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Mike Rockett

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Everything posted by Mike Rockett

  1. Ryan, I can only agree with you - 2016 has been a great year for ProcessWire. Ever since I began working with it, I've been excited at almost every weekly update, and the system is growing to be more and more mature every step of the way, without losing sight of the ProcessWire philosophy. For next year, I'm most excited for the following: new admin theme (the idea sounds really good); image/photo tools upgrades; new website; import/export tools; and CKEditor image upgrades. In terms of the schedule-change for updates, I do think you're on the right track. However, I can only imagine that the weekly activity on the GH repo would not reduce excessively, and so perhaps someone who's lingers around the repo often enough could write brief posts for the blog, discussing various fixes, patches, and small feature-releases. I'm not sure what your plans are for the blog on the new website (which I'm most excited about, as you could well-imagine), but perhaps it can be split into feature and non-feature posts, the former of which would be written by you and authors who do case-studies on specific things, like Benjamin and a few others have done in the past when there was no weekly update from you. From my side, I think this will assist in growing our already-thriving community, and keep the momentum you discussed in your post. Thoughts? Happy New Year to you and the rest of the community - wishing you all the best for 2017 and beyond. ?
  2. Most welcome - I have also submitted an issue to the SimpleMDE repo regarding possible implementation of Markdown Extra features. That would be truly awesome.
  3. This is awesome, thank you. Using markdown for my new blog, and a plain ol' textarea just wasn't doing it for me anymore. Regarding the fullscreen issue in Reno, add this to the css: .CodeMirror-fullscreen { z-index: 12; } .editor-toolbar.fullscreen { z-index: 13; }
  4. @FrancisChung - Also true, but it should still happen nonetheless, and it could well happen once the new site is up. We had discussions about making the About pages a lot more enticing, and I think a straight-up tutorial on making a simple site in as few paragraphs and images as possible would go a long way. One of the issues I find is that folks don't really like to click on things. They just want a "How it Works" button that takes them to a page that does just that. Quick and easy, like WPs "5-minute install" (haha). That's actually an interesting point, though: I wonder how many people jumped to WordPress just because of how they advertised the installation process? We need a 'quirk' like that, perhaps. A book could perhaps do us very well - I would be happy to get involved if I had the time.
  5. Thanks for that, @ryan and @kongondo - nice to see some insight. In terms of the market position, we totally need to move a little more upwards on that graph. Moving right would also be good, but I'm merely pointing this out from a performance perspective. High-traffic sites would do well with us.
  6. Edit: Feature has been removed. See next post. Bumped to 0.1.1 and added styles(): <?= $modules->get('TextformatterTypographer')->styles(); ?> Outputs the following default style-set: span.caps{font-size:96%} span.numbers{font-size:96%} span.dquo{margin-left:-.41em} span.squo{margin-left:-.06em} To configure this, add a config array as the first parameter. For caps and numbers, Typographer will detect if you're specifying a string or integer-based value and name the property accordingly: <?= $modules->get('TextformatterTypographer')->styles([ 'caps' => 'Charter SC', // some fonts don't render well when their font-size is changed, so using a small caps font is better. 'numbers' => 'Charter SC', 'dquo' => '-.29em', // depends on your font ]); ?> This outputs the following: span.caps{font-family:'Charter SC'} span.numbers{font-family:'Charter SC'} span.dquo{margin-left:-.29em} span.squo{margin-left:-.06em} Or, you could well use your own stylesheet. Also, I haven't done anything about ampersands. Not many people style those, and so there's no sensible default. (GitHub)
  7. I also haven't read this thread, but BuiltWith has us listed: https://trends.builtwith.com/websitelist/ProcessWire
  8. TextformatterTypographer A ProcessWire wrapper for the awesome PHP Typography class, originally authored by KINGdesk LLC and enhanced by Peter Putzer in wp-Typography. Like Smartypants, it supercharges text fields with enhanced typography and typesetting, such as smart quotations, hyphenation in 59 languages, ellipses, copyright-, trade-, and service-marks, math symbols, and more. It's based on the PHP-Typography library found over at wp-Typography, which is more frequently updated and feature rich that its original by KINGdesk LLC. The module itself is fully configurable. I haven't done extensive testing, but there is nothing complex about this, and so I only envisage a typographical bug here and there, if any.
  9. @horst - I knew there was another one, and I have seen this before! Haha! Anyways, I've already implemented AvbImage, and so I'll stick to that for my blog. I'll be sure to give Pia a try on one of my upcoming sites that doesn't need many manipulation features. ?
  10. I think I'm going to have to merge the new data with my local install manually from the DB and re-upload. So much for adding comments. Maybe I'll use Disqus instead. Update: Site is up and running again. Disqus added. Thanks for the help Adrian. Looks like this is something that couldn't have been fixed too easily. And I do still have the broken site, if you'd like me to try anything.
  11. Nah, doing that throws: Error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function execute() on null in /index.php:55 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown (line 55 of /index.php) That line is part of the PW bootstrap: echo $process->execute($config->internal);
  12. It could be, but I doubt it for some reason - everything was running smoothly until I made the field assignment. I have cleared the compiler cache in the directory and the table. Will try those renames now and see what happens.
  13. I've had a look at the schemas, and it appears everything is fine. In fact, everything matches my development server, except for whatever has been added. In terms of the permissions for ProcessPageView, I can't see anything wrong there either... Not really sure how to proceed...
  14. I can't now as guest doesn't have the permission to view a page, by the looks of it. Going to debug modules.php now.
  15. Yeah - I saw those. And no replies!! Also bumped into the issue on the old GH repo, but Ryan is unable to reproduce. What's interesting is that this only happened when I added the field to the template, and that process took a lot longer than normal...
  16. I'm totally locked out of my site: ? Edit: All fixed!
  17. I'm trying to add a comments section for specific posts on my blog, but ever since adding the comments field to the post template, the admin panel is no longer running the Reno theme, and an attempt to load up access/users throws this: Error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function has() on null in /wire/core/Users.php:99 Stack trace: #0 /wire/core/PagesType.php(265): ProcessWire\Users->loaded(Object(ProcessWire\User)) #1 /wire/core/PagesType.php(395): ProcessWire\PagesType->find('id>0, sort=name') #2 /wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldSelector/InputfieldSelector.module(386): ProcessWire\PagesType->getIterator() #3 /wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldSelector/InputfieldSelector.module(1680): ProcessWire\InputfieldSelector->setup() #4 [internal function]: ProcessWire\InputfieldSelector->___render() #5 /wire/core/Wire.php(374): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #6 /wire/core/WireHooks.php(549): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___render', Array) #7 /wire/core/Wire.php(399): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(P (line 99 of /wire/core/Users.php) If I remove the comment field from the template, the error persists. Here is the line in question: if(!$roles->has("id=$guestID")) $page->get('roles')->add($this->wire('roles')->getGuestRole()); Any ideas? Update: And now that I've logged out, I can't log in again - entire site is showing an internal server error, which I assume is the same as the above. Update: No, now the error is this: 2016-12-28 18:32:55 guest https://blog.rockett.pw/?/ Error: Exception: You do not have permission to execute this module - ProcessPageView (in /wire/core/Modules.php line 1236) ?
  18. Thanks, @owzim - perhaps an RSS feed? Do people even use RSS anymore? Edit: Have gone ahead.
  19. I've never had a blog before - and it's about time I had one now: blog.rockett.pw Introductory post: https://blog.rockett.pw/posts/first ?
  20. I'm busy putting together my blog, and need to crop post feature images. I'm using Twig for my templates, and I have this code at the moment: {# cropping is true by default, centers by default #} {# upscaling is true by default #} {% set image = post.post_image.pim2Load('cropped', true).setOptions({ 'quality': 80, 'sharpening': 'none', }).resize(700,300).smooth().pimSave() %} The resulting image is not cropped to center as I'd expect it to. I could well do this with the built-in tools (as mentioned in your previous post about this), however this results in a severe loss of quality on my end, even if core quality property is set to 100 -- I assume this is a GD issue. Can anything be done to implement auto-cropping? PIM is pretty much the only thing I can find that retains image quality. Thanks! Update: I've decided to go ahead and use AvbImage - always been a fan of Intervention\Image, and it works quite well here. That said, this does still appear to be a bug to me, especially if the croppable property is present.
  21. Thanks - I have now done that for those spammers that spam through the site. Just wisg Google made it easier to run filters on GA for those that don't spam through the site/domain. Thanks - that looks good.
  22. It's almost as if I shouldn't even bother with analytics. But hey, I'll do what I can and see what happens.
  23. I'm going to try create GA filters that only allow tracking of specific languages - that seems to be the only way to go about it, considering that these douche bags (sorry, they really are) hijack Analytics IDs. I could also use segments, but filters could workwell for this.
  24. So I'm seeing these across nearly all of my domains in Google Analytics... Anyone else gettin this? I guess there's no easy way to prevent it from happening. Or perhaps I should whitelist languages through htaccess?
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