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Frank Vèssia

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Everything posted by Frank Vèssia

  1. meanwhile I contacted the sys admin and it looks like there is some server misconfiguration we can't fix yet, when I upload the zip I found out that I cannot rename it, probably that's why the installer is stuck...but I was able to install a fresh PW..btw right now i can't show you the steps since we deleted everything and making tests
  2. Hello, thanks @Autofahrn that solved the problem but I still have an issue and I think it depends on the fact I'm running on a windows server with IIS (I reverted to php 7.3.13). While a fresh install of the latest PW is going well, the install from duplicator doesn't, I'm stuck in the extraction of the package, it looks like the $_SESSION['package'] returns null at this point but right after the extraction the session was ok, in fact I saw the name of the package in the previous step. Any thoughts? $this->package = $_SESSION['package']; if(is_null($this->package)) { $this->err("Something went wrong in the installer."); //ATO: Typo return false; }
  3. Hello, I have and issue with php 7.4 about a deprecated function get_magic_quotes_gpc() used inside the installer.php...any quick fix ? Thanks in advance
  4. hey @bernhard is this module still usable with latest PW? thanks
  5. I'd like to add extra markup to a specific inputfield text in the admin using a module, I tried an hook like this but pw says the method doesn't exist $this->addHookBefore('Inputfield::render', $this, "addMarkup"); protected function addMarkup($event){ $Inputfield = $event->object; if($Inputfield->attr('name') == "myfieldname"){ $Inputfield->setMarkup([ 'item_content' => "my markup" ]); } }
  6. thanks, that's great, I will add the code and test it
  7. thanks for the quick reply. I have 2 parameters , api Client ID and api Client Secret of a rest api i'm accessing to retrieve some data. I insert those values manually one time. Now, when I use the API I'm getting in return another value, a PolicyKey (for another request) that I need to store for 6 days until it changes again, so I would like to store this value with the other two in the settings panel and I cannot insert it manually
  8. Hello @Macrura, great module. Can you please tell me a way to store a setting value using API instead of writing it in the setting page manually? thanks
  9. thanks @MoritzLost @adrian I know uppercase chars are bad but unfortunately the client wants few urls in that way as per documentation that I cannot change or discuss... can't do anything about it...
  10. as per client need I have to implement some special urls with upper case characters, is there a way to do it? Thanks
  11. sorry, this issue is not related to the multiple instances, it was broken even before, with one page lister and i forgot to write a post about it and got in my mind now
  12. cool...it works now, thanks. Since we are in the matter, the actions on each page, like "lock", "unpub" or "trash"... don't work, I got an alert with "undefined"
  13. this module is amazing...lots of possibilities, thanks. One quick...there is a way to add more than 2 page-list panels? I tried but it seems ignoring the second one, it clones the content of the first one.
  14. I already checked, it's ok, with https. btw, the base url in the module config is used for the sitemap not for the meta tags.
  15. I just discovered this module, neat! I only have a little issue, the facebook tags render the url value without https (both image and url) when the canonical is correct with https, any solutions?
  16. I added a parameters array to the send command using socket as fallback as suggested, don't see the error anymore but neither the user subscribed ? $params = array( 'fallback' => 'socket', ); $response = $http->send($api . '/' . md5($email), json_encode($param), 'PATCH', $params);
  17. hello, I need some help with a strange error: Raw data option with CURL not supported for PATCH I checked all parameters and they are ok, any idea? I'm using PW 3.0.141 dev
  18. My website stores user's info after they join such as username, password, email, IP and I added also a checkbox for the "privacy accepted" status and another one with the info about the version of the privacy policy at that time but from what I read storing these data in the database is not enough.
  19. Hello guys, I was researching more info about gdpr and how to store the consents and I found this article: https://law.stackexchange.com/questions/29190/gdpr-where-to-store-users-consent it says that you have to store all info about the consent users gave such as the exact time, how they gave consent and save a copy of the privacy policy file etc... but at the end there is this: How to verify this data has not been modified? You could store a hash of the row on some form of blockchain, to prove that after the stated date the consent had not been modified, this would prevent having to store a copy of the user's ID on the blockchain. It would not prevent forging consent at the time you claim it was given, but short of having the user digitally sign the transaction with some key that you do not have access to, there would be no way to prevent this. Blockchain? I don't really know how to implement this, I guess there should be an easier solution, how did you solve this issue? Thanks
  20. this has nothing to do with the images upload, it's just another field on that page and the name of the variable is correct $nome, it's not english
  21. well, I just created another image field with another name and it works...any idea why??
  22. my form has the enctype="multipart/form-data"
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