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Everything posted by bernhard

  1. I'm using Matomo now, because it was too much hassle for me to host plausible myself. I hosted it as docker app which was quite simple (only challenge being the reverse proxy setup), but the backup part was a pain. No instructions, no help, so I decided to take the short path and just add a cronjob that shuts down docker and then copies all files to a directory that get's then backed up every night from my server control panel. That was not ideal at all and the docker backup took over 30GB of data within a very short period of time on a tiny site, meaning just hosting plausible ate 70GB of my server ? So I decided to give Matomo another try and as it uses PHP+MySQL it fits perfectly with my server panel and all backups run without any configuration every night smoothly and efficiently. DB size is 2,5MB at the moment ? And you get a lot more insights with Matomo and have a lot more options. Though the dashboard is by far not so pretty...
  2. Could you be more specific please? ? I'll try to!
  3. I've won a ticket for the Drupal Developer Days 2023 in Vienna. If anybody is going there as well let me know!! I don't know a lot about Drupal. I've tried it in the early 2000s and never touched it since. I only know that Ryan seemed to be using it before he built ProcessWire. So my question is: What do people from the Drupal world think about ProcessWire? Or what would they think about it if they knew it? Or how do they think in general? I'm asking for totally opinionated and subjective statements. What mindset do they have? What kind of websites/webapps do they use Drupal for. I'm also asking for developers and people using Drupal (clients). What do they like Drupal for, what do they not like it for? Do we have any Drupal developers here? What is your opinion if you compare the two systems?
  4. If teppo's suggestion doesnt work it might also help if you create a new vhost at the same provider and then upload and install a fresh copy of processwire there. During installation you'll get some system checks and they might have some helpful warnings that might be the same for your other system as well.
  5. Yes, they are up to date ? I mean... those snippets should also still work, but it's really a pain to keep them up to date. Even for fixing typos it's a lot of work, packaging everything into the bundle, adding all files and publishing it in the store. Whereas in RockMigrations it's just a git commit.
  6. I'm using the VSCode snippets that RockMigrations comes with - you can use pw-createmodule to create a regular module and pw-processmodule to create a process module:
  7. Thx adrian, didn't know about those settings, sorry ?
  8. Hey @kongondo thx. Not sure what you mean exactly. I already have a working solution. The key is to create the SSE stream before the session is started: https://github.com/baumrock/RockFrontend/blob/7ea19d668c5a2acc74777374b51535d42aa56381/RockFrontend.module.php#L121 That way the script from the SSE endpoint does not block the server for regular requests of the user. I agree that it sounds similar but I think it's two different things and it's good to have two different solutions for it ?
  9. Hey @adrian another thing that gets annoying from time to time: When using the great user switcher I often want to switch back and forth between two users, usually between the superuser and one other user with another role. This is a very common use case I guess. When I switch from superuser to the other user though, I only have the options to "logout to guest" or "end session". Would it be possible to have a third button "back to xxx" where xxx would be the name of the superuser. For me that button would be what I need in 99% of the cases. I never ever need one of those two buttons that are already there. Not sure what they are actually for or how/when you use them?
  10. Hi @gornycreative it would be nice to create a new topic with such requests so it's easier to find these topics, link to them and not get multiple discussions in parallel in one thread. To your problem: "Watch" does only mean that the file get's watched for changes. If rockmigrations recognises a change, then migrations will get triggered. "Force" means, that migrations will get triggered on every run. This can be necessary when you have a layered setup, for example you have one module that manages several sub-components, like for example RockPageBuilder manages all migrations for all Blocks. There we need to run migrations of RockPageBuilder all the time to make sure all blocks have the correct foundation. This explanation is not 100% accurate I think but you get the idea. In your case you could either break your migrations in part in different methods. I'd probably place them in my site module, as that's something project-specific. In that site module (/site/modules/Site/Site.module.php) you could have one migrate method: <?php public function migrate() { $this->foo(); $this->bar(); $this->baz(); } public function foo() { $rm->createField(...); } ... Your approach should also work, but I guess it depends on the content of your split files. I think you can't just put $rm->something() into that files as you can do in /site/migrate.php - that will only work in /site/migrate.php and I think also in /site/modules/Foo/Foo.migrate.php For module files for example RM needs to load the module first and then trigger the migrate() method. Other files need to be loaded directly (like /site/migrate.php). Maybe you want to share one of your split migration files and we can have a look?
  11. RockShell v2.0.0 is out. It's been in development for quite a long time and I use it on a daily basis. This module is a little special, as it has to be placed in the PW root folder (not in /site/modules). From there you can then call the shell interface via "php RockShell/rockshell" You can then use the "symlink" command to create a symlink in the root folder. After that you can call rockshell via "php rock" in the pw root folder. I've made it as easy as possible to create custom commands - you only need one config() and one handle() method! https://github.com/baumrock/RockShell/
  12. Monthly update: RockMigrations v3.27.0 is out ? Deployment hooks You can now hook into any stage of your deployment and apply any custom commands easily. For example this hook would remove the .htaccess file and rename the .htaccess-staging to .htaccess: $deploy->after("share", function ($deploy) { $release = $deploy->paths->release; $deploy->exec("rm $release/.htaccess"); $deploy->exec("mv $release/.htaccess-staging $release/.htaccess"); }); Time constants RockMigrations now comes with some helper constants that are easier to read: // time constants (seconds) // see https://i.imgur.com/vfTasHa.png const oneMinute = 60; const oneHour = self::oneMinute * 60; const oneDay = self::oneHour * 24; const oneWeek = self::oneDay * 7; const oneMonth = self::oneDay * 30; const oneYear = self::oneDay * 365; RockShell demo command RockShell has been updated to support shipping PW modules with RockShell commands. Just create a file /RockShell/Commands/YourCommand.php and that command will be available in your RockShell CLI. RockMigrations now comes with an example command to get started.
  13. Monthly update: RockFrontend 3.2.2 is out ? Bug Fixes RockFrontend script tag in markup when not needed (25364be) add lattepanel again (had to temporarily remove it on previous release) Features add HumanDates library for better readable date ranges (1. Jan. 23 - 3. Jan. 23 ---> 1. - 3. Jan 23) don't load livereload in iframes and update minification only load RockFrontend.js if enabled
  14. Hey @matjazp that's the numbers that Ryan shared here: https://processwire.com/store/pro-cache/#procache-html-output-caching-xml-or-json-too
  15. This is one of the rare things that are not instantly intuitive to I guess 99% of my clients! Have you considered adding a PR @Robin S ? Imho that's really an essential feature, thx for creating and sharing it! Just added it to RockMigrations default profile ?
  16. Thx @matjazp I read your readme and understood the concept. I guess with your method it would be somewhere in between the 0.017 seconds from ProCache and the 6 seconds from the built-in template cache. Would have been interesting to get some real results, especially how much faster your approach is compared to the built-in cache.
  17. Do you have numbers for that? I can't really believe it and it sounds interesting ?
  18. I disagree, but I don't know the tools you mentioned @dotnetic But I don't see any reason why PW would not be a great fit for such a project. In general I think that PW is a brilliant replacement for MS Access databases. Only thing missing in my opinion is RockGrid for displaying data in an excel-like manner with sorting and filtering features. This has nothing to do with my modules. RockMigrations has a different purpose. It's not about migrating data from other systems to PW it is about migrating changes that you added on your development system to staging or production systems. So for example if you were done with the move from MS Access to PW and the client was already working on your system and then one day he/she comes to you and says: "nice, everything works great, but we want another feature XY!". You know that this feature will take 3 weeks to develop. What would you do? One option would be to take the live site offline for that 3 weeks and then, when you are done, upload everything to the live server. That's usually not a good solution. The other option is to leave the site online and develop everything locally in parallel using the power of RockMigrations. All the database changes (creating templates, fields, roles, etc) can be done in code and that means once you are done you can just upload your changes to the live server, migrations will kick in and create all the changes that are necessary and your system will work just like it did on your local development and your client will get the update with zero downtime. That answers the question related to RockMigrations I guess. Everything else is offtopic, so please either create a new topic and ask the community for help or write me a PM if you want to purchase consulting from me personally. Thx. All the best for your project. It sounds interesting and fun ?
  19. Sure. Why should that not be possible? But there are no GUI import/export tools or the like. But you can write your scripts and use everything that RockMigrations provides. Though maybe you wouldn't even need RockMigrations for that... Just use the PW API
  20. A deprecation warning is nothing bad. It just tells you that the setup might cause problems in future versions of PHP but it's totally fine with the version that you are currently using. Not more, not less. So I think having a recent version of PHP with some deprecation warnings is preferable to having an outdated version of PHP without any warnings.
  21. I guess @wbmnfktr you know that, but I want to mention that PHP7.4 is end of life since 2022 and we have PHP8.1 since 2021, so while I agree on the basic concept of using newer versions for less critical projects and older ones for others I'd vote for using 8.1 for the "peace-of-mind" setup. I know being up to date with the PHP version not the only thing that counts, but I think it's good to stay at least with the latest supported version and we should encourage everybody to do so. It's really not a big deal in my opinion and if someone finds an issue in a 3rd party module that does not work with PHP8 than it's for sure better to inform the module author about that or to provide a PR than to use an outdated version of PHP. I'm on 8.1 with most of my projects and I've not had any issues for a long time. There has been a lot of deprecation warnings, but they have all been addressed and tracy debugger now also has nice color options for making those warnings/errors more comfortable for the eyes ?
  22. This post might also help you better understand hooks: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/18037-2-date-fields-how-to-ensure-the-second-date-is-higher/#comment-158164
  23. @orchardheightsdental do you want to solve the problem on your own? Otherwise it might be more efficient to find someone to help you: https://directory.processwire.com/ https://processwire.com/talk/forum/22-jobs/
  24. Thank you all for your input and help. Really a great forum with many helpful people around ? Unfortunately the developers of the panel do not seem to be interested in fixing that behaviour. They even moved the topic from the "issues" forum to the "feature requests" board. Not sure what they have against the wording "issue/bug" for that time based content shifts, and also I'm really confused where they see a "feature request" in that report, but that's another story ? At least I learned something new about fonts and I got reminded that it's not self-evident to have a place like the pw forum ?
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