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Everything posted by tires

  1. Hey! What is the easiest way to use this module? I output my file field like this: foreach($page->myfilefield as $file) { echo '<a href='.$file.download().'>download file</a>'; } This doesn't work very well ... So what is the right way to use it? Thanks!
  2. Damn it! It was just a problem with the email account! I only got access to the mail account with a webmailer and the mail was just flagged as "deleted" but really removed from the server. Now roundcube deleted it ... and everything is working!
  3. What can i do? The website isn't working for days now ...
  4. I got the error Fehler: Exception: Can’t save page 0: /artikel/: It has an empty 'name' field (in /xyz/wire/core/PagesEditor.php line 424) #0 /xyz/wire/core/Pages.php(417): ProcessWire\PagesEditor->save(Object(ProcessWire\Page), Array) #1 /xyz/wire/core/Wire.php(386): ProcessWire\Pages->___save(Object(ProcessWire\Page), Array) #2 /xyz/wire/core/WireHooks.php(723): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___save', Array) #3 /xyz/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\Pages), 'save', Array) #4 /xyz/wire/core/Page.php(2584): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('save', Array) #5 /xyz/site/modules/ProcessEmailToPage/ProcessEmailToPage.module(619): ProcessWire\Page->save(NULL) #6 /xyz/wire/ I think it is because i tried to load an email with arabic characters in the subject. But even after i deleted this mail the error ist displayed ... Any ideas? Thanks!
  5. Ok, i figured it out! It was an issue with the server this website is running on and the image magic extension. I now added a php.ini in the root of the processwire installation with the following line: extension="imagick.so" Thanks for your help!
  6. Now i find the time to do a few further tests. When i put a html file containing this code on the same server, it works: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <img src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/aqz-KE-bpKQ/hqdefault.jpg"> </body> </html> as well as this code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <?php $id = $_GET['id']; ?> <img src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/<?php echo $id;?>/hqdefault.jpg"> </body> </html> With this call: imgtest.php?id=aqz-KE-bpKQ But the module don't work for me? Any ideas?
  7. I didn't change anything ... I am using a textarea with a textformatter "Make HTML Links" and "External Link Redirect". Is that a problem?
  8. Hey! The module is not grabbing any youtube images since a few days/weeks (?). Is that only on my website? Example-Link, where the image grabbing doesn't work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uc5mfudMTKE
  9. Thanks a lot! Processwire is really great!
  10. Hi! I am searching for a method to show a field only if another field (here a checkbox) is filled (i.e. checked). So in my case: if i activate the checkbox "person" the fields "name" and "forename" should be displayed. Greets!
  11. Great! Thank you! I will give it a try!
  12. Hi! I am searching for a solution, to get editable watermarks on a bunch of images with a coloured bar, a text an and logo on it. The text should come from a text field so the user could change the watermark dynamically. Is there a module i could use or do you have other ideas how to realize this? Thanks!
  13. @kongondo Great module!!! Just have one question or maybe feature request: Is there a way to add a marker with a text (textfield and a title) only and without linking to a page? I have a project where there is no page to link to and there should be only a few annotations on an image. Thanks!
  14. Hi! Great Module. I just want to have a "remember me" checkbox in the login form. So the user can decide ... Ho can i add this?
  15. Hi! I set this sessionExpireSeconds to 432000 in my confog.php $config->sessionExpireSeconds = 432000; I expected to be not automatically logged out for 5 days. But i have to log in the very next day or even earlier. Do i need to install another modul or did i made a mistake?
  16. tires


    So, is there a way to not encode german umlauts? Ah! Thanks! It Works!
  17. tires


    Thank you! I didn't know that ...
  18. tires


    I added this code: <?php $wire->addHookAfter('SeoMaestro::renderMetatags', function (HookEvent $event) { $tags = $event->arguments(0); $group = $event->arguments(1); if ($group === null) { unset($tags['meta_generator']); $event->return = $tags; } }); to a file called ready.php that is placed in the /site/templates/ directory. Without any effect. The <meta name="generator" content="ProcessWire"> is still there ... Any ideas? Thanks an best regards!
  19. tires


    Thanks! Can you give me a hint where i got to add this code?
  20. tires


    Great Module! But i have two little issues. 1. I use the module on a german website were there are "umlaute" in the meta description. Although the whole page has UTF8 encoding, the meta description includes some "&auml;" etc. 2. I don't wan't to have the <meta name="generator" content="ProcessWire"> on this special website. Is there a way to remove this?
  21. BTW. Is there a way to take the image title from the image field an show it under the image in the textarea field?
  22. Works perfectly!!! Thanks a lot!!!
  23. The code don't work for me. ? At least one of the images are still shown below the textarea.
  24. No, it just some kind of blog. Some articles contains images which usually appears at the end of the article. But in some articles i want to add some of the images in the textareas. Those images just should not appear twice on the page. Is there another way to achive this?
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