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Mike Rockett

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Everything posted by Mike Rockett

  1. Update: Haven't played with it yet - will do so this weekend. Quick question: I'd like to see very basic analytics of the new module's usage - would anyone be against me installing a basic install/uninstall tracker that communicates with my server? It would literally just send a simple payload containing the domain name and the date on which it was installed or uninstalled. This information would be kept private, but I could potentially put a badge in the documentation to indicate active installs - that's a big maybe though... I would prefer to keep all data 100% private.
  2. When the descriptions are on the bottom, row height becomes inconsistent. On the right, however, the opposite is true, and the clutter is not as bad. I'm going to play around with this a little.
  3. That could potentially work. However, in order to prevent too much text-clutter, perhaps a lighter colour would work, which would then darken on hover...
  4. It's not about extra work, it's really about not bloating the module. Perhaps I should put it to vote?
  5. Interestingly, that does look quite nice. I've emulated that with one row on the new design, and it would definitely need a little tweaking. My issue, though, is that the UI would like quite inconsistent, as you can tell, when some links have descriptions and others do not. (Note: The Type column has not been finalised yet - there will be SVG icons there, as per previous screenshots.) I know this is maybe not the perfect idea, but what about a tooltip? That way, it doesn't reduce the density of the table, and you can still easily see the description of a link if it is not easily understood.
  6. @tpr I have pushed 1.5.44 which fixes the selectors issue.
  7. Sorry about that - more than likely an oversight on my end. Will review and see what can be done. When I began working on this module, naming support was present. In the first alphas, however, it was indicated that this was not the greatest idea, and so the feature was removed. Jumplinks 2 uses Datatables with a filterbox. Most of the time, you would find that a name contains a keyword from either the source or the destination, and so you could enter that specific keyword into the filter box. Per your example, that title would have the keyword event in it - searching for that would yield pretty much the same result. As such, I don't plan on adding name support, especially considering the bulk it adds to the user interface.
  8. If I'm not mistaken, browsers will complain if pages are being served as HTTPS with insecure resources. Further, I understand that Google is beginning a process that marks non HTTPS sites (or pages) as insecure. As such, my recommendation is simply to turn it on for everything and ensure it never expires. Reference: Google Chrome to start marking HTTP connections as insecure
  9. That looks good - I could do that for NullPage and InputfieldWrapper, but I wouldn't be able to do it for wire() because it may not be called statically, and I don't want to create a new bridge for each class that uses it - unless that is the only way to go about it. Update: I'm just using plain old wire()-> anyway, so no need for me to be calling it from the bridge itself. In fact, the bridge doesn't even need to extend Wire at all...
  10. Okay, so that's that one out of the way. But now what do I do for importing classes that may or may not be in the ProcessWire namespace? For example, I need to use ProcessWire\NullPage and ProcessWire\InputfieldWrapper() in these autoloaded classes...
  11. @LostKobrakai Does this look about right to you? namespace Jumplinks\Utility; class BaseUtility { /** * Store the wire. * @var mixed */ protected static $wire = null; /** * Store the wire if not already stored and then call it. * * @return mixed */ public static function wire() { if (is_null(static::$wire)) { foreach (["\\ProcessWire\\wire", 'wire'] as $wire) { if (function_exists($wire)) { static::$wire = $wire; } } } return call_user_func_array(static::$wire, func_get_args()); } } Utilites then extend this class, and other classes that are not utilities simply call BaseUtility:wire().
  12. Even better, I've done this instead: Classes that use wire() outside of the ProcessWire namespace now extend or call \Jumplinks\Utility\BaseUtility::wire(): /** * Call the global wire. * Retains support for PW 2.8.x and 3.x * @return mixed */ public static function wire() { $wires = ["\\ProcessWire\\wire", 'wire']; foreach ($wires as $wire) { if (function_exists($wire)) { return call_user_func_array($wire, func_get_args()); } } return Exception('Unable to call \ProcessWire\wire() or \wire().'); } Guess that's better?
  13. I've added this to my module file, directly after the classLoader instruction: if (function_exists("\\ProcessWire\\wire")) { function wire() { return call_user_func_array("\\ProcessWire\\wire", func_get_args()); } } It works, but I'm worried that it's the wrong way to do it...?
  14. I'd like to add support for ProcessWire 2.8 in Jumplinks, but am unable to call wire() in any PSR-4 autoloaded class. I'm using this to load my classes: $this->classLoader->addNamespace('Jumplinks', __DIR__ . '/src/Jumplinks'); In one of the classes given the Jumplinks\<Something> namespace, the file compiler does not compile wire() to \ProcessWire\wire(). Is this a known bug? Any way I can work around it?
  15. Remember the book "Where's Wally?" (or Waldo in some countries) - we need a new one for Nico. That said, Ryan has write access to the lang-sites, and so I'm sure he can update the links. That said, a site-revamp is pending, and those sites may well be scrapped in favour of a single site, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
  16. @benbyf - Looks like it works well here as well. The issue occurred once after a full refresh, but couldn't replicate it again. As for the absolue/fixed, it remained in place as I scrolled - that was with the CSS applied to the video tag/element.
  17. I think you should swap out the video CSS for this: position: absolute; min-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); Remove the height and width CSS, and also remove the width attribute from the video tag. Seems to work nicely on my side...
  18. I wanted to check out the site to see if I can help, but it appears it's been taken down...?
  19. Are you 100% sure that the file is not just being copied to the cache directory without being compiled? As far as I know, this is by design.
  20. Very nice site indeed, I love pretty much everything about it. Two nitpicks, though: On full HD, the video doesn't seem to scale to fit the whole screen. zooming in and then out or resizing the browser seems to get it to fit. The text in your black content boxes (three up) is vertically aligned to the top, but it should really be in the middle to be consistent with the titles that show before hovering over them.
  21. As an aside, I wish we had more devs here in South Africa. There's only two of us, I think: Larry Botha + team (an agency called Fixate) and myself. Our government sites could totally do with a ProcessWire upgrade.
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