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Everything posted by itsberni

  1. Hey Macrura, thanks for replying. I call the assets in the same way you postet it. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>css/min/all-min.css" /> when i enabling the line in the htaccess RewriteBase /pw/ i get an error 500 when clicking on any page The slash after www.mysite.de is furthermore missing. ...helpless
  2. hey guys, i´m moving a pw-site from a dev-enviroment to a server. on mamp pw was installed in the root-directory. on the server pw is installed at a folder called "pw". i moved the files and the database - adjusted the hoster settings by pointing on this certain "pw" - folder. so far - so good. pw worked but my links to the css & js-files are out of function. the firebug reads my link as follows: http://www.mysite.desite/templates/css/min/all-min.css ( a slash is missing ). i tried to set the path of the templates with $config->urls->templates = "/pw/site/templates/"; - but without any success. do you guys have any suggestions how th fix that?! Thanks
  3. thanks, justb3a - i've tried this values. After a very long period of time, the mails are appearing. I think that's way to long. Could that be caused by the repeater, that slows down everthing in my case?! the contactform is in a testphase already, so there are a lot of entries ( about 180 ). If i try to delete data in the repeater, the script tooks again a very long period of time an after that, the tagged data is not deleted. Any ideas though?
  4. @justb3a: i increased the max_execution_time from 30 to 60 sec. the memory_limit is at 256M and still the same problem.
  5. hi justb3a, ok, i will figure this out - Thanks a bunch! Anonther issue appears shortly: when i try to call the page scf-messages, a run "max execution time" - error appears. do you have an idea, how to fix that or what this error causes? Thanx!
  6. Hi Congomonster, you have to change the fieldname. in your case scf_fullName in e.g. scf_Nachname. Be carefull. the prefix scf_ is important. And you also have to change the values ( input - Tag ) in your form. But here you go without the prefix! Don´t forget to adapt the fieldnames in your modulconfiguration. also without the prefix.
  7. I only can send an input type textarea with a maximum length of 255 chars. In your module you use sanitizer->text. Per default every Text of any inputfield will be truncated at 255 chars. It would nice if i can send 16384 chars in this type of input field (textarea). Is there any solution to fix this? Thanks. So - kind a quick&dirty - but that solves my problem first. Line 433 of SimpleContactForm.module if($inputfield == "Nachricht"){ $message[] = $inputfield . ': ' . $this->sanitizer->textarea($this->input->post->{$inputfield}); }else{ $message[] = $inputfield . ': ' . $this->sanitizer->text($this->input->post->{$inputfield}); } & Line 481 if($inputfield == "Nachricht"){ $newEntry->{'scf_' . $inputfield} = $this->sanitizer->textarea($this->input->post->{$inputfield}); }else{ $newEntry->{'scf_' . $inputfield} = $this->sanitizer->text($this->input->post->{$inputfield}); } Anyway - mayby you could consider this in one of the following versions.
  8. ryan, i still run into this issue. the InputfiledFile.js gets included twice. once as normal file without versionnumber and once as minified file with versionnumber ( see attached screenshot ). after i took the minified version out, everthing works as it should ( means there are no longer dublicates during the fileupload ). my pw version is the 2.5.26. Thanks!!
  9. Perfect....works! Thanks a bunch!
  10. hi, i'm getting a sytax error ( Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected '[' (line 1151... ) in the SimpleContactForm.module after installation. When i change line 1151 into ...end($split),1, 0... there is another error occurring ( Call to undefined function boolval() (line 316... ) after commenting that line out, the module works PW 2.5.24 php 5.3.29 can you reproduce that?
  11. Hi there, i´ve got a strange problem with my email-login script. Some email-addresses will work, some won´t. That means, the web.de / gmx.de or t-online.de mail-addresses failed during the login-process ( Email unknown ). The test@myname.de email-addresses are working. Do you guys have some ideas how to fix that? Greetz Bernd
  12. @teppo, you´re right! Thanks for the advice! For all jquery 2.11 - users... Change line 101 in the CommentList.php to $('body').on('click', '#close', function(){...}); and pay attention to the css-snippet which will wipe out the additional reply-formular ...solved....
  13. Hello Khan, great - this is the feature i was looking for. Little issue. I was replacing the existing files in the wire folder ( folder FieldtypeComments ) with yours. i am running the sql code, because the fieldtypeComments were allready installed. Now several reply-formulars appearing and a javascript - Error is thrown ( $(...) live is not a function ). in the admin eyerthing works fine ( pw 2.4.2 ) Are there any troubles with other modules/javascripts or some mistakes for my part during installation? Many Thanks
  14. Hey guys, i've got two questions about the handling with the comment manager ( using pw 2.4.2 ) First: In the comments manager setup you can select the comments field ( comments or Kommentare ) from where you want to display your comments from. i'am using the comments-field as pagefield. there is a second point displayed thats called "kommentare". i can't find that kind of field as a pw-pagefield. do you guys know whats it all about this "field"? Second: is it possible ( or scheduled ) to add a reply-functionality to the CM. i think this could be a nice additional function.
  15. Hello, is there a possibility to put the url from a tweet into a real link? $t->linkUrls = true; as an option doesn´t work unfortunately.
  16. a thought about this issue... my page is organized as a onepage-website. that means every "site" in PW is a section in the website. the permissions, what a logged-in user is supposed to see, is handled in the template-settings of the concerned template. so also in the section, that carries the repeater. my website-structure <html> <head> </head> <body> include section1 include section2 include section3 include section4 include section5 include footer </body> </html> my file-section ( works for a logged-in User - files can be downloaded ) <section3> <filePart> // foreach echo $someContentforEveryone; if($user->id && $user->isLoggedin()) { echo $someContentforSpecialUsers; } </filePart> // endOfForeach </section3> my repeater-section ( doesn´t work for a logged-in User - files can´t be downloaded - the redirect, setted in the template will be ignored - a 404 is thrown) <section3> <repeaterPart> // foreach echo $someContentforEveryone; if($user->id && $user->isLoggedin()) { echo $someContentforSpecialUsers; } </repeaterPart> // endOfForeach </section3> In the pageFilesManager.php i could find the function _path and this part: if($page->isPublic() || !$config->pagefileSecure) { // use the public path, renaming a secure path to public if it exists if(is_dir($securePath) && !is_dir($publicPath)) { @rename($securePath, $publicPath); } return $publicPath; is it possible, that the problem is caused because there is no check, what kind of user ( or user role ) has logged in?
  17. Hey guys, is there something new in this case?
  18. no - there was only one foto submitted. that "image" is no image. i think it´s some kind of waste due to the email-sending process ;-)
  19. Adrian. There´re two images saved in this folder 1283. One named foto.jpg and one thumb named foto.0x100.jpg
  20. great job, adrian! i´ve tested it with an attached file and as an embedded image. both works ( tested with outlook for mac and iPhone ). but let me know your thoughts about embedding the image into the body. in my opinion ( when the image was sent embedded ) the image has to be treated separately ( over the field images e.g. ), then the developer can decide what happens with the image in the FE. what do you think? Another question: when the mail was sent over iphone there is same strange behaviour with the folder ( assets/files/1283/ ) the image is saved in. you can see it in the attaced pic.
  21. adrian - sorry for my delayed answer. the time delay...i had to sleep ;-) great job, thank you - i think it seems to work now. but i have to continue testing, because there is still an error occurring after the cron-call: Error: Call to a member function add() on a non-object (line 345 of /kunden/.../pw/site/modules/ProcessEmailToPage/ProcessEmailToPage.module) i think the reason for this could be an incorrect setup of the template ( missing/wrong fields ?! ). my email contains only the subject and a jpg-file. after the cron-call the jpg has been downloaded in pw-folder ( root ). from the subject the module builds a child of the category i´ve chosen in the modules - setup ( as it should, i think ). but although i added an image field to the template, the image won´t appear in the "category". there is only the title ( email-subject ).
  22. Thanks adrian, now the button is visible. I can setup an email-categorie but now a server error occurs, when i´m calling the Cron-Job url Error: Exception: There was an error connecting to the server (in /kunden/...xxx....site/modules/ProcessEmailToPage/flourishlib/fMailbox.php line 981) I´ve tried serveral email-server setup combinations without any success ( imap/pop3 over secure or unsecured ports - 143 or 995 ). Are there anny known fixes or functioning setups?
  23. Thanks for this great module, pete. Unfortunately i've got some problems with the setup. In my testenviroment ( pw 2.4 ) there is no possibility to save email categories. The button "add new category" simply lacks. Could you give me any advice, what i supposed to do. Thanks a lot!
  24. Thanks Ryan for your reply. Let me know, if i can help you testing.
  25. Ryan/ Soma did you already find a solution or an approach for this issue?
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