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DaveP last won the day on November 13 2014

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About DaveP

  • Birthday 01/23/1957

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    Chorley, UK

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Community Answers

  1. Nice and clean. Also gives me some photography inspiration.
  2. No joy from the UK either. Unless one already subscribes to a VPN service and can therefore manifest a US IP, in which case, nice site.
  3. Does your page file do any other echoes, or does it prepare output for another file to actually do the echoing? It might be the file appended automatically to each template through the PW template configuration. Quite often this is the case but not necessarily.
  4. There are always multiple ways to achieve your aims in PW. What I tend to do for content shared across multiple pages is add a tab to the Home page in the admin using a new 'Fieldset in Tab'. Take a look in the demo admin at fieldset_meta. This way you can add all sorts of shared content and have it grouped together, images, site name, phone number, anything really. If things still aren't apparent after looking at the demo, come back here and ask some more.
  5. I tend to wrap more mark-up around than @fliwire, more like @MateThemes' original... <div id="offcanvas-nav" uk-offcanvas="overlay: true"> <div class="uk-offcanvas-bar"> <button class="uk-offcanvas-close" type="button" uk-close></button> <?= ukNav($home->and($home->children),array('depth' => 2,'blockParents' => array($home),'accordion' => true)); ?> </div> </div> $home is declared at the outset thus... <?php /* Declare PW namespace */ namespace ProcessWire; /* Initialise some variables */ $home = $pages->get('/'); As is always with PW there are limitless ways to 'flay a feline'. (Although there are strong similarities.)
  6. This is great. A few years ago I worked briefly for a security company and one of my responsibilities standing in for the accountant when she was off, was billing for services (mainly door security - 'bouncers' here in the UK) and we used an online system very much like this. Some summary pages (monthly/yearly/all time totals etc) would be an obvious addition and tax liability calculations where appropriate perhaps. Of course, being built on top of PW, customisation should be straightforward on this kind of foundation.
  7. Probably not an optimal solution, but maybe you could create a 'dummy' user on the 'other' server at the time a genuine new user is created? Then there's a chance both servers will match, although race conditions etc...
  8. You would need to create a role, say 'frontend_user' or some such. (Can't use 'user' because $user is a thing already.) Then do something like if($user->hasRole('frontend_user')) { // show input form } See https://processwire.com/api/ref/user/has-role/ Then https://processwire.com/api/ref/pages/add/ or https://processwire.com/api/ref/pages/new/ should help. You don't need to worry about database IDs and such - PW's API deals with all that.
  9. I take back the 'twice' (apologies), but there are three double quotes (") in the selector quoted above.
  10. I don't know if you copy/pasted your code into your question, but three instances of a double quote on a line is rarely successful and you have that twice above.
  11. Nothing wrong with @bernhard's way of doing it, but another option might be to name templates like so- blog_standard blog_gallery blog_short_status and set up fields within those templates as appropriate to its purpose. Then in the parent page's setting (Family tab) set allowed children to those templates. As with practically everything in PW there are as many different ways to do things as there are users.
  12. Check out the Options Fieldtype.
  13. ...or see the docs https://processwire.com/docs/fields/dependencies/
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