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Everything posted by tpr

  1. Here is perhaps one of the last additions to filterbox - datalist: Only image name or file name is displayed because using value+text didn't work in Firefox. Anyway, it can be a handy helper as it is.
  2. Filterbox everywhere! A major update to the filterbox: now available for file fields too. This was my original intention and now it's real Admin theme default sticky header is also fixed. I switched to array an of classes instead simple string concat but forgot to update the default admin theme part.
  3. Haha that was worth the question It's 1/2 request done and I haven't even got home
  4. I'll check the fixed pos, thanks. You can toggle the sidebar with the right-left arrows in the Reno theme, isn't that suffice? I agree that it's not very obvious.
  5. tpr


    Thanks, I will try to get time to fix the images. Yes, NF is great, you would have been a good tester of my module though it weren't a good idea to check for bugs on a production site.
  6. Well I just tried to make changes to a WP site to speed it up. I was literally out of curses because the site was built on a theme which was trying to achieve everything through the admin, no coding required. The result was downloading about 10 google fonts, many of them duplicates, and Js files were about 640 kbytes altogether, just to mention a few things. There was even a cache plugin in duty but didn't help much. We also tried to move the whole thing to a faster server but it loaded hell slow there too. This was a nice example of 'wp devs' who set up something which seemed like being a website but actually a piece of crap. If I were the client I weren't pay money for this. It's also interesting that there are such low quality themes allowed. Anyway, the site may be rebuilt in PW in the future, just to have a happy ending here
  7. As I wrote earlier I use gulp for a while and it's a huge help. Last time for example I worked on an earlier project where I used Less, and wanted to make adjustments to one of my modules where I had Sass. No problem, just set up a new gulp task for the scss files and ready to go. It's good to have such flexibility.
  8. Another cosmetic fix for the filterbox: show only if there are at least 2 items to filter. It's evaluated dynamically on uploading images, so if the field is empty or contains only one image it will be hidden. Now it's "close to perfect" according to my set of standards
  9. What if the input is left empty? Wouldn't that enable all extensions?
  10. Some improvements to the filterbox: https://github.com/rolandtoth/AdminOnSteroids/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#013-2016-06-03
  11. v012 is uploaded with the new filterbox feature. I get the onleave confirmation message after using the field and tryng to leave the page, if anyone knows an easy way to solve this that would be welcomed.
  12. Nothing extraordinary here I will try to polish things a bit today and upload a new version. There are a few additions I have in mind to the filter but it's main feature should work fine. Landscape/portrait and size filters could go to the sorting buttons bernhard suggested, once I get to that.
  13. No. You set translations in the admin, the translation file (aka textdomain) only marks strings to be translated. So if you add "__('key1');" to the translations.php, then you'll have to go to Languages in the admin, and select this file to translate. You'll see "key1" and you'll need to enter the translated string, eg. "Hola" for Spanish. If you had 12 languages you would need only one key even then. You would need to add the same translation file to each language in the admin.
  14. I've already thought of a filter box. Here's a screencap of its current state but it's still in an early stage. It's capable of searching image names, descriptions (multilanguage) and tags, and multiple strings at once (separated by spaces). Filtering worked fine only until name/tag/description were unchanged because filter targets were added on load. I solved this by clicking or focusing on the filter box re-adds all the filter targets. In fact all the filters are added only on the first click so if you don't use the filter it won't add too much overhead.
  15. There's also this one https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/pull/1180
  16. Have you tried adding this character to the Page Name module's settings? (under admin-modules-core I guess)
  17. You mean mark deleted all + sorting buttons? The first one alone seems superfluous as there is already a way to do it, even if it's not that obvious (double click on trash icon). But with sorting buttons it makes more sense. So you give me permission to use your module's code?
  18. tpr


    Thanks! The pixelation is surely from overcompression... we'll see it. That's funny... and apparently there's WIFI there
  19. tpr


    Innobloom Fast multilanguage site that features lazy loading assets, custom forms and a little bit of parallax. It features about all the goodness I gathered in the past year or two about ProcessWire and web development in general. We were trying to achieve a high google page speed score. That's why we added ProCache, though at first I was a bit sceptic whether it could improve anything as I had my own ways to speed things up: Using srcset and bgset for images with lazy loading (lazyload.js). To achieve this, I created my own functions to render the markup, and it has been released as MarkupSrcSet module later. Lazy loading JavaScripts. This is a technique I used frequently recently: adding a tiny inline "loader script" to the page which loads all the other required js files in order. In certain cases some CSS files are also loaded by JavaScript, mostly for plugins that don't have immediate visual impact. This eliminates render blocking scripts/stylesheet issue. Vanilla JavaScript. I try to use jQuery only if it's absolutely required, for example when having to use a plugin that has no plain JavaScript alternative. Most things can be easily achieved with no framework and the number of dependency-free plugins are also increasing. Often it requires only a few lines to get the required feature. For example the parallax effect on the top is only a few lines. Latte template engine. This is mainly for making development and templating easier, but also caches pages. This was one of the projects where I tested my newborn TemplateLatteReplace module which was released recently. Forms: NetteFormsHelper. This is a form module that uses Nette Forms. In this project I added useful features to it like character counter, date picker, notice when leaving the page with unsubmitted form data, autocomplete inputs, honeypot field and textarea autosizing. All these features uses plain JavaScript and assets are lazy loaded (and only when they are used on the page). All these add up to a lightweight but very powerful form module. No more frustration when having to add a form - apart from those days when I figure out to implement a new feature Keeping CSS as small as possible and adding it to the head. I used Susy here and the site's CSS is about 24 kbytes. To achieve such a small size I didn't use any framework. Imho using no CSS framework is better on the long run, at least in projects like this. I know that CSS is not cacheable this way but as long as there's no non-hacky way of loading CSS async and without FOUC it's fine for me. The usual .htaccess speed improvements, including ProCache additions ProCache Without ProCache we could achieve about 92-96 page speed scores. While it was pretty good (partly because of Latte) it was still not he score we wanted to see. Then ProCache was activated and boom! - 98/98. In fact this could be considered as 100/100 because there's only Google Tag Manager and Analytics scripts that reduced the score, and being remote assets we have no control over it. Modules The site is running on PW3. Notable modules used: ProCache MarkupSEO ProField Matrix Repeater (new favorite) Tracy Debugger Multivalue Textformatter Batch Child Editor (mostly for deleting test form submissions) Let's Encrypt HTTPS is achieved using Let's Encrypt. In fact this wasn't available on the host provider but after our inquiry they developed a cPanel module for it. We really appreciated their flexibility and open-mindedness. Templates There's only three template files on the site, and two of them are identical as they share the same fieldgroup. The basic-page template decides which page is the current, and adds additional variables/forms that are passed to the view file. I'm pretty happy with this site. It's fast, snappy and easy to maintain. As for the latter, Matrix Repeater does a nice job on allowing adding content blocks to the page on which the developer have full control - no more CKEditor WYS-is-for-sure-not-WYG madness! And the conclusion is: don't waste time to over-optimize a site. Reaching a reasonable speed is good enough, further optimizations will only make maintenance more and more harder (not to mention the frustration it causes). Anyway, it's useful having a project like this to get familiar with the current speed improvement techniques. https://innobloom.com/
  20. It seems that there are too many little thing changed from v3 which prevents certain features to work on PW v2, at least this is the case with 2.6. There are also some features that are missing from v2 that this module tries to modify, e.g long click duration. I could breathe life into most of the submodules with little changes but I tend to support v3 only. There's a Hungarian saying "who looks backwards goes ass front to the future" and I believe in it There are some unpublished updates to the module, eg fixed CKEditor toolbar and page preview link next to title. And also there are some bugs still awaiting to eliminate so I'll keep it in the shadows for a while
  21. On mobile I'm on a plan of 200 Mb per month so 94.8 KB is a bit steep.
  22. I'm afraid I don't entirely get the drawback of flexbox written in the "Don't use flexbox for overall page layout" article. Is it only the layout re-draw? If so, I can live with it.
  23. DoubleTagToGo is interesting, thanks.. It could be easily rewritten to a non-jQuery version (at least by first look on the code). Downloading jQuery on mobile is too much, especially for users with limited bandwidth (err, for me for example )
  24. Good question. These are mainly front-end stuff so I think it won't have issues with PW 2.x. I'll try it on a 2.x install.
  25. The latest update (v010) can remove the masthead from the Reno theme. This is available only if sticky header is on. In fact this feature uses another approach for the sticky header because only the main content is scrollable, which perhaps makes it easier to see whether the page is scrolled down or not. For the Reno theme there is a new setting "AlwaysShowSearch". Other dropdown buttons are now also supported in the HoverSaveDropdown tweak. Remind me next time not trying to modify a cloned button instance because it won't work There were numerous tweaks made to the admin configuration screen. Nested checkboxes now can't be modified if their parents are not checked, and also some space were saved by playing with field/fieldset options.
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