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Everything posted by MuchDev

  1. What a great idea. I have a similar idea to have an offline version of the site I built for trade shows where wifi is sometimes spotty and portability is key. I really wanna see how you guys get your environments tweaked, I have debated on nginx vs apache running on a pi. Please post your results
  2. Well I tinkered with that thing for hours and google would not register anything no matter what I did. I wasn't getting any errors and I was picking up the answer gif which is the strangest part. Well I pretty much say screw it. I've got piwik running now and it is working great, any do's and don'ts that anyone wants to share? Maybe even tips or pointers on what modules are good?
  3. Interesting! Well no I am getting no analytics of any kind which is why its so strange. I know that the script is in place and firing. I have tried it now in place at the head of my document and am recaching the site to see if that makes a difference. So the website is http://www.davidsongalleries.com and has 301s on non www and that domain is plugged into analytics. So friggin weird.
  4. It does say receiving but I I got piles of traffic today and I'm not seeing any data. I feel as if I've done something wrong. I guess I have to attempt patience.
  5. So I am looking all over and am just banging my head against the desk on this one. I launched the other day, and have followed the Google documentation to the letter and still have yet to have any analytics populate on my view. I really wanna track this weekend but so far it's a no go. I am reaching out to you wonderful folks for a bit of insight on how to track this down. I have followed both the synchronous(the basic method listed with their documentation) and asynchronous method (using their specific documentation) to no avail. So here is the code <head> .... .... .... <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', 'www.davidsongalleries.com']); _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-xxxxxxx-x']); <--using my proper id _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); </script> </head> <body> ......... <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); </script> So that seems all well and good, I see the request using ga debug, and it lists via Ghostery but still nothing. What does this mean to you?
  6. Ah you were quick, dns was still replicating so I took it down to double check a few last minute things Hey thanks for the notes and the kind words, I forwarded this to the department lead, they will probably tinker with all sorts of text, and that folder was probably just intern related. Well check back, they have tons more to put up, not to mention they can ship internationally . Yeah, I love programming and Processwire is so frigging handy that it makes programming actually fun. Thanks again everyone
  7. DavidsonGalleries.com Well it has been a long time coming, but I am finally here, LAUNCH DAY! When I started this project I knew very little of php / css / javascript / mysql, but man have I learned a lot. Thanks to hard work, endless reading and always friendly assistance from this amazing community I have begun my dream of being a web developer. This site has all the bells and whistles (that I could manage). I custom built the site using the bootstrap framework and lashings of javascript. The site uses several awesome modules including : ProcessBatcher ProCache ImportPagesCSV AllInOneMinify BatchChildEditor ProcessRedirects FieldtypeCropImage PageListBetterLabels PageListShowPageId ProcessDatabaseBackups ProcessGoogleAnalytics ProcessLoginHistory ProcessLogs Seriously though, I want to thank more of you by name, but I'm going to have to go through my posts so I make sure to mention everyone. Thank you so much for your wonderful support, and I really would appreciate any feedback that you might have MuchDevelopment
  8. Well for some reason no matter what I try, new fields default to InnoDB. I just upgraded to mysql5.6 which supports fulltext indexes, but I have no clue how to get my server to play ball with my old configuration. ****edit Well after dinking around and checking everything I finally located the issue. I somehow managed to space on what database engine I was running in my site config. Well all is well, got everything cleaned up though and a fresh install and optimization of the database is done Now if only dns servers replicated faster.
  9. I just tried a new install of processwire in another folder, and reset the database. Still the same error. hmmmmm module conflict maybe? The key is I wasn't getting the error on the new install. Well. I guess this server really wants me to use InnoDB. I am a noob, should I care about this?
  10. I have been getting this every time I try and create a new field now and I have no idea what to think of it. I know that innoDB is used on the backend of cpanel but I also have my default storage engine set to myisam. Anyone have any ideas? I really want to launch this site, but I just can't if the site is borking like this . Please help
  11. Old issue I know, but I seem to be having some quirks with my current setup. I have been getting this error when I go to update a cache-field with a large amount of fields. Is this error just in reference to a timeout from my mySQL server?
  12. So I just re read your post and now I see where the confusion is from. So what I tried to say was for a page of 100 items which each have a thumbnail and a large version, derivatives can take around 20-30 sec. While the server performs this, the whole site waits for it to complete. I feel like the site should be able to prioritize operations like this and still allow page request to the rest of the site.
  13. OK! I spent some time and got dso(which is the same as mod_php right?) loaded on my server and it feels great! Transfers seem peppier and operations are completing faster. I am not too worried about the security of the site from a hacker standpoint as I am planning on getting the client on a regular offsite and duplicated local backup solution. I will be storing no client data locally so a data breach is pretty much a non-issue, but I would like to take some precautions to make sure that malicious code is not run on the site. What I am focused on is the site's speed, and have gone to pretty great lengths to try and pre-process as many images as possible yet because of this I end up maxing out the one processor whenever I batch images. As far as speed goes, when you do an operation like re-sizing a page of images or any other heavy working script does your site still allow other operations to complete? Whenever I do anything super heavy my site just waits. How would I go about investigating this issue?
  14. So I can now verify that all images are limited to around 1200px width. I am trying to test out fcgi again and am getting timeouts before the page can finish loading even when setting the timeout to an absurdly large number and setting the set_time_limit() method inside of the re-sizing loop. From my research I see that using php as a module is actually extremely insecure and prone to problems. Is this something that you agree with? I really want to figure out what is going on with this. I am totally wanting to get this fixed.
  15. Sorry for giving you confusing information, but I really appreciate all of your effort in helping me figure out what the heck is going on. So the server I'm on is a vps with a 2 core opteron and 2gb of ram, but I feel that the way that bluehost has it configured is leaving things a bit on the slow side. When I originally set things up I had all sorts of errors and timeouts. I managed to get this all to go away by setting my server from fcgi to cgi. I have tweaked some memory settings, and have my allowable php memory cranked up to 256mb. This is working, but man this sucker is slow. I contacted my hosting provider and it looks as if they do not have mod_php as an option. I am told however that " there may be a way to manually add it via ssh" though. Here is my current settings: apache2_ul_54 (1) Profile Apache 2.2 Asis (More information) Auth Digest (More information) AuthnAlias (More information) AuthnDBD (More information) AuthnDBM (More information) AuthnDefault (More information) AuthzDBM (More information) Cache (More information) DAVFs (More information) DAVLock (More information) Dav (More information) Deflate (More information) Disk Cache (More information) Env (More information) Expires (More information) File Cache (More information) Fileprotect Headers (More information) Log Forensic (More information) MPM Worker (More information) Mime Magic (More information) Mod FastCGI v2.3.9 (More information) Mod SuPHP 0.7.2 (More information) Proxy (More information) Speling (More information) UniqueId (More information) Version (More information) PHP 5.4Bcmath (More information) CGI (More information) Calendar (More information) CurlSSL (More information) Exif (More information) FTP (More information) GD (More information) Gettext (More information) Iconv (More information) Imap (More information) MailHeaders (More information) Mbregex Mbstring (More information) Mcrypt (More information) Mhash (More information) Mime Magic (More information) MySQL "Improved" extension. (More information) Mysql (More information) Mysql of the system (More information) Openssl (More information) PDO (More information) PDO MySQL (More information) POSIX (More information) Pear (More information) Pspell (More information) SOAP (More information) Sockets (More information) TTF (FreeType) (More information) Tidy (More information) Wddx (More information) XSL (More information) XmlRPC (More information) Zip (More information) Zlib (More information) Additional OptModsIonCube Loader 4.6.1 for PHP (More information) Mod Security 2.8.0 (More information) There are on the other hand other options that I can investigate as it will allow me to do a custom build. Do you happen to have a good guide with some pertinent information about how I should configure this thing so that it is best suited for processwire?
  16. Howdy there Mr. Soma, I have to say first that I love this module and for the page I am using it with (which is for a collection of 60,000 artworks) this plugin has become essential. I was wondering if any progress has been made in order to fix the bug that was earlier reported. I would really be bummed if I couldn't use this. Hope all that is well with ya man . Well it looks like I derped . I thought I was using your module but I guess I was using PageListBetterLabels sorry for the bother.
  17. Hey thanks for that info. It's helping me do a little bit more background reading and I'm learning quite a bit about apache. I think I have the server set up pretty much what I should. I am using worker, mpm prefork and cgi (not fast-cgi due to 500 errors). So I guess I may have some other issue. The reason why I am posting all this is the whole site grinds to a halt when I'm running big operations. For instance, the first time I load a page the server has to generate all of it's needed images, usually 2 or 3 derivatives depending on the templates layout. This operation takes roughly 20-30 sec. During this time the website becomes completely inaccessible. So right now I am running a script that loops all of my site's images to make sure that I have preview images for my search. As I write this the script has been running for about 45 minutes. That I am OK with, I don't care if an operation like this takes a long time. The problem is, the rest of the site is completely unresponsive . So here is the question I guess Is this normal or should I investigate something?
  18. I would really like to see if there was a way to enable multithreading in Processwire. Is there any sort of functionality that I can enable that would allow image re-sizing to split itself across multiple cores? Resizing large lists of big images can really put some serious stress on my server which causes the whole site to wait until re-sizing is done. This has been fine for my site while it is in development mode, but as I near launch I am seeing that the image re-sizer could be a bit more efficient. Upon loading a list of 100 images to be re-sized into their derivatives I will see my processor usage peg at 50% while my second core sits idle at around .1%. I originally thought I would get around this by adding a couple more cores for the live site, but now I am realizing that this wouldn't actually fix anything. Is this something I should just give up on and not have my server do so much work, or am I able to set a magic config flag that will solve all of my problems Thanks !
  19. Is there any examples on using processwire to create a mass mailer newsletter? I have a client that will want the ability to select news articles as a newsletter. It's also something that I would like some experience with so that I could create some sort of module that I could use in the future. A couple specific things that I have questions about. Do you inline your styling directly into the message from a separate style sheet, if so how do you manage the process? How do you manage your email lists? For your back end interface, is this a module that is available in the modules section or something that would need to be custom tailored? What does your email template look like, all those <tr> <td> tags make my head spin.
  20. Ok, it seems I figured it out. When I looked in my assets/files it turned out that I had about 400 empty folders at the paths that processwire was looking. I deleted all the blank folders, and it figured it out right away. I wonder whats going to happen with new content...
  21. Hello there all! So I am excited to say that I am nearing the end of a monumental undertaking (for me at least). I have created a system to display an art galleries inventory to a fancy new processwire site, retiring a 6 year old frame based hand coded php site. I am finally in the process of moving into thier current server from my development server and am hitting a bit of a snag with my recently uploaded images. So last week a little birdy told me about using the pagefileExtendedPaths flag for sites that exceed a certain amount of directories as a way of speeding things up in the long run. I set that the other day and continued on my merry way syncing a big batch of new work and everything worked great. The problem is though now that I have moved everything over to the new server all of the images that I loaded after I made this change are not being displayed because processwire is trying to grab the images from the wrong path. The working server will pull a link like so: src="/dg/site/assets/files/0/09/063/allen-43113.550x0.jpg" That fancy path seems to be a new convention that was introduced after I set this. Here is the new (broken) path for the same image: src="/dg/site/assets/files/9063/allen-43113.550x0.jpg" I have tried reloading the database after resetting this, but still no dice. Any insight? Thanks a ton in advance /** * Use extended file mapping? * * Enable this if you expect to have >30000 pages in your site. * * Set to true in /site/config.php if you want files to live in an extended path mapping system * that limits the number of directories per path to under 2000. * * Use this on large sites living on file systems with hard limits on quantity of directories * allowed per directory level. For example, ext2 and its 30000 directory limit. * * Please note that for existing sites, this applies only for new pages created from this * point forward. * * #notes Warning: The extended file mapping feature is not yet widely tested, so consider it beta. * @var bool * */ $config->pagefileExtendedPaths = true;
  22. Good work man . I guess what I meant was an image description, which I guess can just be pulled from the $image->description, but smart thinking about being able to rename the page.
  23. That is really cool Adrian! Super simple approach, and elegant to boot. Do you think that this could use a field for image description though, other than the image title I mean?
  24. Interesting, I wrote a little function to handle this for a email success form message. Well at least I learned a little bit more about post in the process .
  25. I like the dual approach, he gets the way that takes 1/10th the time, and his mum and dad get to click, drag, type . Also he gets to use one of the coolest modules in the processwire arsenal.
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