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Everything posted by qtguru

  1. wow why don't you use Composer, it's really a must-use tool esp for resolve dependency in PHP world
  2. That's a CSS class there's nothing more to it, is your project online ? or can you dump an SQL of the project with the files.
  3. If you are using the MarkupAdminDataTable $table->row(array( "Any HTML Content,see no magic here..", ));
  4. I think you over-thinking things, it could be any button, the code i have is just an helper and nothing more, The only reason I use such is because the theme generation for that button is one used by the admin theme, Even the markup table, there's really anything special to them, other than to give a simple way to create markups with ease. My best advice is to take a Processwire Module install and compare the code , because there are somethings the documentations don't cover. It's something that can be looked into as to how it can be improved and also community efforts. However i am still of the opinion you use the standard way of creating modules than AdminCustomPages, it's more verbose and there's a page describing the methods http://processwire.com/api/ref/process/
  5. Okay you should add that code i prepend it before the MarkupAdminTable. that way the button would be at the top, another module to look at is https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessDatabaseBackups
  6. Can i see a screenshot of the viewed report so i can know what you mean ? my previous code still works, it will just generate the HTML for the button and once you click, you just need to handle the action for delete the reports, however let me see a screenshot and are the reports "Pages" ?
  7. Post a Gist let me see how your code looks like now however let me share a code that's similar to yours $f = $this->modules->get('InputfieldButton'); $f->value = $this->_('New Backup'); $f->icon = 'database'; $f->href = "./backup/"; $f->addClass('head_button_clone'); $out .= $f->render(); howver not sure how u handle the url in AdminCustom
  8. Wow AdminCustomPages if i knew there was a shorter way, would have used that rather than lengthy code verbose code. thanks for the info
  9. Coming from Yii2 and Zend Framework 2, I can tell you it takes less time, however the only catch is that you need to overcome the learning curve first and understand the Processwire API. My first project took me a while because am quite versed with other frameworks and tried using that same approach in this forum Please reply if you have any question and also if you have an feedback about my tutorial so i can adjust take care
  10. The tutorial simply touches on creating modules that require Admin Interface and not just the general module, although I have to admit, I faced the similar issues of trying to get all information in one place like the Symfony Documentation, However with my tutorial you have the basic stub to generate the menu before focusing on your specific needs, so i guess the question I will ask is what are the task you need to achieve, I can assist in telling you how to go about them in the PW way, I came from a Zend Framework,Yii2 framework and It was hard for me at first, which is why i said things are a bit different here. reply and I will post how to go about them. Hmmmm i initially had the plan to list the information needed rather than an example, but I was of the opinion people needed a simple example but then again you are a more advanced developer so examples are limiting, I will write a basic tutorial after this which touches on Module creation and classes needed. Okay so first I am assuming the link is on the front page right, and that link is attached to a template which has a field, so remember that you can have logic in your template, as the template in some similar way is similar your controller. you can simply have a code that respond to a specific GET URL variable and check the field. <?php //Pseudo Code if($input->get('url_variable_goes_here')){ if($page->field_for_checked_element !== 1){ $page->field_for_checked_element=1; } } Now remember all fields are tied to a template, so from the Admin you can simply use the $pages->find() to simply list the specific fields in this case the checkbox and while listing them, am guessing you can pull the Page data from the them and simply render on the admin page. If this isn't clear please do let me know. Also let me post info about Processwire classes and what their role serve.
  11. Because plain PHP sucks and not easy to mix with code. TWIG compiles to PHP so nothing is missing.
  12. Hi the truth is, you must dedicate some time to understand how Processwire works, I went through this *trap* trying to to apply MVC concept in Processwire, once you get the philosphy behind Processwire, it will be easy to work according to PW way, however you can visit my link it's been updated to adding content to your admin, most likely to finish that today, I have too much task and personal issues taking my time sadly.
  13. can you send your email so i can add you as a collaborator, however i think it's public and anyone can edit. Thanks alot for the support
  14. Thanks for your comments, I saw them i really love to apologize to everyone, I got sidetracked by a big project in the office but am working on continuing the rest and yes VueJs is part of it
  15. Beautiful and lovely site, the color is attractive, and the couple's story is .................... , sorry dust in my eyes. Lovely site
  16. @szabesz lol thanks a bunch, merged the corrections. Thanks alot
  17. Wow awesome am gonna take some information from your tutorial.
  18. Interesting, Thanks for the comment, yeah it seems most of the content are not consolidated, it's the same issue i've been facing when trying to create a Module, I noticed some information were scattered in different places, so this will be go-to guide, thanks for the corrections. I will update the name i was typing it out and along the line i must have missed the proper name. Will include those resources.
  19. Hi guys so currently am writing a detailed tutorial about creating Modules, I have never created a module because i don't know all the classes and interfaces required, so this is like a detailed research for me, this is how i learn things by writing articles. However I might make some mistakes so i decided to make it on Google Docs to get comments and feedback, before posting on my website and Processwire tutorial site, this is going to be one heck of a detailed tutorial. Here is the link I will be updating it https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VA_WK-5qbnq3Ux_EOW3p92IcjbAcVZJ0aewIiFxmv2Q/edit# However I wanted to get a clear picture of the following Process Class and ConfigurableModule i noticed some modules require it and some don't My interpretation is that Modules with admin setting pages uses ConfigurableModule and Process are modules who require access to $this->pages and that sort Thanks all
  20. If this is true i am very much impressed with the community (my brothers/sisters), please @cmscritic let us know how we can chime in too.
  21. Hi Mike thanks most times i come to cms critic so i can know what cms exists for different platform e.g CMS for .NET or CMS for Python you guys had that feature and it was awesome but now it's missing and it makes it harder for me to explore other CMS out there. If you can bring it back i'd be extremely happy, because it was very easy and convenient with your site.
  22. Explains why the directory functionality that used to be there is now missing, i kinda noticed it, stopped visiting the site because now it's had to filter CMS by platform
  23. Yeah Testing is quite important, sadly i will admit, I haven't been testing lately, however I will watch out for this space as I heavily use PHPUnit before and it's quite important please feel free to post, we will contribute to this
  24. C:\xampp\htdocs/site/templates/includes/functions.inc The path seems weird is this valid on Windows ? I use a Unix machine so can't say
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