.
  5. Thank you very much for this Module Soma! Just seeing the real Field name is often a lovely time-saver Thanks!
  6. Visually delineated blockquotes: I always like it when the pay-back from an investment in time such as adding custom styles into the TinyMCE editor (courtesy of Soma) jumps up a notch from just a tiny bit of code. Adding this blockquote { border-left: 1px dashed #ccc; border-right: 1px dashed #ccc; position: relative; padding: 0 0.38em; margin-left: 6.2em; margin-right: 3.8em; background: #f8f8f8; } blockquote:before { content: "blockquote"; position: absolute; top: 0; left: -5.2em; color: #bbb; border-top: 1px dashed #ccc; padding: 0.1em 0.2em 0 0; } to /site/tinymce/content.css gives your editors on-the-fly clear cues where `blockquotes` begin and end. In the I am using Cmd+e to add/remove `blockquote`, in the same way you can use Cmd+2 for H2 etc (the styling is deliberately 'light' so as not to get in the way, viewing in HD fullscreen shows it roughly as you would see it).
  7. Thanks Soma, I see now how this use of a new content.css stopped the PW one; I hadn't realized there was a PW one before, I'll go look for it so I can see what other styles I may be missing, and thanks for the info on naming convention also. PS: Found the PW file, if I'm not mistaken it's: /wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldTinyMCE/content.css And it looks like for the average editor the most important rules are those image aligns, but the default PW version has nicer body font and a couple of other changes; thanks again Soma, I'll copy those in
  8. @Soma I don't know if this is unique to me or not, but I found after adding the plugin that when I set an image's alignment it is not reflected in the editor, so I added these to content.css /* Image float in the editor is lost from the use of the plugin so re-make it here */ img.align_right { float: right; } img.align_left { float: left; } img.align_center { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block; } and it returned to working as it had before I'd added the plugin. No problem, I just add these when I add the plugin But I wondered if this is only me seeing this?
  9. Oh that's good to know too, thanks Ryan for confirming what I found with their gs offering.
  10. I know your comment will be fully backed up with good reasons Ryan and indeed I had a big problem with (mt) when I was a customer of their gs product. However I have been using their dv product for nearly two years and have found both hosting and support to be excellent. Real people to call or ticket, fast hosting, a good knowledgebase to augment the support when doing one's own research. I am guessing I am paying more perhaps for an (mt) dv than a lot of other solutions and I know I got hurt when I used their entry level gs service, but right now I am so happy with the service and product I don't feel inclined to move for a cost saving. Maybe I've had a lucky two years; but it doesn't feel that way, it feels like it's simply a good product with good support now I am at the dv level. As always, "your (my) mileage may vary" PS: And I find pingdom.com to be great for site monitoring.
  11. apeisa I've not tried that, but one thing I got working yesterday was alerting for non-technical editors if they mistakenly have the STRONG tag with an H tag. Of course an editor (with appropriate CSS) might want to use STRONG in an H tag so I allowed for that: h1:not(.BoldAllowed) strong:after, h2:not(.BoldAllowed) strong:after, h3:not(.BoldAllowed) strong:after, h4:not(.BoldAllowed) strong:after, h5:not(.BoldAllowed) strong:after, h6:not(.BoldAllowed) strong:after { content: "[info] (H)eadings should not be (B)old."; background: #ffffcc; font-weight: normal; border: 1px dashed red; padding: 0.2em; font-size: 12px; } h1.BoldAllowed, h2.BoldAllowed, h3.BoldAllowed, h4.BoldAllowed, h5.BoldAllowed, h6.BoldAllowed { font-weight: normal; background: #ddffdd; } The result is on-the-fly warning as the editor is editing copy in the TinyMCE textbox, fantastic. And this is only one thing I saw I could do now I have Soma-powered CSS control over TinyMCE. I'll try and add a screen-grab here of how this looks but if I don't I'm sure you see what this would look like to the user, simple and instant 'auto-help'.
  12. Thanks Pete and Ryan, I agree with both, I routinely re-name my Admin login and that point Ryan plus just not linking to my Admin leaves me feeling 100% happy.
  13. Thanks @thistimj I'll check that out, 'tho I think with the other stuff it looks like my fears are dealt with.
  14. Current status → [growing a beard, just to be difficult]
  15. For those that also do this I followed Soma's instructions, so under /site/tinymce/plugins/ I now have two folders: /bramus_cssextras/ and /soma_shortcuts/ and in the field's TinyMCE settings, under 'Third-party plugins', I simply added: soma_shortcuts: /site/tinymce/plugins/soma_shortcuts
  16. Installed! Thank you SO much Soma, I owe you (again!) for saving me there, I will have less chance of RSI from constantly clicking paragraphs into blockquotes. -Happy and grateful Alan
  17. Fantastic Off to go try this out, thanks SO much Soma you're a star!
  18. Yes I used Soma's post to add the ability for editors to add classes to content, brilliant, so I'll bet he may know the answer to this one too.
  19. I was delighted to find when editing copy in a TinyMCE window that with the cursor in a block of text marked up with a Paragraph tag, pressing Cmd+2 (on a Mac) will on-the-fly change this to an H2 tag. Cmd+3 for H3, etc. Can anyone point me toward the easiest way to change and existing shortcut I don't use, such as Cmd+5 (H5) to blockquote? Or, if that's not possible, how to add a new keyboard shortcut. I've Googled and tried things but to no avail. Ideally I'm looking for a solution that just involves edits to the field settings in the admin but if the only way is by adding extra files under /site then no problem. Thanks in advance for any pointers. Cheers, -Alan
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